Publishedat 29th of September 2019 04:35:10 PM
Chapter 61

Book 5, Chapter 61 - The Demon Elder

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Four peak-level warriors and one superhuman faced each other in the midst of a pitched battle .

“Indeed a worthy foe, Master Arcturus . ” Abaddon’s crimson eyes were fixed on the Governor . His twisted lips curled into a grin . In that uncomfortable demonic voice he said, “Two against one and here you stand without a scratch . ”

Arcturus remains still . His eyes turned to the G.o.d . “Abaddon I am familiar with . You are . . . ”

Autumn’s eyes narrowed . She had no intention of holding a conversation . She twirled the flute in her hand and it released a blast of cutting energy . Arcturus merely stepped aside allowing it to pa.s.s him by . The gash her attack left in the ground stretched for ten minutes .

A simple flute with so much power . It was no wonder she’d been able to go blow for blow with Skye Polaris .

The Caliph of the Sands chuckled and produced his relic tome . Tendrils of rasping grit formed from the sandstorm around them and gathered around the demon .  

Vulkan and the Khan had found themselves in a desperate, losing situation just a moment ago . Now, however, they stood alongside a demon with the power to stand against Arcturus . The woman, Autumn, was not to be discounted either . Between the two of them as well as the Khan and Vulkan, even Arcturus might have to struggle .

Arcturus commanded power to rival the legendary demonhunters of old, but he was one man – and one man had limits . The fiercest tiger could be felled by ants if there were enough of them . This group that congregated around him now were hardly ants, either . They were a pack of bloodthirsty wolves .

For wastelanders, the destruction of Sanctuary was not the most important goal . If by some miracle they were able to kill Arcturus Cloude it would be a resounding victory, even if they were all wiped out . To the Elysians, their last Master Demonhunter was orders of magnitude more important than a fortress . Skycloud owed its years of peace and prosperity to this man .  

What an enticing target for the wastelanders . And how rare that he should leave the protection of his mighty city . Indeed, even having a chance to kill this man was not easy to attain . In choosing to partic.i.p.ate in this fight Arcturus exposed himself to these four deadly figures . It was such a rare circ.u.mstance, one in which – if they succeeded – Skycloud could be destroyed in one fell swoop .

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Vulkan and the Khan of Evernight rushed back into the fight . They were quickly joined by their two divine allies .

As the dire situation unfolded, Arcturus knew it was not one he could shrug off . His empty palms blazed with electric energy, which quickly coalesced into the form a blade . Ruin, his legendary weapon, crackled with ominous antic.i.p.ation .

It was perhaps the strongest relic in Skycloud’s records . In all its history, only Arcturus had the power to wield it . Its stark glare lit his face as Abaddon, Autumn, Vulkan and the Khan of Evernight converged on him .

Light, sword, flute and sand . A myriad of weapons closed in desperate for blood .

These four, representing the apex of wasteland power, focused their ire on one man . Their efforts could not fail . Arcturus had nowhere to go . But as the cold light grew in the Governor’s eyes it was evident he would not lay down . A staggering amount of power began to rise up within him .

A dazzling light swept across the sky . It was the expression of five weapons reacting at once – four vertical and one horizontal . Their clash was epic, and its echoes were felt across the battlefield like someone had detonated a bomb . The earth around their collision was destroyed for a hundred meters all around and awash in lightning . Lights burst to life and faded in the sand and dust as though their conflict had summoned a thunderstorm .

All five were shoved back several dozen meters . The end result was a stalemate .

Cloudhawk, Selene, Frost and the others couldn’t hide the shock from their faces . Four against one and still they could not win the upper hand against Arcturus! It was a potent show of what this ultimate demonhunter was capable of . Arcturus truly was unsurpa.s.sed in power .

Witnessing this display Hammont could not put into words how he felt . It was incredible to him that a man who possessed this staggering level of prowess was, on any other day, simply an amicable public official . Someone who chose to spend his time with a lowly servant like Hammont!

It was insane!

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While everyone was distracted, Ja.n.u.s tried to conceal himself and move in for a sneak attack . Yet as he vanished a streak of azure light shot right for him, forcing the to deflect it with his blade . His sneak attack was foiled, and his invisibility dispelled .

Wolfblade gently shook his head . “That was just the preamble . We haven’t even begun the first act yet . It would be rude to interrupt . ”

Ja.n.u.s glared at the one-eyed man, revealing for the first time any sort of emotion in that dead gaze . Any other man and that stare would have scared them stiff . But Wolfblade looked back at him entirely relaxed . He did not seem at all frightened of how the might retaliate .

The sand sword in Abbadon’s hand began to s.h.i.+ft as he faced Arcturus . “You are strong – stronger than any human I’ve met . But are you confident you are strong enough to fight off all four of us?”

“You’re welcome to try,” Arcturus responded without malice .

They obliged, each of his four enemies tearing at him with their full strength on display . Each collision summoned a gale of energy . No one dared involve themselves much less draw near, for merely standing too close could be a deadly mistake .

The five combatants traded dozens of blows . At first glance it still appeared that no one was gaining ground, but closer inspection revealed the advantage belonged to Arcturus .

Abaddon and Autumn were half a step too slow . The Khan and the drunk were exhausted . As such even at full strength weaknesses began to peak through . As the conflict raged those openings became more frequent . Thus Arcturus did not press the attack, but countered when such flaws became available .

There was a flash of electric light . The drunk was blasted backward with his skin burned black .

Another flash . The Khan of Evernight lost his right leg and could no longer stand .

Autumn and Abbadon continued to trade blows, though they s.h.i.+fted from an offensive posture to a defensive one . Now it was clear they were outmatched . Another five exchanges and the Caliph’s sword of sand was blasted apart . With a swipe from Ruin both G.o.d and demon were sent flying .

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In the end it was clear . Even the four mighty warriors together were no match for Arcturus Cloude .  

However it had not been easy for him . The Governor’s gray robes were dirty and torn in places . The silvery hair as his temples was slick with sweat . They were strangely human details in an otherwise superhuman display .

“The four of you still aren’t enough . ” Arcturus took a deep breath . “This fight has continued for long enough . I think it’s time we brought it to an end . ”

“End it? So naive!” The Khan cried out to Arcturus in that robotic, emotionless voice . “If you think this will be the end of our struggle then you are sorely mistaken . We are only just beginning!”

A wrinkle appeared in Arcturus’ brow . A disc-shaped aircraft broke through the cloud cover overhead and descended toward the fortress .

The Khan and his allies retreated toward the s.h.i.+p . Everyone turned their eyes toward it in curiosity and wonder .

Its doors opened slowly and from within strode forth a towering figure . The first, most striking revelation was how much it looked like Abbaddon . His body was encased in dark armor and a pair of burning red eyes gleamed brighter than the sun . However the st.u.r.dy armor he wore was far more complicated than Abbadon’s . His hideous and contorted silhouette was uncomfortable to behold .

A demon! Another demon! The soldiers from both armies gaped at the sight . Abaddon was a known figure, but this new fiend was completely unexpected . And judging by his look and bearing it was a demon of even higher status than the Caliph .

Arcturus’ eyes were fixed on it . Within them was an exceptionally rare glimmer of dread . However, ever a slave to decorum, he greeted the monster . “Your Majesty, you are . . . ”

“Sovereign of Nox, General of Gehenna, and Elder of the Thirteenth Seal . You may call me Judas . ” The demon elder provided a string of lofty t.i.tles and with each one he took a step forward . Those burning eyes never blinked and never once turned from Arcturus . “I have heard your name, the legendary Arcturus Cloude . Of all the names scribed in your history of demonhunters, yours ranks among the top . ”

That was their ploy . These first four were just the first wave . An appetizer, whereas the real meal they’d prepared for Arcturus was this demon elder .

Judas? It was a name Arcturus had heard before . Not unexpected, as all the famous demon elders only rose to great prominence if they partic.i.p.ated in the Great War . Most were slain in the conflict, but the remainder skittered back to the shadows of Gehenna to recover .

Judas also held a unique position among his people . He was a leader of the radical faction who believed, with the Demon King’s absence for over a millennia, that the time of inaction was pa.s.sed . He led a coterie of demons who thought like him from Gehenna and established the city of Nox far south of Skycloud . He was the undisputed master of that mysterious place .

Any demon active in the wasteland these last many years had some connection to Judas . Most, if not all, heeded his commands . Abaddon was among them .  [1]

“You are as strong as the stories claim . In truth, there is even a chance you may survive against me . ”

“So to better your chances, you sent your lackeys to soften me up . ”

Judas was frank in his response . “Correct . I suspect you now have very little strength left . ”

A frown pulled at the corners of Arcturus’ lips . He’d long suspected a demon held the reins of power in Nox . He did not expect it to be an elder demon .

“I came today not just to end you, demonhunter . ” Judas’ voice shook the earth in seismic waves . The very foundations of the fortress trembled . Every syllable was clear far into the distance . “I have come to rip away the mask of your realm and reveal its hypocrisy!”

1 . Take a moment to pause and remember this exchange between Mantis and Abaddon, so long ago .

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