Publishedat 18th of February 2020 05:33:21 AM
Chapter 28

The War G.o.d was somewhere between four and five meters tall, covered in head to two with jet black armor . No light was reflected off its surface except for pulsing veins of red that wrapped around it like lava flows . The being wrapped itself in a hostile aura, but its true power was hard to determine .

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One punch dissuaded Cloudhawk’s attack . In his vision he saw that the G.o.d could tear his arm off with hardly any effort .

What sort of terrible strength did it possess? The War G.o.d was famously strong – enough to level mountains and redirect rivers . In terms of straight physical capability, it was ten times stronger than the average G.o.d or demon!

Different races had different limitations . Dragenmere’s Siegebreaker, Skycloud’s Skye Polaris, Ash Farran, the old drunk… they had achieved the pinnacle of human martial ability . Only the very best a human could achieve was still nothing compared to the G.o.ds .

 Cloudhawk was also listening to the hum of relics and was surprised by what he found . The War G.o.d’s relics weren’t coming from outside of its body . With the exception of its frightful armor, Cloudhawk’s foe wasn’t carrying any other equipment . The resonance he sensed was coming from the G.o.d’s very bones . In other words the War G.o.d was likely using a fusion relic like Castigation Fire or the Blood of the Phoenix .

Blood of the Phoenix took up residence in the bearer’s own blood, allowing it to spread all throughout the body . Any injury was healed at a shocking speed . The War G.o.d, by contrast, did not have a relic in his blood – but in his bones!

The Dragon G.o.d was similar in size to its counterpart but built much larger . A pair of impressive dragon wings spread from its shoulders densely covered in scales . It certainly made the creature stand out . Through the Eye of Time Cloudhawk saw that it was capable of taking a direct blow from G.o.dslayer and shrug it off . That meant the Dragon G.o.d had defenses that would be tough to crack .

Attack was the realm of the War G.o.d . Defense belonged to the Dragon G.o.d . The two generals together were a complete and formidable fighting force . Cloudhawk knew that he couldn’t fight without a plan . If he did, the future he’d seen would only be the beginning . Thankfully the Eye of Time had recovered at the right moment . Without its help it would already be too late .


Explosions sounded from outside Sky Fortress . His allies from Skycloud had arrived, the cavalry was here . With the Cloud G.o.d, Frost and Selene perhaps they would stand a chance .

For the moment the two G.o.ds were also still . They were taken aback by this mortal’s gall in attacking them . In their hubris, they never imagined this might come to pa.s.s, especially once the Sword of Sumeru had been completed . For this reason they did not get involved even after the G.o.ds of Light and Lightning discovered Cloudhawk’s presence .

Common sense dictated that the Light G.o.d – who killed any opponent in the blink of an eye – and the unkillable Lightning G.o.d were enough to stop a single mortal . What’s more, they had to be cautious . What if it was a feint, meant to draw them from the Temple? So they remained in the heart of their fortress and watched .

But the Lightning G.o.d and the Light G.o.d couldn’t defeat Cloudhawk, even together . Alas, one was killed and the other wounded! It seemed outside the realm of possibility, but they had watched it happen .  

The War G.o.d carefully measured this troublesome mortal, paying special attention to the silver eye . Even the divine general was cautious around such a relic .

“That is the G.o.d King’s eye . Wielding this power, it is no secret how you were able to defeat the other Supremes . ” It was the Dragon G.o.d who spoke first . “But how far can your eye see?”

“I can see your death . ” Cloudhawk responded calmly .

The G.o.ds were not troubled by his inflammatory words . Such talk might get under the skin of mortals, but to G.o.ds they meant nothing . The threats of insignificant creatures like humans were discarded .

He who strikes first gets the advantage, so Cloudhawk raised G.o.dslayer and rushed at his enemies . A trail of black lightning followed in its wake like a dragon’s tail . Hi silver eye flashed as the Eye of Time helped to antic.i.p.ate changes and dangers on the battlefield . Teleporting across s.p.a.ce, Cloudhawk appeared before the G.o.ds to deliver his attack .

But the War G.o.d was faster!

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Every bone in its body began to vibrate . Without moving a muscle the G.o.d was launched into the air at incredible speed . In a flash it caught Cloudhawk mid-charge . Its right fist, bearing suffocating pressure, came bearing down .

Even before it landed its fist caused the area all around to buckle . Air was squeezed into a liquid state . It was a potent sign, showing that the blow could level a mountain range .

Fast, and strong! It was the only thought Cloudhawk had time to form . He teleported out of his enemy’s range then swung his sword once more toward the Temple .

Cloudhawk’s aim wasn’t to defeat the two Supremes . If he could destroy the Temple then all of Sky Fortress would collapse with it . The other four realms would no longer be a threat to his people . As for the two G.o.ds? Maybe they went with the Temple, maybe they didn’t . Right now it didn’t matter .

While preparing for the strike another scene was revealed through the Eye of Time…

Half a second . A flash of golden light moving too fast for him to follow . Distracted with attacking the Temple, Cloudhawk doesn’t dodge . Like a knife, the flash catches him at the waist and cuts him in two…

He held back a portion of his strength and teleported . He vanished and in that moment there was the briefest flicker of gold . All it managed to cut was the lingering shadow of the Demon King’s successor .

“The Light G.o.d?”

Cloudhawk didn’t need to see his attacker to know who it was . Only the Light G.o.d could attack with speed like that . Although the War G.o.ds speed was explosive and intense, he could at least mostly follow it .

Once again the Eye of Time had saved his life .

When the light flickered into nothingness an armored figure stood in its place . The glimmer of its armor was erratic and it stood on unsteady feet . The G.o.d was in a very bad state .

The Light G.o.d had taken a direct blow from the Sword of Sumeru . Cracks spread all across its armor and some pieces had fallen free . Like an ancient clay figure that had barely survived the element, the Light G.o.d was on the verge of destruction .

A large portion of the helmet had broken off, revealing that it was not a part of the creature . Rather, like a parasite it stuck to the skin beneath like a second layer . With the armor destroyed, a small section of a strange face was revealed .

He couldn’t see much, but what was visible didn’t seem human at all . Was this the true face of the G.o.ds? Stories claimed that the G.o.ds and demons had come from far beyond the stars and this seemed to confirm it . Of course questions remained: What was their history? Why didn’t any of them remember where they’d come from? Why were the G.o.ds barred from knowing the truth?

But these philosophical questions were for another time . The Light G.o.d might have been badly wounded, but now Cloudhawk faced three Supremes . His situation was only getting worse as time pa.s.sed . So to try and even the score, he turned G.o.dslayer on the wounded deity . From his weapon a storm of dark lightning belched forth in an attempt to finish it off .

Just as he released his power something strange happened . It all just… stopped . The lightning hung in midair as though gravity had taken hold . Half a breath later it was wrenched to the side and slammed into the body of a G.o.dly general . The full force of it was absorbed into the creature’s body .

Cloudhawk stared in alarm as the Dragon G.o.d streaked toward him, bearing an eight-meter long spear .

BANG! The spear struck G.o.dslayer and in that instant Cloudhawk felt his energy draining . The Dragon G.o.d wasn’t just a s.h.i.+eld . It was able to leech mental energy from its foes!

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Their contact lasted only a second, but Cloudhawk felt a fourth of his strength vanish like smoke .  

He was preparing to counter when his eye activated again . He quickly activated his gauntlet’s defense just as the War G.o.d’s fist came cras.h.i.+ng down . He was blasted backward from the impact .

The War G.o.d gave chase, appearing from the void with a deadly follow-up strike . Again and again the punches came, each one causing the area to shudder . Cloudhawk teleported to avoid the worst of it, utilizing the Eye of Time to keep himself from being obliterated . However the Dragon G.o.d was catching up, and the Light G.o.d was preparing another attack .

This is bad! If this kept up the Eye of Time wasn’t going to save him .

Cloudhawk’s expression was darkening . He hadn’t recovered from the first fight . He couldn’t keep up with the War G.o.d’s speed . The Dragon G.o.d and Light G.o.d were providing aid . Three Supremes against one mortal – the outlook was grim .

Suddenly a voice intruded on his mind . “Finally, I’ve found you . We’ve caught up at last . ”

“Wolfblade? How are you talking to me? Are you close?”

“We’re still far, we won’t be able to get to you quickly . But you have a chance . ”

Wolfblade’s voice was being projected to him through the Cloud G.o.d’s expansive psychic power . Cloudhawk was as shocked as he was impressed . The fiend only grew more powerful as he aged . He had to have a plan to fight back . If this was too much for Cloudhawk he could mark their location, retreat and regroup for another a.s.sault .

The dark skies were awash in chaos . Debris spread out across the expanse like shooting stars across a galactic battlefield . Every second that pa.s.sed the conflict grew more intense, especially in the heart of the fighting . Blinding flashes and deafening blasts came and went like a current .

The three Supremes – War, Dragon, and light – attacked Cloudhawk as one . Although he had a few chances to escape, the Demon King’s successor grit his teeth and stuck it out for as long as he could .

No one was better than him at escaping a sticky situation . Running wasn’t hard, but it would give his enemies a chance to regroup and recover . The G.o.ds’ evolved physicality meant the Light G.o.d would be more or less healed by the time Cloudhawk came back . He didn’t want to give them that chance .

The G.o.ds’ methods were as numerous as hairs on an ox[1] . Who knew what other tricks they had prepared? If Cloudhawk chose to rendezvous with Wolfblade, the G.o.ds would certainly improve their defenses and probably surround themselves with more warriors . The time and cost of this war would stretch on, which hurt the Green Alliance far more than the Elysian realms .

Thankfully the Cloud G.o.d was able to create a link between Wolblade and Cloudhawk, allowing them to communicate .  

“The War and Dragon G.o.ds are far stronger than ordinary . They are suited for close combat, so in enclosed s.p.a.ces they have the advantage . Do not meet them head-on . Use your skills to exploit their weaknesses . ”

“Can we cut the riddle s.h.i.+t? Just tell me what to do!”

Cloudhawk managed to just dodge out of the way of another one of the Light G.o.d’s attacks . He then activated his defense to ward off two punches from the War G.o.d . The second was almost bone-shattering, but Cloudhawk’s improved const.i.tution helped him shrug it off . As he prepared to strife back another wave of weakness took him .

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The Dragon G.o.d was siphoning his mental powers again . One G.o.d attacked him straight on, another attacked when he was distracted, and a third was protecting its allies and stealing his power .  

These G.o.ds were powerful . One on one Cloudhawk could handle, two on one would be a challenge . All three, however, all he could do was continue to dodge their attacks . He wasn’t sure how long he could hold out .

Wolfblade, the slimy f.u.c.k, sure seemed to be taking his time! One slip-up and Cloudhawk would be dead!

“Use your psychic attack . For the War and Dragon G.o.ds, their mind is their fatal weakness . They cannot protect against mental a.s.saults . When usual attacks are ineffective, you must find another means . Do not strike their bodies – strike their psyche!”

Is that so… Cloudhawk quickly disengaged . Fires sprang to life behind his eyes and suddenly the area was suffused with oppressive mental energy .

It wasn’t a power he’d been born with . Rather, he acquired it after accepting the Demon King’s skull . In fact it was not a means of mental attack but a protection against mental intrusion that he spread outward .

When Cloudhawk fought the Cloud G.o.d in Woodland Vale, he’d felt helpless against the G.o.d’s mighty illusion . By releasing the Demon King’s psychic protections he had saved himself . The might of the ancient creature was what allowed this defensive measure to be used offensively . Any who attempted to overcome its mind not only failed, but was in danger of having its own mind overcome .

 The former Demon King’s will was no trivial thing . Strong enough to be both an attack and a protection .

As he released the new trick Cloudhawk saw the War G.o.d bearing down on him . The being’s glimmering eyes were immediately infected by threads of fire and its moves grew sluggish . It was really working? For just a second, the War G.o.d was frozen .

The condition lasted only for a moment before it regained control . No damage was caused by the psychic a.s.sault, but it had managed to slow him down . Used properly it might open up an opportunity . As Wolfblade said, the War G.o.d’s domineering physicality was tempered by a vulnerable mind .

“Mental attacks? Dragon G.o.d! Drain his energy!”

Right away the War G.o.d knew what had happened . Not only was this human surprisingly strong, he also had the ability to lash out with his mind . As G.o.ds they were immune to most attacks, so Cloudhawk’s had to be different . Indeed, the former Demon King’s psychic powers were anything but ordinary .

Once he was touched by his predecessor’s power, Cloudhawk’s mental attacks were empowered with the Demon King’s will . Foes of similar power and mental fort.i.tude were still at risk, which was how Cloudhawk was able to attack the War G.o.d .

However, that alone wasn’t enough to win victory . These psychic attacks required powerful mental focus to employ . If the Dragon G.o.d could drain Cloudhawk’s powers, not only would the psychic a.s.saults stop, but he also wouldn’t have the strength to flee . After fighting for so long Cloudhawk was almost exhausted already . It was entirely possible to lock him down .

Wolfblade’s voice returned . “Your mental powers aren’t enough, but it doesn’t matter . The Cloud G.o.d will use his mental link to empower you . Your next attack will affect them far greater – but it’s your only chance!”

“Got it!”

Cloudhawk began to gather himself . From a great distance, ethereal tentacles reached over and slipped into his body . He felt a huge surge of energy run through him . The Cloud G.o.d was reaching across a vast distance to help him .

The Cloud G.o.d was also one of the original six Supremes, no lesser than his compatriots . His talents lay in mental power, and so was the only one of his kin who could use relics to establish a connection hundreds of kilometers away . He was the only one who could empower Cloudhawk’s psychic attacks .

But just as Wolfblade said, this was his only shot .  

The War and Dragon G.o.ds sensed something had changed . They charged at Cloudhawk together, but in their rush caught the human’s eyes . The fires that burned within were mesmerizing .

A burning, crimson light intensified until it was all they saw .

Those fires spilled from Cloudhawk’s eyes and filled the s.p.a.ce around him . They continued to belch forth like a firestorm . Until – to the two G.o.ds – the only thing that existed in the universe was this inferno .

Danger! Both G.o.ds realized it at the same moment . They’d been caught in an illusion .

How could a human s.n.a.t.c.h them up like this? And then they understood… the Cloud G.o.d! It had to be their fallen brethren was helping the Demon King’s successor . An illusory world of this magnitude was exactly what the cloud G.o.d excelled in .  

The Cloud G.o.d’s mental powers and the Demon King’s psychic a.s.sault combined to create a world of fire . Creatures even as mighty as these two G.o.dly generals were caught, at least for the moment . A wave of weakness overcame them .

Focusing the deluge of psychic energy on the generals kept them temporarily at bay . Cloudhawk then turned his eyes back to the Light G.o.d . “Just you and me now . This time, you die!”

The Light G.o.d wasn’t sure what had happened . Psychic attacks were specific and targeted . Cloudhawk had launched it at the two generals, sparing the Light G.o.d . As a result, all it saw was its compatriots standing dumbly in place .

A flash . The Light G.o.d fled the area . Cloudhawk followed the trail of light left behind .

It ran? Cloudhawk breathed a sigh of relief . He was a spent bullet, hardly in better condition than the Light G.o.d . His aggressive posture was a bluff that paid off . If the Light G.o.d had tried to call it, he wasn’t sure who would have had the last laugh .

“Wolfblade . The Light G.o.d fled . ”

“I saw . Worry not, the cloud G.o.d is in pursuit . You only have a few seconds before the other two shake free of the illusion . Time is short . Destroy the Temple!”

Cloudhawk wasted no more time . He teleported above the pyramid and pulled the nuke from his dimensional cache . He through it into the structure as s.p.a.ce fluctuated in all directions .

Then the two G.o.ds shed the mirage, just in time to see Cloudhawk disappear .

“It’s done . ”

Darkness was dispelled as an orb of light, bright as a small sun burst into being . Its light and heat swallowed up the G.o.ds . The Temple and everything around it was annihilated in a nuclear explosion .

1 . That’s the literal translation . I liked it so I wanted to keep it as-is .

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