Publishedat 10th of February 2020 05:25:58 AM
Chapter 20

Just as it seemed the power would consume her, Idonea felt an almost equally powerful warmth descend . All at once she felt wrapped in a protective embrace . A warm hand was pressed against the wound that seemed filled with vitality .  

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Its power vibrated through her, both restorative and magnetic . The G.o.d’s power was sucked out of her body and appeared as a golden ball of light within her savior’s palm . It had all happened in the blink of an eye .

The Lightning G.o.d had not ceased in his punitive aim . One after another he threw bolts of electricity at offenders who dared question their might . Victims were turned into blackened statues .

Strong! Terrifying! Heartless! In the eyes of the G.o.ds, the lives of these mortals weren’t worth any more than an ant’s .

Idonea stared wide eyed in shock and disbelief . Lance had been the one to jump forward and save her . He’d reacted so quickly, and that power… no, it was impossible . He wasn’t that strong .

This wasn’t Lance . With all she knew, he couldn’t be! 

The G.o.ds of Light and Lightning turned their attention back toward them . Cloudhawk knew his cover had been blown . He’d made the decision to act now anyway, saving Idonea was just his reaction to the circ.u.mstances . Whether or not she would survive was up to her .

No more time . He had to act!

Taking advantage of the suddenness of it all, Cloudhawk leaped toward the two G.o.ds .

“This guy is crazy!” A few people saw him jump into the air and could not believe it . He was going to attack the G.o.ds?! It was suicide!

Cloudhawk was fast and in a split second he reached his targets . A gauntlet radiating pale white energy appeared on his leg arm, and in his left was a simple black blade . He lashed out at the G.o.ds with a hack and a punch .

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But G.o.ds reacted much quicker than humans . To others this was a shock, but these were Supremes who had lived through the Great War . A sneak attack would not lay them low . They reacted almost in tandem . A ray of light and a bolt of lightning screamed across the sky, striking Cloudhawk in a fraction of a second .

White energy from his gauntlet flared to life, strong enough to withstand the attacks . In the brief time it took Cloudhawk to reach the G.o.ds, energy had acc.u.mulated in his sword . With a wild sweep of the weapon he released it, birthing a streak of energy across a hundred meters . Not only did it contain a deluge of mental energy, but all the physical and vital power he could muster .

It sliced through the energies choking the sky . The resulting explosions rocked Sky Fortress, causing the ground to quake . Cracks appeared in the suspended hallways, eventually causing a portion of it to tumble away – including all who stood upon it .

All the while Cloudhawk never stopped his advance . A faint radiance enveloped his body as every cell within him was activated . Immense vital power propelled him toward the G.o.ds . When he was close enough, the deadly blade lashed out .

Cloudhawk’s attack was too quick, and too strong . Although many in the crowd were mighty fighters, they were still recovering from the shock of Sky Fortress suddenly becoming a battlefield .

Blinding light sprang up around the G.o.ds . They burned as brightly as a pair of suns and Cloudhawk was about to collide with them when -

Whoos.h.!.+ He vanished from sight . The G.o.ds rushed into an empty s.p.a.ce . When the mortal reappeared he was two hundred meters or so away . This was teleportation! A feint! His real aim was to slip pa.s.sed them!

Cloudhawk! It was the leader of Skycloud’s rebels! He was the only one with powers like this .

He eluded the G.o.ds and raced for the Temple . No other options remained, Cloudhawk couldn’t stand by and watch this superweapon erase his home . It was now or never – a direct rus.h.!.+

The devices erected around Sky Fortress disrupted his spatial powers, making his more complex abilities impossible . He was limited to folding s.p.a.ce by only two or three hundred meters . Luckily for him he’d grown more capable with time, and his speed was in no way inferior to the G.o.ds . Between his teleportation and speed, he could get to the Temple before anyone caught on and could intercept him .

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In two seconds he teleported another half a dozen times . He was close to the inky black border that blocked off the Temple . Strangely, however, neither G.o.d seemed in much of a rush to get there and stop him . They simply watched, as though enjoying a play .


Cloudhawk tried to press through but was met by a powerful resistance . In the next instant it became a crus.h.i.+ng pressure that closed in around him . He felt in danger of being flattened . The plan had been to teleport across the border into the area beyond . Instead he found himself caught inside and being pressed all around .

A strong rebound force spat Cloudhawk back out . The black curtain wasn’t just to hide the Temple . It also prevented teleportation .  

“Foolish mortal . ”

“Did you think your paltry tricks would allow you entry?”

By now the two G.o.ds had caught up . One was a ma.s.s of flickering electric energy, the other a radiant figure of sunlight . Beneath were suits of imposing armor that made the beings all the more domineering .

A trap . Cloudhawk understood now . The Temple was surrounded by a powerful and condensed enchantment . Energy was tightly packed so as to ward of attacks, but also teleportation . Even Cloudhawk couldn’t slip through .

“You’ve walked into our net . ”

The Light G.o.d’s mental energies vibrated so that all mortals could hear . Their followers raced to catch up . Meanwhile motes of light gathered in the deity’s hands, forming into a pair of broadswords . Each was composed of blinding white flame .

At a glance they seemed weightless – errant fires that could be defeated by a strong gust of wind . In fact their destructive powers were beyond mortal comprehension . One swipe could level a city .

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The Lightning G.o.d also summoned his weapon . Snaking threads of electricity wormed from his form until he dissolved completely . They then reformed into an enormous beast – like a snake, but not . Like a bird, but not . With two cracklings ending in deadly claws, the Lightning G.o.d’s weapon was the form of an elder monstrosity .

Frightening though they were, this was not the full strength of these Supremes . They closed in, ready to strike .

Things were bad, Cloudhawk felt the danger keenly like a knife to his throat . He was so close, only to fall short . After succeeding in finding Sky Fortress and infiltrating the inner circle, he was locked out from his goal . Although the outer forces couldn’t come in to stop him, that didn’t relieve his troubles at all . There was a thousand soldiers and four G.o.ds who all knew he was here .

Only a handful were strong enough to be a threat on their own and they were occupied with charging the Sword of Sumeru . Still, all the rest added together were deadly . Among them were soldiers he could compare to Skye Polaris, Ash Farran or the old drunk . Cloudhawk wasn’t sure how to deal with so much strength directed toward him .

Then there were the G.o.ds of Light and Lightning . They were like two Arcturus Cloudes, bent on his destruction!

Cloudhawk had surpa.s.sed the fallen Governor in strength, but even so he had his limits . G.o.ds had an infinite lifespan and a perfect body . What’s more, rich combat experience and advanced weapons made them all the more of a threat .

One of them was difficult enough to deal with, but two? And what of the Dragon and War G.o.ds? They were certainly waiting in the Temple, crafting their plans . Even if Cloudhawk could get in, now that he was exposed the danger was great .

He looked around frantically . Below, the Sword of Sumeru had charged to twenty percent . Terrible power had formed the body of the blade and was showing no sign of slowing as the Masters and their men continued to focus their strength . An enormous, blazing sword of judgment as powerful as a nuclear bomb was taking shape .

f.u.c.k! Cloudhawk hadn’t faced a dilemma like this since defeating Arcturus . Even against the Avatar and her allies Cloudhawk could have escaped if needed . Now he was stuck – his foes too strong to fight, and no way to run . His anxiety was only matched by his embarra.s.sment .

Idonea lay amid the rubble of a cracking hallway . She was weak and on the cusp of death, but stared with wide eyes at the scene above . That ordinary-looking man she’d spent the last few days with stood face to face against the G.o.ds .

He is…

Hiding was no longer necessary, so Cloudhawk released a storm of green fire around himself . The camouflage around him burned away to reveal a handsome man with long black hair and dark clothing .

His face and body were perfect . Every inch of him looked like it’d been carved from jade and radiated with vitality . The only blemish was his left eye, which appeared to be covered by a foggy film .  

“That’s him! Cloudhawk, from Skycloud!”

“The most terrible defiler and blasphemer of all time!”

“I heard he is the successor of the Demon King!”

“He is the one who murdered the four Masters; Phoenix, Bruno, Lucian and Ash . ”

A sea of stricken faces looked up at the sky . The most terrifying human to have lived actually snuck into the heart of their fortress and no one had been the wiser! A chill ran through everyone’s spine .

Master Anan, Mercury Merlo, Apollo Haven, Icarus Swallow and all the others were caught in a shocked stupor . Hearing everyone around her, Idonea was especially dumbfounded . This man, who she called husband, was the despicable Cloudhawk . A name she’d cursed for many long nights!

How dare he show his face here!

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