Publishedat 18th of February 2020 05:33:20 AM
Chapter 26

The Sword of Sumeru pierced the Temple’s enchantment .  

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Light penetrated the curtain of darkness – a dagger to the heart of Sky Fortress .

It was an area even Cloudhawk couldn’t pa.s.s through . It took a direct blow from the superweapon to cut open a doorway . Then, once the Sword’s energy was fully released, it swallowed up everything in the vicinity .

The enchantment shattered like someone had taken a hammer to a mirror . All of the traps and defenses erected by the four Supremes collapsed as well . How terrible the power of this divine weapon!

Waves of power swept through the area in what felt like an endless barrage, a flood of dragons dancing among the ruin . Although Cloudhawk had deflected the sword away from himself, the blowback from impact was nearly enough to fling him backward .

All of the elite gathered around the Temple felt it . A wave of destructive energy so intense it was hard to fathom . They scrambled away in every direction to avoid being devoured by it .  

The Sword’s forging platform took a good deal of the residual explosion . The disc-like structure cracked and tumbled away in pieces like a broken kite . Spatial disturbance orbs lining the hallways shattered one after the other .

Everywhere one turned – annihilation .

Cloudhawk hung in the air, surrounded by a pale sh.e.l.l of light . As he retreated he observed the situation . Among the chaos he sensed a familiar aura . Looking toward it, he saw a flock of lightning birds trying to escape the energy vortex .

The Lightning G.o.d!

He’d watched the two Supremes get caught in the Sword’s path . Mortal beings would have been vaporized, and the two G.o.ds hardly fared better . The Light G.o.d was gravely injured and only survived by the grace of light speed .

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The Lightning G.o.d was harder to kill . It was able to change its body at will and destroying one portion of it didn’t affect the whole .

A ma.s.sive area was consumed by the energy of the Sword and any living matter within was atomized . Only a few lucky survivors had escaped destruction, including the Lightning G.o.d . Now it was the G.o.d’s misfortune to be spied by Cloudhawk .

A rare opportunity had presented itself . The Lightning G.o.d was weakened . This small flock of birds was all that remained . In other words, if this handful were eliminated the Lightning G.o.d would die .

Seriously injured, the Supreme was trying to flee and recover . In its desperation it did not know where to fly to . Cloudhawk knew that no support was coming in the aftermath of that explosion . There was no better time to destroy this creature than right now!

It was time!

Cloudhawk warped s.p.a.ce around him, appearing before the flock of birds . He hacked at them, destroying a portion . In a display of terror the remaining birds gathered together . Once again there stood the tall and imposing humanoid figure .

The Lightning G.o.d was forced to return to its original form . Without a moment’s hesitation, it summoned several hundred lightning bolts and flung them at his attacker . But Cloudhawk would not be denied . Brandis.h.i.+ng G.o.dslayer, he hacked through the bolts and buried his sword in the Lightning G.o.d’s shoulder .

A G.o.d’s armor seemed to be tied to their energy and willpower . Where before the Lightning G.o.d seemed invincible, now the blazing electric light was dim . It was at its weakest point, on the verge of collapse . Drained as it was and with no way to recover, the G.o.d could not protect itself from G.o.dslayer’s bite .

The Lighting G.o.d’s right arm was cleaved from his body at the shoulder . But so long as any portion of him remained intact he could reform . Its right arm fired at Cloudhawk like a shot from a railgun . Were he a normal mortal that would have ended the fight, but Cloudhawk had the benefit of the Eye of Time . He saw this attack coming, deflected it with G.o.dslayer, and the crackling black power of his sword blasted the limb to pieces .

Then he blinked back before the deity .

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Too fast! With nowhere to flee it could only react by swinging a sword of lightning clutched in its left hand . Cloudhawk hacked toward it and as the weapons met, the Lightning G.o.d’s sword evaporated . Once again G.o.dslayer bit into G.o.dly flesh and its left arm disintegrated .

Cloudhawk didn’t hesitate . His enemy’s tricks were myriad, so he pressed the attack . If the Lightning G.o.d was given any chance, the being would find a way to survive and this rare opportunity would be lost . So long as this Supreme lived, it was a danger to the human race .

The dark light of G.o.dslayer streaked pa.s.sed again, this time across the waist . The Lightning G.o.d’s legs disappeared in black lightning and green fire . Only the being’s upper half remained, hovering in the air . No blood leaked from the wound, only arcs of lightning that tried to rocket the G.o.d from the path of danger .

Cloudhawk teleported into range again . G.o.dslayer thrust into the G.o.d’s chest and exited from its back . This froze the Lightning G.o.d in place . It could no longer flee . Cloudhawk looked into its eyes, pools of cold electric light . They were the eyes of someone who knew their doom approached .

“My destruction is only temporary, but your end is preordained . ”

This a.s.shole was pontificating even in the moment of its death?

“Well then let’s move this along . ” Cloudhawk hacked his weapon at the G.o.d’s head, splitting it in two like a watermelon . Dark lightning and green fire spread across what remained . In only a few short seconds everything was gone .

It was done . Cloudhawk had murdered a Supreme G.o.d . It was so complete it could be called a violation . To the humans who watched it was a staggering blow to their core being . From this moment on Cloudhawk had earned the t.i.tle of a true G.o.dslayer! He proved that humans could overcome these lofty beings .

Cloudhawk looked around for his second target, the Light G.o.d . Now was the time to finish off the G.o.d, but the chaos of the battlefield was widespread . He couldn’t pinpoint his foe’s location .

f.u.c.k it, good enough for now . It’s too wounded to be a threat anyway .

Cloudhawk stood in the empty s.p.a.ce where the Lightning G.o.d had been destroyed . The only thing his fires had not consumed was a thumb ring [1] . The fact it survived meant it was a relic, and a high-quality one at that . He s.n.a.t.c.hed it up and put it away to examine later .

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The field of energy at the heart of the explosion continued to rage . A storm had sprung up of buffeting winds that only seemed to grow more intense with the pa.s.sage of time . If this continued it wouldn’t just threaten the Temple, but all the Fortress around it . All the soldiers stationed here were in mortal danger .

Once the Sword of Sumeru unleashed its terrible power, the results were disastrous .

“Use this!”

Cloudhawk threw out a small cube, his subs.p.a.ce relic, which immediately activated . It spun in the air and spread open to reveal a portal . Spatial interference had kept him from using it before, but once the Sword of Sumeru struck those disrupters were destroyed . His unique powers were restored .

He picked up Idonea, who was still too stunned to understand what was happening, and flung her into the portal . He then used his willpower to project his thoughts into the minds of everyone: “This place is coming down, there’s no running away . If you want to live you’ll go through this portal!”

“Why should we believe you!”

“It’s a trap!”

Many voiced their concerns, but it was clear the Fortress was crumbling around them . Only a fraction of the Sword’s energy had reached them so far . Soon it would be too much for them to withstand .

“Stay and die . Go through the portal and die . If you’re going to die anyway might as well have a change in scenery . ”

Once the dimensional portal was opened Cloudhawk moved it over to the others . That was the best he could do, whether or not they chose to save their own lives was up to them . Luckily, while they saw Cloudhawk as an enemy they weren’t stupid . After a moment of hesitation they all began to run through the portal .

Cloudhawk kept the Cube activated while folding dimensions to the spore planet . There he deposited Sky Fortresses’ survivors .

It used to be that moving people through dimensions was a taxing process . A thousand soldiers of their strength would have taken him a full day to accomplish – except that the subs.p.a.ce cube made that process much easier .

“This . . . ”

“Where are we?”

As they were ejected from the cube, elite soldiers from the four Elysian realms looked around in astonishment . Moments ago they were on the edge of an explosion high above the world . Now, in the blink of an eye, they were somewhere else entirely with plants they’d never seen before .

Meanwhile Cloudhawk took some clothing from his dimensional warehouse and pulled them on . His own wounds were considerable, and if these angry faithful knew that they might descend on him . After all, there were a number of Master Demonhunters and high-cla.s.s martial artists in their ranks .

“You evil b.a.s.t.a.r.d, where did you bring us!” It was Siegebreaker who yelled the challenge . His injuries were already improving, as was typical for a man with such a highly evolved const.i.tution . Only, when Cloudhawk turned his attention to the warrior his fighting spirit withered . This monster was too strong, enough that they all felt hopeless . If a Supreme could not survive his ire then how could they?

So, even though Cloudhawk stood brazenly before them, even though he was wounded and drained, no one dared to lift a finger .

He calmly looked over the crowd . “This is another world your G.o.ds conquered . Now this is all that’s left; ruins and fungus . Below your feet were the cities of its original inhabitants . Their grim present is our future . That’s why we have to join together and fight back . ”

1 . These rings are thick pieces of ornamentation old-timey emperors used to wear 

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