Publishedat 26th of October 2019 11:13:18 AM
Chapter 109

Veteran demonhunters were not pushovers .

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Men and women with such a designation were often people of note in Skycloud . People that normal Elysians looked up to . A group of twenty such warriors together was a rare and impressive sight . Oren Cloude had brought with him most of the Demonhunter Corps’ backbone .  

Oren himself was a n.o.ble personage of Skycloud, an elder of high esteem . His foe would need to be a Master Demonhunter or greater to warrant such a man to lead twenty of his finest in person .  

“Hmph, persistent idiot . Let me see what you’ve got!”

Dawn was off like a bullet . In an instant she stood between these demonhunters and Cloudhawk . With her right hand she shoved Terrangelica into the st.u.r.dy wood of the bridge, and immediately it began to rumble . She raised her gloved left hand at the encroaching force and ejected an invisible burst of power .

This was… control over gravity!

Oren’s face, already dripping with anger, now bore notes of fear and humiliation . The glove on Dawn’s hand was none other than his own precious lost relic .

It was a well-known and prestigious artifact in Skycloud . It was able to manipulate gravity to attack and support . During the battle for Sanctuary Oren faced the old drunk and learned he was no match for the former War Saint . Vulkan severed his arm and his glove was lost to the enemy .

When the wastelanders recovered the relic they found that no one was able to use it . However gravity and earth had a connection, so they figured Dawn should give it a try . Beyond all expectations, she revealed a potent talent for its use and for the last six months she had been steadily improving her mastery over the relic .

A crus.h.i.+ng gravitational force blanketed the area . It was so overwhelming that the floorboards groaned and cracked!

With Terrangelica and the gravity glove Dawn was an even match for Oren . Although the power she wielded did not compare to what Oren could muster, she was nonetheless frighteningly lethal . Even Cloudhawk was impressed by what he witnessed . He was surprised to see how much she’d improved in so short a period .

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If the enemies she faced were ordinary demonhunters, they all would have been crushed beneath her might . However they were not . Oren had brought some of his best, veterans who in addition to their powerful and varied relics were also experienced warriors . One or two of them, Dawn had nothing to fear . Three or four might give her a little trouble . Five or so and she would have quite the fight on her hands . Eight and above, Dawn was out of her depth .

She was looking at twenty! Defeating them on her own? Not in her wildest dreams .

Oren didn’t even need to shout a warning . As the gravitational force descended the demonhunters burst into action . They dashed out in different directions to avoid the scope of her attack and used this chance to surround their foes .

Dawn scowled . They were better than she thought .

b.a.s.t.a.r.ds! So many capable fighters waiting in the wings, Arcturus wasn’t holding much back!

“Your sorry group can’t win!” Dumont and his wastelander lieutenants were also on the move . His allies were mighty wasteland mutants Toad and Canker . Their powers were strange and formidable, comparable to veteran demonhunters themselves . “Surrender . The wastelands" fate is to be unified, you can’t stop it . To try is to just to bring on further needless death . ”

Dawn drew herself up with resolve and indignation . Things were not going well . Had she known what was waiting for them, she wouldn’t have been so hasty .

Cloudhawk revealed nothing, as calm as a lake surface . When Dumont made his claim Cloudhawk nodded . “I agree with part of what you say . The wastelands have lived in chaos for a thousand years . Unity is the only way to change that . But the fate of the wastelands are for wastelanders to determine, not Arcturus or his lackeys . ”

“You’ve always been an amusing boy, but your stubbornness has grown tiresome . I’ll have to deal with you personally . ”

“Instructor Cenhelm, you have always loved to talk . Let’s see if over the years your skill with Dawnbreaker has improved . ”

Nothing else was said . Dumont’s helmet reappeared to surround the old man’s face and he charged at full speed .

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His armor quickly began to glow with power, as though it’d been thrown in a furnace . The sound of his feet pounding the floor was thunderous and in an instant he was like a supersonic bullet . As he dashed forward, right fist raised, the pulsing power in his armor raced through it in waves and gathered in his arm .

The power spilled out, turning his fist into a blazing sun! Anything that dared stand in the way of his punch would surely be blown to pieces!

Dumont’s Dawnguard Armor was a mighty relic and the man himself was possessed of above-average mental ability . The last few years he had managed to overcome his learning plateau and had made improvements . The power he wielded now was perhaps twice what he could muster back when Cloudhawk was training in h.e.l.l’s Valley . This punch had enough power behind it to outright slay a Master Demonhunter .

Now was the time! Attack!

Oren and his demonhunters were all tempered warriors . They knew when to seize on an advantage . While the enemy was distracted by Dumont’s indomitable rush, it was the perfect time for them to move in as well . The members of the Demonhunter Corps and their commander launched their attacks .

One was a plume of fire in the shape of a roaring dragon .

One was a column of lightning .

Another came in the form of writhing tornadoes .

All at once the s.h.i.+p’s bridge was a devastated war zone . As Dawn and the other members of the Southern Confederation saw the attacks come their faces blanched .

No one could walk away from such an all-encompa.s.sing attack! Cloudhawk was a powerful dimensional talent who could perhaps save himself with a teleport, but Dawn and the others were defenseless . She also knew that Cloudhawk was not the sort to abandon his allies .

What could they do?

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Anxiety froze her limbs yet she could see no reflection of it in Cloudhawk’s expression . He merely took a casual step forward and a pale light glimmered along the gauntlet along his left arm . He curled his fingers into a fist, and reached out with his arm to meet Dumont’s .

The two fists collided . Completely out of proportion .

One was encased in a blinding light, the other merely s.h.i.+ning white . The degree of magnitude seemed laughably skewed . However in the moment these attacks met every piece of gla.s.s and equipment on the bridge – from the control panel to the porthole windows – exploded into a million pieces .  

Dumont could feel it as though it were happening in slow motion . The power behind Cloudhawk’s punch could level whole mountains .

The rebound energy was unyielding . Even the air was so compressed it turned to a liquid state . No matter whether it was physical matter or energy, everything was rapidly ejected from the path of this power . All of Dumont’s mighty power was reflected back at him .

And not just Dumont’s attack! Cloudhawk’s action had produced a field that surrounded all of them, an energy vacuum! None of the attacks from the other demonhunters could force its way through .

The vacuum field continued to expand, pus.h.i.+ng the attack send its way back toward their source . Fire, lightning and air swept away everyone, be they demonhunters or wasteland fighters .  

From the outside it looked like a bomb had gone off within the bridge . It detonated in spectacular fas.h.i.+on, spreading debris a thousand meters in all directions . Even the guard s.h.i.+ps nearby were nearly capsized from the force of the shock wave .

The violent explosion began a chain reaction . The command s.h.i.+p bucked as one blast after another ravaged it from bow to stern . Huge cracks split open along the deck, the hull and through every portion of it . It stopped suddenly and began to plummet .

Then the power was gone . Calm overtook the temporary tumult . What remained was a s.h.i.+p obliterated .

Huge swaths of the vessel were burned black from explosions . Gaping holes revealed lower decks from the outside and molten metal dripped from the edges . Hardly anything remained unscathed and the air all around was thick with pitch-black smoke .

Dumont Cenhelm had been knocked a hundred meters away by Cloudhawk . He’d smashed through one of the metal walls and lay with half his body punched through the floor of a next door engine room . His indestructible armor was now cracked in several places, especially the arm . The man within was still and it was impossible to know if he was alive or dead .

All the rest who were on the bridge were disfigured or maimed beyond recognition . Those that lived stared in fear and shock .

The epicenter of this destruction, Cloudhawk, was still rooted in place . Not a scratch marred his flesh, and even his clothes had not been put out of place . The area six feet around him had not been touched by the tragedy that ruined the rest of the vessel, making it stand out insultingly against the havoc .

Dawn and the others were protected in this circle . None of them were wounded or otherwise harmed . They were all dumbfounded . Even Dawn had no words for what she’d witnessed .

Cloudhawk had barely put any effort into that punch, and yet the power behind it was comparable to a Master Demonhunter! In addition it struck with the same martial power they might expect from someone like the old drunk . Together, the destruction it caused went beyond all reason .

Oren Cloude was speechless . How was this possible? How had he grown so strong in just one year?!

Cloudhawk loosed his fist and stood up straight . His face was the same unreadable calm as he looked unto Oren . “Do you still want to fight? I strongly suggest you surrender, for there are few in Skycloud who trouble me and you are certainly not one of them . ”

Oren felt a bone-deep sense of disgrace swallow him . He knew it to be the truth .

Oren might have been a little stronger than Dumont, but what he just witnessed proved without a doubt that Cloudhawk’s capabilities were una.s.sailable . Even if he fought Oren without his mental power, he could defeat the man with nothing but his physical strength .  

There was no beating him . But why? How? 

Dawn was also confused and conflicted with what she’d seen . The Cloudhawk standing by her side now fought with strength comparable to her fallen grandfather . He was so far beyond her level now that she couldn’t imagine ever catching up .

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