Publishedat 2nd of March 2020 02:44:58 PM
Chapter 45

So the Skycloud visitors were challenging Stormford’s best?

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Whispers of excitement immediately started to circulate . Recently there were a lot of stories about Cloudhawk but in Stormford it was all hearsay . Now was the chance for everyone to see if the tales were true .

Cloudhawk wanted to rebel against the G.o.ds? First he had to show if he had what it took .  

Charon couldn’t wait to get started . “I challenge one of you!”

He was a bristly and excitable man who gave a fidgety impression . However, to reach the rank of Commander-General he had to have skill to back it up . His facade was a way to confound his opponents .

Dawn was similarly itching to try her skills . There was a dark promise in her eyes she only barely held back .

Dawn was not the same girl as before . That was proved when she held back in her desire to murder Frost . Her blood l.u.s.t was still there, but she had learned to recognize the big picture . She drew inspiration from Cloudhawk, who worked in Abaddon even though the demon murdered one of his closest friends .  

He was strong enough that if he wanted to snuff out the beast, he could do so easily . But he didn’t . Did he want to? Of course he did, but he held back . He wasn’t an unfeeling man and in fact he felt things quite deeply . But he had responsibilities as a leader . They required that he suppress his own grudges for the greater good . And if he could do it, Dawn was sure she could too .

It wasn’t giving up . It was biding time .  

Just wait, Frost . One day I’ll open your throat .  And not just you . Abaddon as well . Anyone who hurts Cloudhawk is on my list .  Ah yes, and Wolfblade… he’s a f.u.c.king snake as well . When he has no worth anymore then he’ll be dealt with . If I’m not strong enough? Then I’ll get Selene to help me .

Dawn always suspected Wolfblade’s intentions . She would never be comfortable so long as he was by Cloudhawk’s side . Selene had to feel the same way .

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Stormford’s people gathered round to watch as two young faces joined Cloudhawk . Frost de Winter was a representative of Skycloud’s new generation of leaders . Autumn was about the same age as Cloudhawk but since being taken by the Shepherd G.o.d, she had not appeared to age . From outside she still looked to be in her early twenties .  

Three fresh faces . Did they really expect to beat Stormford’s best?

Cloudhawk looked over their challengers . “So who’s going first?”

Before Autumn could begin to respond, Frost stepped forward . With an easy leap he jumped into the ring set up nearby for sparring exhibitions . He held a huge spear in one hand that was wrapped in dark energies .

So be it – Frost de Winter would take the first bout .

“Hahaha! This young n.o.body is so eager to fight me, eh? I could wipe the floor with you one-handed!” Charon’s eyes strayed to the weapon in Frost’s hands . Despite his harsh words and brazen appearance, there was fear in his eyes .

That relic… that was no ordinary weapon . And anyone who held it had to have the strength to use it .

Frost said nothing . He remained silent, waiting, standing still upon the dais .

He was the perfect representation of a male . A small bit of stubble on his cheeks made him gruff and masculine . His simple clothing was not ostentatious . Cold, piercing blue eyes revealed the faintest trace of melancholy . Young yet mature . He was more attractive now than he was in those early days .

“Good lad! Settle matters first, then we trade words!”

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Charon charged at Frost . He punched with his right arm, straight as a dagger . Tattoos scrawled across his skin lit up and all at once his whole arm became a blade of lightning . His power surged .

a.s.suming Charon Barak was a martial artist would be wrong .

While his equipment was spa.r.s.e in appearance, he was awash in mental power . The waves Cloudhawk felt marked him as similar in strength to Bruno, making him equivalent to a Master himself!

Frost reacted with a thrust of his right hand, sending Ashfall forth .  

When the weapon neared, Charon felt enveloped in a slew of powers he did not expect . Corrosion, sluggishness, and a bone-deep cold swept through him . The strength and expansive nature of it took him off guard .

Frost’s newest weapon had been taken from Praelius’ Commander-General, Ash Farran . Cloudhawk reforged and empowered it . Wolfblade gave it to his newest disciple . As such Frost’s power took a significant leap .

What made Ashall particularly potent was its breadth of powers . Throughout the course of battle, his opponents had to face many different kinds of attacks . So although Charon had started the fight he was forced to withdraw and rea.s.sess .

Frost gave chase . The spear in his grip stabbed and thrust, releasing deadly bursts of energy like some h.e.l.lish viper . Blooms of energy reached from the tip of the spear like lotus blossoms . This dense counter-offensive was almost too much for Charon to escape .

Frost’s display was almost perfect, be it his mental force, const.i.tution or combat prowess . But most frightening was that he had yet to reach his full potential . Whatever power he wielded in the future would be hard to fathom .

Charon should have started the fight utilizing his full strength . It would have improved his chances, but instead he’d fallen into a dangerous disadvantage . The more he tried to avoid these attacks the more vulnerable he became . Under Ashfall’s continuous a.s.sault Charon felt his nerves begin to numb while his limbs grew stiff and heavy .

He was on the back foot, slowly beaten back by his younger challenger .

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Ten strikes . A hundred! Five hundred blows from the spear, falling upon the Commander-General like a steel rain . Frost’s onslaught sapped Charon of his power and with every pa.s.sing second his wounds grew in number . He was on the verge of collapse .

Now was the chance! Frost seized it . Ashfall went straight for the older man’s throat .

Charon seemed too spent to defend himself . But at the last instant a miraculous change overcame him – tattoos all over his body flared to life!

In an instant he went from physical to elemental . His body of flesh and blood was swallowed up by the light and swelled to enormous proportions . In a magnificent display, the Commander-General became a thunderous creature of lightning . Ashfall’s negative influence was shed and in this elemental state, a jab from the weapon did not end the fight .

“Did you think that was all I had?”

Charon released his total power . His earlier display was nothing but a feint to draw Frost in . The younger man could not know that he had walked into this trap . And now that he was in range, there was no escape . It was the right time to strike back .

“Did you have your fun? Now it’s my turn! Behold!”

With a mighty roar, Charon attacked with the power he’d been holding back . He focused it all in one punch aimed at Ashfall . The ensuing blast of power felt like a bomb blast . Frost’s spear was flung from his grasp .

Delight played on the faces of Fulmulta’s citizens . Age won over beauty! Even after hundreds of attacks, Frost couldn’t put the old man down . Commander-General Charon only needed to strike once and just the right moment to achieve victory . What did Frost’s masterful weapon mean if it was not in his hands to be used?

But Cloudhawk’s eyes were narrowed . He knew the fight was not over .

Ashfall whistled as it flew through the air . Frost himself was blasted backward a dozen meters . However he quickly got his feet back under him and there was no hint of worry in his eyes . Rather, something else flashed in their depths .

Charon rushed forward in his elemental form to strike the finis.h.i.+ng blow .

Frost was on the verge of being beaten into a pulp, yet at that moment a strange sound arose . Like a rack of weapons clattering across the floor . Ashfall, still in mid-air, broke into several separate relics and scattered all around the grizzled warrior .

“Did you think that was all I had?”

Taunting words from Frost hung in the air and then he was on the move . With incredible speed he dashed toward two swords and swept them up . Spinning around, he thrust them into Charon’s electric body . They pa.s.sed right through, jutting out the other end . Frost left them there as he picked up two more and stabbed them into his foe’s back .

In this monstrous form Charon’s strength and destructiveness skyrocketed . He was a powerhouse in all but one arena – his reaction times were slower . Countless after-images flashed around him as Frost got to work .

Through his relics, Frost’s speed was highly empowered . Pa.s.s after pa.s.s Frost inserted more of the swords through Charon’s body . The older man tried to fight back but was always a few moments too slow .  

He’d lain a trap for the boy, but ended up spelling his own defeat . The last weapon to find its way into Charon’s form was Rimeshard . Where before there was a lumbering giant of lightning, now Charon was a hunched hedgehog .  

He couldn’t support the form any longer and the elemental body collapsed . Charon reappeared in the center of the ring . Blood trickled from the corners of his mouth and he fought to keep from pa.s.sing out .

It seemed like the winner had been decided .

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