The Godsfall Chronicles

Chapter 121: 121

Publishedat 18th of September 2018 08:18:58 PM
Chapter 121: 121

Cloudhawk vanished! His sudden disappearance had thrown the labs into chaos .

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Academician Roste had no idea how it’d happened, but he could guess . Cloudhawk hadn’t really escaped – rather, he hadn’t run . He had to have used some mystical technique to vanish, something science had no way to explain . He put the blame on the abilities of the demonhunters .

When he received the news, Roste immediately locked down the laboratories . He didn’t vent his anger at Chimp; that was the way of weak men . He needed his director to lead the search . Roste didn’t believe people could just disappear so Cloudhawk had to be hiding somewhere . If they had to tear this place apart to find him they would!

Under the Academician’s orders, Chimp started to canvas the area . No closet, box or corner was ignored .

The day past with countless people combing over the lab with a fine-toothed comb, twice . Not a single trace of the wastelander was found . Chimp was beyond furious as he led two scientists with him to a cage .

“Bring me the whip!”

A strikingly beautiful woman was locked away inside the prison . Her hands, which had been chopped off, looked recently reattached and the wounds to her body had healed well . Her wrists were bound by two heavy locks and her ankles were tied to her waist with chains . She was left with no way to move .

h.e.l.lflower’s talents lay in her weapons mastery . Physically there was nothing she could do, so they felt no need to keep her sedated . There was no way she could free herself from her restraints .

Her hair was tousled and messy . Her pretty face was pale and bloodless, making her seem alluringly delicate .

When Chimp stepped into the cage he immediately laid into her with the whip . Her unblemished skin split beneath the lash . His blows rained upon her chest as well, tearing gashes in her clothes and damaging her supple flesh within .

But h.e.l.lflower was a tenacious woman . She gritted her teeth and didn’t give him the joy of even a single grunt . Chimp was spent after only a few lashes and stood before her panting heavily . Slowly she raised her head to look at him, her face pale and sweaty, and split in a derisive sneer . “Let me guess . Judging by how upset our dear director is, I suspect something’s gone wrong with Cloudhawk . ”

“What do you know about Cloudhawk’s abilities? Tell me everything!”

Her eyes were full of scorn and contempt . It was like she didn’t even regard him as human, he was like a moving pile of s.h.i.+t . She almost giggled . “It looks like my hypothesis was correct!”

“You dare laugh at me?!” He drew his dark and indecent eyes over h.e.l.lflower’s curves . With a wave he summoned the scientists forward . “I don’t think you’ll be laughing for long . ”

They approached with a box and retrieved from within it a large syringe . A pale yellow fluid sloshed inside . When she saw what it was h.e.l.lflower’s mocking smile vanished . “What are you planning to do?”

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Chimp felt back in control when he saw the smile flee from her face . He chuckled darkly and replied in an enigmatic voice . “The mechanism of this drug destroys the synapses in the brain, causing permanent damage . Any memories, emotions and untrained skills will be lost, and you will lose the ability to make any independent judgments . You will serve between my legs as a slave, a b.i.t.c.h anyone can ride . I have to say I’m looking forward to it . ”

h.e.l.lflower knew this was the Academician’s ‘brainwas.h.i.+ng’ drug . The damage it caused was irreversible, and once injected she would became whatever sort of slave Chimp wanted her to be . She would much rather choose death!

“Are you ready to talk?” Chimp stank with confidence and pride . No one could resist his questioning, especially not someone as self-centered and faithless as h.e.l.lflower . “What are Cloudhawk’s powers!”

 “I don’t know . ”

She had spent the most time with the young demonhunter . Chimp was certain she was his answer . As her words hung in the air his face darkened, more depraved . He approached her step by step, then reached out a hand and stroked her face . “You won’t talk? That’s fine, we can take our time . ”

h.e.l.lflower clenched her fists . “I really don’t know!”

“Turning you into my s.e.x puppet would really satisfy my craving . It’ll be such a shame not to see this expression on your face anymore . Now may be my last opportunity to try the real you, before I take it away .

“You – get your hands off me!”

Chimp grabbed her collar and tore, revealing what was beneath . The angry bleeding welt where he’d struck her with his whip only made him more excited .

Chimp fumbled with her pants, filling h.e.l.lflower with rage and embarra.s.sment . She cursed and struggled but even so her clothes were tugged down, revealing her firm b.u.t.tocks . She couldn’t fight him, she was only making the pervert more excited . He couldn’t hold himself back any longer, he needed to feel all the pleasures her body had to offer .

Moral chast.i.ty wasn’t a privilege wasteland women enjoyed, but she could think of nothing worse than becoming a s.e.x slave for this pig and his equally perverse friends . It was a h.e.l.l she couldn’t endure .

She would rather die, if given a choice . But she wasn’t given a choice .  

The other two scientists stood nearby, watching expectantly . h.e.l.lflower was the most enticing beauty in the whole base, no straight man would give up his chance to have his way with her . After Chimp has his fun perhaps he would let them have a go . It would be a rare delight .

No sooner had the thought crossed their minds than the two men screeched and hit the ground, wracked with convulsions . Both of them frothed at the mouth and their head stood straight on end as every fiber in their body felt like it was set on fire . Chimp had his pants halfway down his legs when he saw what was happening . “What’s going on?!”

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A guard approached, the electric gun in his hand still crackling with sparks as he pointed it toward the lab director . Chimp was shocked at first, then in a rage began to shout at him . “Which unit are you with! You actually dare –“ The threats died in his throat when he saw the guard’s face clearly . His eyes got so wide they threatened to roll right out of his head and he stumbled back until the bars of the cage wouldn’t let him flee any farther .

A cold grin spread across Cloudhawk’s face . “Surprise, motherf.u.c.ker . ”

Chimp answered with a high-pitched wail and tried to run .

“You absolute d.i.c.k, you think you can run?” Cloudhawk took a large stride forward and buried his knee in the director’s stomach . The l.u.s.tful man curled up like a broiled shrimp whimpering as though his organs had been pureed . Cloudhawk gave him a sharp smack for good measure . “I said I was gonna whoop your a.s.s, didn’t I? f.u.c.k, I didn’t think I’d get lucky so soon, but here you are . Die you sack of s.h.i.+t!”

Chimp blubbered through a face full of tears . “No-no-no! No, please! I don’t want to die!”

Cloudhawk was unfazed, however, and raised his hands .

h.e.l.lflower stopped him . “Cloudhawk, hold on . ”

He turned his head to look at her . She was in a tough spot, haggard and messy with most of her clothes ruined but still beautiful . Her unfortunate situation could easily arouse a man’s darker desires .

“You don’t think we should spare him, do you?” Cloudhawk was surprised by her mercy, but he was resolute . “If I could kill him ten times it wouldn’t pay back what he’s done to me over the last week . He dies today . ” How could h.e.l.lflower not want this disgusting man dead?

“He can still be useful . ” She saw Cloudhawk looking back at her with a dumb expression . “So have you had enough of an eye full? Help get me out of these shackles!”

Cloudhawk gave Chimp a sharp kick to the ribs . “Keys!”

h.e.l.lflower had nearly lost hope, but suddenly Cloudhawk had appeared just in time . The young man was Roste’s most cherished treasure, whose worth was far beyond her own . She knew Roste had to have stationed any number of guards to watch the boy, including many of his transformed freaks . Clever and calculating as the Academician was, how could Cloudhawk have gotten free? Something didn’t seem right!

But however it happened, Cloudhawk had risked himself to save her . h.e.l.lflower was grateful . “Did anyone see you?”

“The lab’s in chaos and I’m dressed as a guard, people are running all over and not paying any attention . For now no one knows where I am . ”

When her shackles were removed h.e.l.lflower tenderly rubbed her wrists . She searched the unconscious scientists and found a gun and some ammo . Cloudhawk might not have been discovered yet, but they couldn’t take this situation lightly . It wouldn’t be long before someone discovered there was a problem and once the old man came for them things would go from bad to worse .

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Cloudhawk’s daring rescue wasn’t entirely altruistic . “You got a plan? We’ve gotta get outta here!”

By now she had recovered her typical poise . “The two of us aren’t strong enough ourselves . We need some help if we want a shot of getting out of here alive . ”

Cloudhawk immediately thought of someone . He grabbed a fistful of Chimp’s clothes and dragged him back to his feet . He gave him another punch to the face before snarling the question at him . “Where’s Hyena?”

Chimp hesitated, unwilling to answer . But when Cloudhawk lifted his fist for another punch he knew he wasn’t going to get away with silence . Quivering, he answered . “Don’t- don’t hit me . H-he’s here, next door!”

“h.e.l.lflower, do you really want to keep him alive?”

“He may be a piece of s.h.i.+t, but he’s been here a long time . He has people who listen to him, and maybe they’ll listen to us . We can use them to fight the Academician . Maybe, with Hyena’s help, we can actually fight back!”

She’d nearly been raped by this weasel, but her gaze was calm and steady like nothing had happened . Her mind was already making plans and countermoves . This level of poise was almost unnatural . She was the most mature and composed woman Cloudhawk had ever met both physically and emotionally .

She returned the brainwas.h.i.+ng syringe to its box and handed it to Cloudhawk . “Take this . Let’s go!”

With the box in one hand and Chimp in the other, Cloudhawk followed h.e.l.lflower down the hall . Although her clothes were in tatters she was no less threatening . She kicked open the door to the next room and charged in . With her hair flailing she looked like a Valkyrie .


She fired several rapid shots, too fast for anyone to strike back . The guards were dead before they hit the ground .

In the center of the room, submerged in a gla.s.s tank floated Hyena . He was unmoving but still awake . h.e.l.lflower raised her hand and fired a couple rounds into the rank, shattering it . Gla.s.s and fluid poured free, and a figure coated in bristling black fur leapt out right after .

Half man and half beast, Hyena swept past . Neither h.e.l.lflower nor Cloudhawk could react before he had them both by the neck . He lifted them off the ground and squeezed as he fixed them with murderous green eyes . “You two actually came back here to let me go? What makes you think I won’t kill you!”

h.e.l.lflower didn’t seem scared of him or the threat of having the life choked out of her . She fought out her response through her half-crushed windpipe . “If you kill us you’re giving up your shot to get out of here . You’ll end up just like the others, a puppet soldier!”

 Hyena’s fierce visage twisted into a snarl .

He loosened his hands .

Cloudhawk gasped for breath, acutely aware of how dangerous this guy was .

h.e.l.lflower explained the situation . “The Academician is stronger than either of us could imagine . Fighting alone we don’t stand a chance, but maybe together we can put that old man down . I know you aren’t my biggest fan, and I don’t much like you either, but we need to put that aside and come to an accord . ”

Chimp became fl.u.s.tered . “You’re doomed! You can’t fight the Academician, you’ve got to give up this foolish idea . ”

Cloudhawk’s animosity toward Chimp was particularly keen . “Who the f.u.c.k asked you to open your wh.o.r.e mouth? Shut the f.u.c.k up!”

h.e.l.lflower stood in front of Chimp . “I know you’ve got a lot of people here who listen to you, and I believe you’re an intelligent man . You need to make a choice; you help us, or you die . ”

Chimp gave her a pained look . “Why are you so dead set on fighting the Academician?”

Her response was delivered in even tones . “Everyone should be allowed to make a decision based on what they believe . I cannot pledge allegiance to that mad man . I suggest you think carefully before answering . ”

Hyena picked Chimp up in his bone-crus.h.i.+ng hands . “But don’t . Waste . My . Time . ”

“Don’t kill me . Don’t kill me!” Chimp’s face was red and he sputtered in abject fear . Hyena’s twisted half-beast face so close to his scared away any courage he had . “Alright, I promise I’ll do whatever you want . I’ll call all my people together in the lab . Cloudhawk’s equipment is there, too . I’ll take you!”

He really was a rotten b.a.s.t.a.r.d!

Hyena unceremoniously threw Chimp to the ground with a look of utter disgust .

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