Publishedat 18th of February 2020 05:33:21 AM
Chapter 30

The Light G.o.d continued to flee as fast as it could move, from two hundred thousand meters above the earth to four hundred thousand meters . It was now out among the stars, a place where no mortal creature could follow . Even the mightiest martial artists could not survive the frigid vacuum for long .  

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G.o.ds and demons, however, had no such restrictions . Their second skin protected them .

Their advanced armor wrapped them tightly from head to toe . Neither deep freeze nor lava flows were a threat . Furthermore, they had no need of air to breathe or food to eat . They continued to live comfortably, for eternity .

Without these mortal requirements, G.o.ds and demons could survive indefinitely out in the universe .  

The Light G.o.d’s injuries were grave, but did not impede its ability to run . Every few seconds there was a flash of light and the being advanced ten thousand meters or more . Human armies were left far behind .

G.o.dly emotions were dulled . They did not fear death or injury . As such their decisions were not based on emotion, but logic . After its defeat the Light G.o.d determined it was no match for Cloudhawk . F it remained to do battle with the human, it would die . It was a.s.sured, so why make the effort?

Its kin from Sumeru were bearing down on this planet this very moment . The Light G.o.d chose to live, at least in order to aid the coming armies . It would convey the changes that embroiled this human planet .

It was more valuable to its species alive than dead . Thus, logically, the correct course of action was to flee from danger .

The Light G.o.d did not escape to some other place on the earth . To prevent being discovered and surrounded, it escaped into s.p.a.ce . It was a wide and inhospitable expanse where humans could not follow . Even Cloudhawk would find it difficult to locate the G.o.d out here .

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But recovery had to be prioritized, and a location where it could focus on healing was needed . The planet was not a poor choice . As a G.o.d almost no injury was beyond repair, only time was needed . Cloudhawk was the sole human that threatened this Supreme, and it was quick enough to escape if necessary .

Although, that would be put to the test . Five hundred kilometers from the surface of earth, the Light G.o.d felt a mental presence lock onto its location . Immediately the culprit was known . Breaking the lock was not possible for it was the exclusive talent of this fallen Supreme .

All the Light G.o.d could do was speed up .

Six hundred kilometers . Seven hundred! Higher and higher it flew .

Even injured the Light G.o.d moved at incredible speed . However, the process to repair its body and armor was a draining one . The extra strain was enough to prevent it from escaping its pursuer .

If this continued, eventually the Light G.o.d would become exhausted . Without energy, being captured by the enemy would result in disaster . With no other option it chose to stop running and face its hunter .

“Cloud G.o.d . Have you really fallen so far?”

A figure emerged from the darkness, stopping before the Light G.o.d . It was clad in magnificent armor bearing masterful etchings . Flickers of gentle white light pulsed across its surface, conveying a sense of power .

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Indeed it was the Cloud G.o.d who had given chase . G.o.ds were innately connected, so it was not difficult for him to locate his former compatriot .  

The two were of similar status and their respective powers were on the same level . However, their condition was vastly different . The Light G.o.d was beaten and on the verge of collapse, giving the Cloud G.o.d an obvious advantage .

His resonating ‘voice’ boomed through the Light G.o.d’s head . “An awakened general would introduce uncertainty into the divine consciousness, posing a threat to the reign of the G.o.d King . It would never tolerate this, so I was left with no choice . ”

The Light G.o.d contradicted this . “You could have remained asleep – you could have waited for Sumeru to call you back . Instead you chose to aid the humans and their demonic masters . As such you have elected to abandon the pride and dignity of your race . ”

“I cannot go back, nor do I wish to . ” The Cloud G.o.d’s response was quick . He didn’t even consider the possibility . “The G.o.ds are a race that require unity . Every G.o.d is a cog in a perfect machine . The instant you break away and realize your individuality, you realize there is no going back . This is a truth you cannot understand . ”

“Then we are at an!”

The Light G.o.d raised its sword of light and attacked . In response, the Cloud G.o.d revealed a sword of light embedded in the armor of its right arm . The two clashed, and as their weapons collided a storm of energy was birthed . Light spread out through the darkness of s.p.a.ce .

Close combat was not the Cloud G.o.d’s preferred method of fighting . Luckily the Light G.o.d was wounded and weakened . Four or five exchanges later, the Cloud G.o.d’s armor was marred but whole . However, the Light G.o.d’s protections were failing .

It was out of options . The Light G.o.d employed its unique skill .

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In the same instant the Cloud G.o.d summoned power from its relic to submerge the Light G.o.d in psychic force . Both G.o.ds struck at once .  

There was a flash, and the Cloud G.o.d’s body was cut in half .

Victorious, the Light G.o.d stood ten thousand meters away . Even in its poor state, the Cloud G.o.d was no match? Something didn’t feel right… the fallen Supreme was too strong for one blow to cut him down .

It turned back in time to see the two halves of its kin dissolve into nothingness .

Just as it predicted . This was the only logical answer – the creature it destroyed was merely an illusion . Tricks from the Cloud G.o.d were of such high quality they were almost indecipherable from reality .

Quickly the Light G.o.d scanned its surroundings . Only darkness . Nothing out of the ordinary . But in that instant half a dozen more Cloud G.o.ds appeared, blazing swords held high . They attacked the Light G.o.d from all directions .

Now the deity understood . It was captured in the Supreme’s world of illusion .

Were it in peak form, the Light G.o.d could use its own formidable mental powers to break free . This was not the case . It was helplessly stuck .

The voice of the Cloud G.o.d returned . “You are too weak, enough that I can read your thoughts . Although your attacks are strong, how many more can you muster?”

The Light G.o.d’s blows were lethal indeed . While the Cloud G.o.d did not have a relic like the Eye of Time, he could predict his foe’s movements by reading their mind . Despite not being perfectly accurate, it was enough to help him dodge most attempts .

With the Light G.o.d’s primary means of attack castrated, how could it fight back? In less than fifteen minutes the fight was over . The Cloud G.o.d dragged the body of his defeated enemy back toward the planet . Wolfblade ordered it spared, so the Cloud G.o.d did not take his kin’s life . It was worth more alive .

Sky Fortress was no more .  

Three Supremes were captured, on the verge of death . No matter their tenacity, they had been defeated .

Cloudhawk had removed the most pressing threat, no it was time to deal with the aftermath . He didn’t need to trouble with it himself, for Wolfblade had everything under control .

He was reunited with Selene after the fighting, and the two teleported back to the southern wilds . Now was their best chance to dominate and a.s.similate the other Elysian realms .

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