Publishedat 26th of October 2019 11:13:16 AM
Chapter 100

Greenland’s laboratories were rife with scientists . At this moment they all looked like they’d seen a ghost .

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This was because they had no way to understand what was standing before their eyes . Cloudhawk was lying on a diagnostic table while h.e.l.lflower hovered around him with various contraptions . They were constantly giving out readings about Cloudhawk’s physical state .

“Your body doesn’t make any sense . ” h.e.l.lflower adjusted her goggles . “In my recent research, however, I’ve discovered a very interesting phenomenon . ”

Cloudhawk put on his clothes . “What’s that?”

She replied . “Divine and demonic genetic material is blank, for lack of a better phrase . In other words they don’t have a means of reproduction – there is no genetic material to pa.s.s on . It is also likely the reason they live for so long, since there is no genetic degradation . I still have no idea how they manage to maintain their species if they don’t reproduce, however I have learned that from the moment they come into being their body is almost like armor . And armor, of course, does not procreate . ”

Cloudhawk was surprised to discover that h.e.l.lflower’s research had progressed so far .

“G.o.ds and demons have incredibly durable bodies . More than bodies, they are rather like suits of armor these creatures are born into . Just like armor there can be weaker suits and stronger ones . That’s how we encounter different orders among these extraplanar creatures . Because these characteristics are determined at birth it is all but impossible for G.o.ds or demons to transcend their strata, regardless of potential and strength . ”

“What does this have to do with me?” Cloudhawk asked .

“Your body has become much like theirs . Your cells are powerful energy reactors and from what I can deduce, you aren’t nearly at your limit . Most significantly, you still have a human form . That is to say, genetics . You can pa.s.s on your genes and reproduce the same as anyone else . Your children would of course be practically superhuman . ” h.e.l.lflower moved in closer to him . “In other words, you are the gateway to a new and improved human race . ”

“We should produce offspring . For science, of course,” h.e.l.lflower teased . “I couldn’t turn down being part of such an important contribution to our species . ”

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Cloudhawk didn’t even engage her on the offer . He hardly had time enough for himself, much less children .

“So you’re saying there’s nothing wrong with my body anymore?”

This man had really had no interest in the spice of life! h.e.l.lflower couldn’t pretend she wasn’t disappointed . There had to be some way to beguile him… Not that she cared about him specifically, but his genetic material was an absolute treasure . She offered herself not for personal benefit, but for the whole of humanity!

“You’re as strong as a sand wyrm . If I had to guess, you’ll be kicking around three or four times longer than any of us . Do you remember how strong Skye Polaris was, even at eighty? The same will be true for you . ” h.e.l.lflower led Cloudhawk into another lab . “Come, let me show you something new I’ve been working on!”

Inside were at least a hundred soldiers undergoing tests . They were the perennial focus of h.e.l.lflower’s research, genetically modified troops . However, this batch was completely different from what Cloudhawk remembered . He felt the unique aura from them immediately . Unless he was mistaken, they felt like demonhunters .

“You remember the arm we took from the other world? With that G.o.dly limb and the appropriate materials, I was able to isolate something we could use to improve our soldiers . It works something like seraphs or fiends . I processed the material I gathered and implanted into the DNA of our soldiers . They can now run faster, jump higher, and in all other ways are much improved . ”

h.e.l.lflower hadn’t changed in the least . The only thing on her mind was research and the pursuit of knowledge . Cloudhawk’s first thought was how much had to be sacrificed for this research .

“My new generation of soldiers are physically quite stable . ” Her excitement was evident . “They will become the bedrock of your power and will be integral in your attempts to conquer against Skycloud . ”

“I never said anything about conquering Skycloud . ”

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“Hmph, you never had to . If that is not your intention then why align yourself with Abaddon and the Khan of Evernight? With the power they offer, you have an army that can threaten Skycloud . I refuse to believe you haven’t entertained the thought . ”

She was right . Cloudhawk was holding a number of powerful cards . Abaddon, the Khan of Evernight, the Shepherd G.o.d, the old drunk, and Wolfblade… There were more as well; the Wendigo King and his race, the Polaris family, Gabriel, Coal, the Black Knights, Imperia’s Chosen, the Dark Atom’s genetically modified soldiers . Beyond that he now commanded a total of over eight million people with science, equipment and supplies in spades to back them up .  

The existence of the Crimson One and Judas was not all bad . While both the Conclave of Judgment and Nox failed to defeat Skycloud, they did manage to weaken it . They laid the foundation for the real battle to follow .

If Cloudhawk wanted to really rise, Skycloud was a mountain he could not go around . Arcturus Cloude was the peak he had to conquer . If he couldn’t take control of the worlds of man then how was he supposed to threaten the heavens?

It had never been Cloudhawk’s intention to start a major war, but once some wheels started rolling there was no stopping them .

Cloudhawk’s next stop was the dungeons, where several people were interrogating Eckhard Cutter . The one leading the questioning was Eckhard’s former student, Gabriel – or rather, more specifically Naberius . The pieces of carefully peeled skin laid out on the table told Cloudhawk they’d been at it for a little while already .

Naberius was an expert at suffering . But Eckhard was a hard man, and so far the cruel torture hardly caused him to sweat . A cold sneer was plastered on his b.l.o.o.d.y face . “You used to be my student, and this was the best you learned from h.e.l.l’s Valley? Go on, hurt me if you think you can!”

A chilling laugh from Naberius was his answer . “I have many methods . We have time, don’t rush . ”

Barb was not pleased with where this was headed . “Tell us what you know . You have a relations.h.i.+p with Excellency Cloudhawk, if you’re forthcoming I’m sure he’ll be fair . He’ll at least spare you life . ”

“If I were some coward who was afraid of death, I wouldn’t be here today . ” Eckhard chortled scornfully at their efforts . “I should have carved you lot to pieces back in h.e.l.l’s Valley instead of letting you sorry sacks of s.h.i.+t live to today . ”

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Barb was getting irritated . “You think we don’t have ways to pray open your mouth? Keep talking and I will try my hand . You’ll be getting for Naberius!”

Cloudhawk chose this moment to interrupt . “That’s enough . ”

Naberius scowled, upset to have his work interrupted . Another project left half-finished . But under Cloudhawk’s withering gaze he dare not disobey .

“Instructor Cutter, I am only interested in the Concalve’s military state . If you won’t give it willingly, we’ll have to resort to other methods . If we have even the slightest mutual appreciation left, please don’t waste your time or energy fighting . ” Cloudhawk was earnest in his pleas . “It’s best for everyone . ”

Was this really one of his former students? Eckhard glared at Cloudhawk in disappointment . “What are you even doing?”

Cloudhawk’s face remained calm . “Only what I need to do . ”

The instructor struggled against his bonds . “Don’t think I don’t know . You want to get rid of Arcturus Cloude . But you don’t realize how dangerous what you’re doing is . What he guards is far more than you can bear . To kill Arcturus is to open up the floodgates, and you all will pay for it!”

Arcturus was always a mystery . There was far more to him than any one person knew . He did not necessarily desire power, wealth or influence . A lot of what he did seemed inexplicable and contradictory . On the one hand he struggled to crush the wastelands and on the other supported a powerful wasteland organization . He praised the G.o.ds through one side of his mouth and gave blasphemous orders through the other . It had to be clear to Arcturus that Cloudhawk would be a great threat, yet more than once the Governor had spared his life .

Be that as it may, it wasn’t what was important . Cloudhawk and Arcturus were like ice and charcoal – they were never going to mix .

Cloudhawk’s gaze was fixed on the b.l.o.o.d.y commander . “Why are you protecting him?”

Eckhard growled his answer . “The first day you entered the Valley, I told you that some evils were necessary in this world . Arcturus does some things people don’t get, but if he didn’t hold things together then the world would would be in flames . ”

Cloudhawk pressed him harder . “Why is Arcturus trying to unify the wastelands?”

“So he can save it!” That familiar, derogatory grin split his ugly face, like a trapped beast that saw it’s freedom . “Alright, don’t waste your time . You aren’t getting anything else outta me . ”

The sound of chains breaking was followed an instant later by Eckhard slamming his own fist into his skull .  

Cloudhawk was quick to stop him, but not quick enough . Eckhard struck himself hard enough to cause his skull to cave in . His brain tissue was destroyed . They hadn’t been prepared for the h.e.l.l’s Valley instructor to take his own life .

They should have . Soldiers of h.e.l.l’s Army were not afraid of death . The Three Giants in particular had an iron sense of duty . Freedom wasn’t what drove them, but a higher ideal .  

Cloudhawk looked toward Barb . “Try to read his memories immediately . Get as much information as possible . ”

The wastelands could not be allowed to fall into another’s hands . If it did, hidden dangers would spread all through it . To take it back they had to wrench it from the grip of the Conclave, an organization led from the shadows by Arcturus Cloude . Fighting them was an indirect challenge to the Governor himself . It was time to throw down the gauntlet .

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