Publishedat 20th of March 2020 03:20:03 PM
Chapter 67

Dawn used the time in the subs.p.a.ce dimension to try out her newly acquired mental powers . She found that her strength had risen by no less than fifty percent . Having been no pushover before, this increase rocketed her to new heights .

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Incredible! She had grown much stronger .

Refreshed and emboldened, Dawn left her section of subs.p.a.ce . As she did a beautiful figure draped in white caught her eye . She called out .

“Hey, Selene! You want to spar again? I’m sure this time I’ll beat you . Come on, let’s go!”

The relations.h.i.+p between Dawn and Selene had changed dramatically from the early days . This was a result of two important things: First, Selene had dropped a portion of her holier-than-thou att.i.tude and was even willing to compromise . Second, Dawn still saw her as direct compet.i.tion but needed a strong foil to test herself against .

Wolfblade’s apprentice, Frost, had also grown stronger . However, Dawn’s hatred for her grandfather’s killer ran deep . It only got worse when she thought of him as that demon’s henchman . She felt strongly that the only other person Cloudhawk could rely on besides her was Selene .

So she decided to put aside her feelings for the greater good and improve their relations.h.i.+p . Together they would a.s.sist Cloudhawk in their rebellion against the G.o.ds . That was the most important thing .

Selene glanced at her . “Cloudhawk has something . He’s asked us to see him . ”

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“Afterwards then,” she replied . “When the job is done I want to test myself, no excuses!”

Cloudhawk’s strategy meeting still hadn’t concluded . However, the basic framework had been set . Leaders from all five Elysian lands were on board . Dawn loudly announced their presence when they returned to the meeting spot . “Ha hah! This lady’s f.u.c.kin’ killing it! Congratulate me!”

She grabbed Cloudhawk in a bear hug . In her Dawnbreaker armor, standing over two meters tall, she was like a giant . Her sudden embrace was like being crushed in a trash compactor .

Dawn so rarely got what she wanted, but strangely Cloudhawk didn’t fight her . She s.n.a.t.c.hed him up and squeezed . Perhaps too hard, for his body collapsed in parts and bulged in others like a balloon under pressure . Suddenly his whole form exploded into a storm of lightning .

“What the f.u.c.k?!” Dawn was frozen in shock . Sure she was stronger but not strong enough to crush a man like Cloudhawk . He wasn’t an invalid, what the h.e.l.l happened?

Selene, stone faced, watched the arcs of electricity . “Transformation . ”

Bolts of lightning reconvened into the shape of a man and eventually Cloudhawk reformed . “Good job,  it is transformation . You’ve got a sharp eye if you could recognize it so quickly . ”

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What was he saying? That Dawn was stupid?! She expressed her irritation . “Where the f.u.c.k did you learn that?”

“A relic, Stormseal . ” Cloudhawk opened his hand to reveal a small collection of lightning bolts that flickered in and out of their vision . He shut his hand, snuffing it out . “It was the Lightning G.o.d’s main relic . Wolfblade had the Hand of Gehenna retrieve the G.o.d’s corpse and strip this relic from it . ”

Selene knew a little about it and the Lightning G.o.d’s powers . She never would have guessed it would fall into Cloudhawk’s hands .

Dawn had, of course, heard that Cloudhawk had defeated four Supremes . “No wonder it was able to change forms . That’s why it was so hard to destroy, right? With this power you’re even more of a pain in the a.s.s!”

Cloudhawk wanted to knock her upside the head but it didn’t suit his station . Sadly he couldn’t act on this impulse .

“The Stormseal’s a good relic, but I haven’t been able to master the Lightning G.o.d’s lightning forms yet . ”

“Why not?”

“Something to do with my const.i.tution . The seal just transforms my body into lightning – the G.o.d probably had other relics he used to empower these forms with his strength . Whatever relics those were are lost now, though . ”

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Dawn shook her head and sighed .

Selene spoke up . “Be that as it may, such an ability is useful . You can separate yourself into parts and take on different forms . Ja.n.u.s has a similar ability with her shadow doppelgangers, but they can’t move far from the source . They’re unstable . ”

All they could say was that there were advantages and drawbacks . With his new relic Cloudhawk could create volatile copies . They could take on his appearance or someone else’s, which worked well with the camouflage relics he already had .

These copies weren’t restricted by distance . They could appear anywhere, and outside of combat situations they didn’t require a lot of energy to maintain . He could use them for extended periods of time .

Ja.n.u.s’ shadows were different . The could only summon them for a brief time and they couldn’t move very far from her . Where it was superior was that the shadows appeared with the powers of other relics she had . That made them deadly when they attacked . Of course, they disappeared after striking once .

Cloudhawk had called the two here because he was too busy to handle everything on his own . He couldn’t leave, however it was the perfect time to highlight this relic’s abilities . With his doppelgangers he could use minimal energy and be involved in several things at once . As the primary decision maker of their alliance, this made things a lot more efficient . It was a great benefit for everyone .

Dawn thought about Cloudhawk’s copies running around and felt pride .

“I called you two here for a couple reasons . First I wanted to give you some gifts . Second, I wanted to give you a mission . ” He produced two relics . “The four Supremes are gone . Primary relics from the Light G.o.d, Dragon G.o.d and Lightning G.o.d were recovered . ”

Their relics were extracted? The four Supremes had been very powerful, even among the G.o.ds . The relics they wielded surely were nothing to scoff at . That was proven when they battled in Sky Fortress .

The Light G.o.d had attacked so quickly that even Cloudhawk couldn’t completely avoid them . The Lightning G.o.d changed forms, making it nearly impossible to pin down . The Dragon G.o.d’s skills lay in tremendous defense and draining mental power . As remarkable as its defenses were, it was the rare ability to siphon mental energy that was really incredible .

“These are them . ” In his hand were two items, a glowing ball of light and a petrified egg covered in scales . “The Light G.o.d’s Sacred Flash and the Dragon G.o.d’s Abyssal Scale . They’re for you . ”

It went without saying that Dawn was elated . Even Selene’s tepid persona broke in the face of surprise . She frowned . “I feel like these would be more effective in your hands . ”

“The speed from Sacred Flash doesn’t mean much to me . Same with the powers of the Abyssal Scale . However they can greatly strengthen both of you . I am not going to win this war myself, I need you both to be as strong as possible . ” He took on a mysterious air . “Ever since fighting the G.o.d King I’ve felt like I… progressed . Soon I don’t think I’ll need relics anymore at all . I will be able to do whatever I want with a thought . That’s my ultimate goal . ”

Dawn grumbled at him . “It might look fancy if you can simulate so low-level abilities, but these legendary relics are hugely complex . You think you can copy them using just your mind? I doubt it . ”

“I guess we’ll see . ” He paused for a moment, then went on . “For this mission I’ll need you both to represent me . You have to go to Highmorn and retrieve a relic from their Temple called the Key . Word is there are also groups causing trouble out there, so I’ll need you to show them the error of their ways . ”

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