Publishedat 30th of March 2020 11:20:16 PM
Chapter 82

Book 7, Chapter 82 - City Beneath the Emerald Star

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“Form up! Let’s go, ranks!”

Scores of soldiers in green cloaks were arranging themselves on a field . The insignias on their armor marked them as Awakened, the wasteland’s answer to demonhunters . Born and bred in the wastes, they were as talented as any Elysian . The oldest among them were sixteen or seventeen, while the youngest were around ten years old .

Most were mutants of varying degrees and had trained at the academy for at least a year . They knew how to employ their mental power, even if they were still only novices .

A young woman with short swords strapped to her back and an exorcist bow in her hands led the group . She was their leader, as well as lieutenant commander of the Goshawks .

“Boss Azura, are we going to the front lines?” A large, lumpy looking youth called out to her . His weapon was a particularly large mace . “Is this what we’ve been training for? We’ll beat the s.h.i.+t out of anyone who threatens Leader Cloudhawk or our Alliance!”

“That’s right!” Another boy, built like a rhino despite being only eleven or twelve, called out as well . “We’ll beat the s.h.i.+t out of ‘em!”

“Beat the s.h.i.+t out of ‘em!” The other children picked up the rallying cry . They hardly knew their from a hole in the ground but were convinced their foes would fall before them . IT didn’t matter that G.o.ds neither drank nor ate, but they would beat the s.h.i.+t out of them regardless!

“Pigblossom[1], Ironspike, stop your bulls.h.i.+t . ” Azura coughed a little . “Leader Cloudhawk has prepared something for us . That’s why we’re here . ”

With that Azura waved her hand . A group of soldiers stepped forward and began to pa.s.s out pendants . Each one was affixed with a crystal the size of a small egg .

“This is Source, specially prepared to make what they call a psionic pendent . They will strengthen our mental powers,” Azura explained . “They aren’t relics, but they’ll make us fight harder – especially if we’re near the psionic tower . These pendants work together with the tower, increasing their resonance to pump up our attacks to several times their normal strength . ”

Everyone looked thrilled with their new gift . Belial had come up with the idea and built them in the subs.p.a.ce cube . While they looked simple enough, they were invaluable . Just another way Source had proven to be a priceless treasure for their alliance . With the help of these pendants the rookies would hit as hard as an average demonhunter! IF they fought near the psionic tower, they would give a veteran demonhunter a run for their money .

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“Green Alliance forever! Long live the Alliance!” Pigblossom and Ironspike cheered and once again their cla.s.smates took up the call .

IN their eyes the G.o.ds were nothing to fear . With heroes like Cloudhawk leading them it didn’t matter how many enemies they faced . They were just thrilled to fight by his side .

Pigblossom couldn’t contain his excitement . “When are we heading to the front?”

His companions looked at Azura with expectant eyes . They were now outfitted for war, and after so much training in the academy they were thirsty to do their part . None of them had seen actual combat yet .

But their commanding officer shook her head . “I was just told to gather you up and pa.s.s these out . I don’t have any other orders . ”

As the crowd of young warriors looked at one another in disappointment, they heard the loud stamping of feet . Thousands of soldiers came marching by with eboncrys weapons in hand . They were clad in the specialized green armor of their station with badges that revealed who they were . The latest batch of h.e.l.lflower’s genetically modified soldiers . Every one of them was a killing machine .

Gabriel, Barb and Claudia stepped out from the crowd .

“We’ve been given evacuation orders . All students are to fall back to the Emerald Star while the G.o.ds are focused here . ”

“What? The Emerald Star?” 

“Where’s that?”

“We’re not going anywhere! We want to fight!”

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A sea of obstinate faces answered the news . Other soldiers got to stay and they were at least as strong . Why did they have to evacuate? 

“Headmaster, I want to stay . ”

“We can fight!”

“Yeah, we’ve been waiting for a chance to prove ourselves!”

If they were ordinary children, or those focused on science and technology, then evacuation would have been welcome . But why were they being forced to go? They had trained for this!

Claudia was moved and pleased by their determination . These were the fruit of the wastelands, born into a cruel and unforgiving world . To survive you needed an iron-clad survival instinct . Who would want to put themselves in harm’s way?

These kids did . After years of guiding them Claudia had seen the change . They weren’t lone wolves  fiercely fighting for themselves anymore . She’d instilled in them discipline and camaraderie . The harsh instinct to look after oneself first was gone from these children .

It was hard to believe they were wastelanders at all . People who were supposed to be selfish and faithless were now begging to fight for their people . Ever since Greenland was established its people had felt a sense of belonging . This was their home, a place that needed to be protected .  

Humans were an emotional species, after all . Some things were worth defending, even if it meant their lives .

Such a transformation was hard-won but important . It was a conviction that transformed them from wild animals to real people . If they were allowed to mature, the future would be a better place .

That’s why they were too important to lose .  

“Listen up . This order comes direct from Cloudhawk himself, I couldn’t disobey even if I wanted to . You aren’t being kept from the fight for no reason, you have an even more important mission . ” Claudia’s instructional bearing caught everyone’s attention . “Emerald Star will be home to tens of thousands of women, children and elderly . We have to make sure they’re protected . It’s a mission no less important that fighting the G.o.ds, and no less dangerous . ”

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Bulls.h.i.+t! Greenland soldiers should be on the front lines! Pigblossom, Ironspike and the others cast defiant glances at their leader .

Azura’s face revealed nothing . She stepped forward . “We follow orders!”

For a few short seconds glances were exchanged among her young troops . Their backs straightened, their faces set into grim looks, and they called back . “Yes, commander!”

Gabriel smirked at the scene . “She means a lot to this crew . It shows . ”

“Blue’s no ordinary girl . She’s stronger than you and barely a teenager . That’s after only a few years of training . ” Barb stood by his side and poked fun at her partner . “Be thankful Cloudhawk didn’t call you to the front . Probably fall back whimpering after the first volley . ”

Gabriel shrugged . He knew Blue had much more potential than he did, but there was no envy . With more power came more responsibility – and more loneliness . Gabriel had no interest in more power . He preferred the t.i.tle of artist over soldier .

“Move out!”

Claudia led the group to the portal and through to Emerald Star beyond .

What was called Emerald Star was of course the jungle planet Cloudhawk had visited many times before . The outer sh.e.l.l of vibrant green gave it the new name .

Cloudhawk had begun preparations for the exodus after he’d found the city underground . With Source he was able to open a stable portal, so the time had come . Over the last several days a steady flow of emigrants flowed through at all hours . A hundred thousand or more had already pa.s.sed the boundary .

A hundred thousand… it sounded like a big number, but it was just the beginning! Cloudhawk planned to open more portals to speed the process . Noncombatants had to leave as quickly as possible . To delay would put lives at risk, and force the defenders to fight with one hand behind their backs .

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As Claudia moved through the portal she was struck by the scene on the other side . A rolling sea of people, steadily moving forward . Mostly women and children, some scientists, workers, doctors and so forth .

“You’re here . ” A thin old man greeted them . Gabriel and Claudia were especially surprised to see him .

Gabriel looked him over . “Instructor Dumont? You’re alive . ”

“Don’t sound so disappointed,” Dumont replied in irritation . “We have no intention to fight Cloudhawk for the time being . Don’t be so guarded . ”

“Is that so?”

“I’m old and after years in h.e.l.l’s Valley I know how to distinguish good from bad . Personal grudges don’t help anyone, especially when our species is at risk . We’ve put Eckard’s death behind us . ”

“It’s not like you can fight against Cloudhawk anyway,” Claudia quipped . She wasn’t going to mince her words with this old fool . “Alright, let’s not waste time . Tell us what the situation is here . ”

“Troublesome . The city is still being cleaned up and we haven’t got anywhere to put the asylum seekers . We’ll have to wait on the surface base for now . ”


“Emerald Star isn’t a secure environment . There are large and dangerous creatures underground that have had the run of the place for thousands of years . Some are quite frightening, too tough for us to kill . But with the reinforcements Cloudhawk has sent we can give it a shot . ”

Indeed the monsters that called the underground home were many . They were the biggest obstacle to making the city habitable again . With all the activity above ground it was certain that the creatures would be agitated, too . Clearing out the city was top priority .

This was why Cloudhawk had sent the troops here .

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