Publishedat 24th of March 2020 10:01:39 PM
Chapter 73

Book 7, Chapter 73 - Two On One

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Dawn and Selene pulled their eyes away from one another long enough to recognize the young man running toward them .

This was Zephon Allgood?

The Apostle had a head of wild hair and a face twisted from madness . He flung a spiked ball wrapped in purple light into the air, which quickly spat out a thick purple mist . In no time it swallowed up half the chamber .

“Stupid women . Your conceit has sealed your fate!” The crazed man disappeared into the choking fog .  

“You worthless little s.h.i.+t . See what real power looks like!” Dawn’s armor blazed like a star .

She drew back, ready to charge into the mist and trample the idiot to death . But Selene called out to stop her . “No, don’t rush in . This isn’t a normal fog . Look closely . ”

Dawn obliged . What she noticed was that, like water dripping on a sponge, the fog seemed to seep into the stone floor . Those stones then turned a sickly black hue, softened and then started to squirm like living diseased flesh . As she watched hideous growths started to swell in uneven patches .

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If she ran headlong into the mist she would be similarly infected . Zephon’s power wasn’t restricted to just contaminating living things, but inanimate objects and energy as well .

Selene was cautious and meticulous by nature . She wouldn’t risk betting her const.i.tution against this strange power . “We don’t know how this Zephon managed to capture the Temple, but he did . He shouldn’t be underestimated . ”

“This f.u.c.king coward can only win by underhanded means . ” Dawn was annoyed by his craven tactics . “You think this bulls.h.i.+t will stop me? I’ll tear him to f.u.c.kin’ pieces . Don’t get in my way!”

Dawn was certain she was unstoppable . What was there to be afraid of? She had her Dawnbreaker armor, improved by Cloudhawk himself! It was an unbreakable defensive relic that was further strengthened by the Abyssal Scale . She could shrug off any attack . What did this p.i.s.sant’s little smoke bomb matter?

But as she was getting ready to enter the fog a host of figures could be seen moving toward them from the hallways . It was a huge mob, perhaps hundreds of infected clergy . Beneath their saintly clothes or glittering armor were undulating growths of black flesh . They were so thick that hardly any human features were visible anymore . Like unstable sacks they shambled forward, ready to blow at any moment .  

“More of these corpses? If this attack was of any use it would have killed us earlier . ” Dawn scowled at the scene . “Can’t this a.s.shole be more creative? This is getting boring . ”

Hideous cries from contaminated throats closed in from all sides . Although they no longer had the power of thought, they were still quick . Like insects they scrambled along the walls and ceiling toward the two women .

As Dawn readied herself to defend she noticed that, in fact, they weren’t running at her . Instead they were running past them, into the mists where Zephon lurked .

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“The f.u.c.k?”

“His power is spreading fast . His mental energy is about the same as ours and he’s using it to contaminate everything, even the air . We’re going to get swallowed up . ” Selene utilized the power of her Eye to survey the situation . “Dawn – stop the corpses from entering the mist . Don’t let them near Zephon . ”

“Easy! Watch this . ” Dawn held Terrangelica high and shoved it into the ground . The floor around them collapsed . Under the weight of immense gravitation power, stone cracked and compressed . For a thousand meters in all directions, gravity increased a hundred fold .

The waves of shambling corpses. .h.i.t the ground . Most were pinned and couldn’t move, but a handful managed to pa.s.s into the mist .

“AAARRGGHH!!” A hideous, inhuman cry emerged from the darkness . From within they could see glimpses of some nightmarish creature looming five or six meters tall . Its body was a ma.s.s of tumors, cysts and boils . Extra limbs and several heads flopped impotently at odd angles like some monstrosity st.i.tched together from a dozen bodies .

Selene’s eye gleamed with silver light . She’d seen this coming . “He’s able to gather corrupted energy around himself . If we let him absorb the other corpses there’s no way we’ll stop him . ”

“Then we just get rid of them!”

Dawn heaved and pushed Terrangelica deeper into the ground . Gravity increased to ten thousand times, causing the entire floor to sink several inches . Even the strongest martial warriors would be crushed, if caught off guard . These infected bodies were weak already, so they burst like ripe tomatoes run over by a truck .

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“Is that all of them?” Dawn looked around . None of the bodies were rising .

There was another flash from Selene’s eye . “No, not yet . Watch out!”

A keen light blasted from her and caught Zephon’s transformed body at the waist . She was too fast, giving him no opportunity to dodge .

As she did, the bodies Dawn had squished seeped into the ground . They drained through the cracks, leaving behind a gory mess that carpeted the entire chamber in carnage .

“You can not defeat me!”

Zephon had become a monster of limbs and heads . It stood among the chamber of putrid flesh with its feet buried in the muck . All of the corrupted energy was being gathered and siphoned through its legs .

Luckily Selene’s attack had cut him in half . Although Zephon could not be killed by an attack like this while in this form, it did temporarily stop him from gathering any more energy .  

“What the actual f.u.c.k is this?”

Dawn tread on the blanket of squishy, sick flesh beneath her feet . Tentacles grew from it and groped at her, looking for gaps in her armor . Luckily Dawnbreaker was completely sealed, allowing no purchase for them to hold . Foiled, they instead slapped and pawed at her, hoping to corrode the relic .

Zephon’s power filled the entire area, a repulsive influence that exemplified death . Even a relic like Dawn’s would not resist forever . Eventually even it would fall to corruption .

Her hands were still wrapped around Terrangelica, shoved deep into the ground . Black tentacles reached up to her waist and her armor had begun to sizzle .

Selene continued her onslaught . Using the power of her Eye and her superior speed, she cut into Zephon’s body unceasingly . Each attack carved away some of the power he’d gathered and with each second he was losing ground .

But it was merely appearances!

Everything around them was corrupted now . It was like they were caught in the belly of a giant creature and Zephon was in control of it all . He was master of this ghastly domain . There was no end to the tools at his disposal .

Here, he was unkillable . The world of gore and pestilence steadily fed him power . Meanwhile Dawn’s defenses were under a.s.sault, and Selene’s powers were being tested . As strong as these two women were, they had met the wrong foe in the wrong terrain . They were caught in Zephon’s deadly grasp .

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