Publishedat 20th of April 2020 10:39:47 PM
Chapter 97

Book 7, Chapter 97 - War Parties

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But Cloudhawk was in no hurry to summon help .  

On the one hand he wanted to see what these G.o.ds were capable of . On the other, something seemed strange . Caution was the better practice .

One of the G.o.ds reached out, holding a pearl-like artifact in both hands . A light emerged from it, quickly swelling to envelope the area . It hung over everything within several thousand meters, including Cloudhawk and the G.o.ds he fought .

The divine soldiers attacked all together . The battle was on .

How rich was divine battle experience? Enough to compliment their eternal lifespan . Every soldier was a perfect specimen and their unity was superhuman . Even the likes of Arcturus Cloude, a man of incomparable wisdom and power, would be overwhelmed .

Dozens of columns – screaming lines of energy – came pouring down toward him . They descended with the roar of a tornado, obliterating the terrain .

Yet in the instant of their attack Cloudhawk summoned the power of his left eye . Time unfurled, and with the knowledge of where the strike would fall he blinked to safety .

Before he could regain his footing two G.o.ds charged at him .

One lashed out with ice and fire and lightning . The other drew a sword and fell upon Cloudhawk like a waterfall of light . Strong – but not strong enough .

With the Eye of Time Cloudhawk saw them coming . His deflection field sprang to life, sparing him from the storm of energy . He used G.o.dslayer in his other hand to knock away the sword of light .

Thunderous blasts ensued . Whole mountains crumbled . Evenly matched, the small group was flung apart but quickly reengaged . The G.o.ds surrounded their target and attacked like a swarm of wasps . Cloudhawk was struggling to find a flaw in their onslaught .

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Let’s get some s.p.a.ce first, then we’ll see .  Cloudhawk gathered his powers . His plan was to get a few hundred kilometers away and plan his next move . Only, when he released his abilities he hardly moved .

He’d only gone a few thousand meters . That… was not what he expected .

Why had it failed? Cloudhawk quickly discovered the reason – it was that G.o.d with the pearl . More specifically, it was the sh.e.l.l of power it was producing . The field was suppressing his dimensional capabilities . By some method he didn’t understand it was interrupting the flows of s.p.a.ce and preventing long-distance teleportation . Cloudhawk couldn’t resort to his old tricks to get some distance .

IT seemed like they were prepared to fight him . But even so Cloudhawk didn’t let it fl.u.s.ter him . He called forth his powers again .

Over the course of just a few seconds he teleported several dozen times . In a series of lightning-fast moves he escaped the G.o.ds and their attacks, reappearing each time to attack with G.o.dslayer or Castigation fire . He created chaos among their ranks . They were too turned around to grab him .

On the surface he was attacking at random, but it was one part of a deeper plan . With every flash he was circling their leader, getting in close for a strike . The G.o.ds knew what he was up to but were not fast enough to get in his way .

Leaping from one place to another, they couldn’t put hands on him . Nor was there time to fall back and support their leader . What they did do was release a host of black smoke creatures . These monsters coalesced into one, forming a creature in liquid state . The towering nightmare howled at Cloudhawk, belching plumes of black smoke from its mouth .

What the f.u.c.k was this thing? Some sort of divine beast? Or something they pilfered from the reaches of outer s.p.a.ce?

f.u.c.k it, didn’t matter . It would die with the rest of them at the tip of his sword!

G.o.dslayer was a fragment of shadow, wrapped in tongues of green flame and bolts of purple lightning . Cloudhawk gathered its power, causing it to expand tremendously before bringing the sword cras.h.i.+ng down on the monster . Its liquid body vaporized back into smoke with its dark power scattering . Cloudhawk’s attack kept going into one of the leaders .

A light flickered in its eyes . It knew that remaining still would be fatal . No longer able to concentrate on the pearl, it summoned its own defenses to protect against Cloudhawk’s attack . The restraint on his abilities disappeared .

Cloudhawk’s mental powers flared, so intense that the s.p.a.ce all around him warped . Several figures emerged, weapons raised and ready for what they might meet . They launched into a series of attacks they were so sudden and powerful even the G.o.ds were caught off guard .

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Cloudhawk was quickest . Two of the G.o.ds had charged at him and were met with a mental barrage that caught them in a world of illusion . For a handful of seconds they were frozen – a short time, but enough to change the tide of battle .

Bruno had deployed the spatial lock . They could be confident the Abyssal G.o.d wouldn’t interrupt them .

Frost de Winter deflected the spear of a G.o.d with his own . By his side, Phoenix released a blast of fire that consumed one of the soldiers . The others – Autumn, Selene, Dawn, Abaddon and several more – joined the fray and stopped the divine a.s.sault . This was the heart of Greenland’s strength they faced now . Everyone with the exception of Belial had arrived to give aid . Even Legion was on the field .

It was a risky gambit, but if they couldn’t even defeat several dozen divine soldiers their hopes of victory were foolish .  

Cloudhawk had his foe locked down . Legion, abusing this advantage, used his legendary sword to disintegrate the G.o.d’s defenses . A stream of unfathomable power tore through its body .

The Elder was a creature who had survived countless battles . At one time it had fought by the Demon King’s side . His relic, the Blade of Oblivion, was legendary even among his kin . It possessed more killing power than G.o.dslayer, especially in the hands of this powerful being .

Against the G.o.d Cloudhawk had the upper hand . Legion’s sudden arrival and sneak attack was perfect . For all the strength and experience of the G.o.dly leader, it could not withstand Oblivion’s cruel bite .

“Oblivion… demons . . Legion!”

It was impaled, residual force from the attack causing its armor to crack apart . Still reeling from the blow it was conscious enough to see what happened . Though this creature bore the body of a G.o.d, it was no such thing .

Legion, the demon Elder! An ancient foe who once walked with the Demon King . He was not dead, as they thought . Instead he fought for the humans? Wearing the likeness of a G.o.d? Had he mastered the ability to take new forms?

This new information was quickly disseminated through the Matrix . Now all the G.o.ds knew . Legion was a pivotal figure among the demons and one of their most enigmatic . No one, even among his kin, knew what Legion’s true aims were or what he fought to achieve .

The G.o.d King, Demon King, and Legion… these three held more secrets than the rest of the galaxy would ever know .

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Legion’s thoughts pushed through Cloudhawk’s mind . “Don’t let it run!”

Responding quickly, he released a mental attack slammed into the gravely wounded commander . Cloudhawk closed the distance while it was frozen stiff and slammed into the back of its body with a fist .

s.p.a.ce split open, like the maw of some terrible beast . Cloudhawk shoved his foe forward and the commander went tumbling through the portal . As quickly as it appeared, the rip in s.p.a.ce knit back together .

It had been flung back to the Southern Capital, where Belial and h.e.l.lflower were waiting . A wounded Supreme was a great a.s.set . Capturing it served their cause well . Victory!

Cloudhawk could sense that the G.o.ds were unprepared for a fight this tough, but it was no time to be careless . There were still dozens of the soldiers left . Even once they were destroyed it was a meaningless loss to the divine army .

The Alliance heavyweights and Elysian elite got to work .

Sumeru’s two Supremes and the forty G.o.ds they brought with them were on the back foot . And of course they would . Cloudhawk, Legion, the Cloud G.o.d, the Shepherd G.o.d, Phoenix… these humans each were equivalent to Supremes or stronger themselves .

These G.o.ds were strong, but not strong enough . In addition to their leaders the other humans were equal to the task of mopping up forty soldiers . Bruno, Gorman, Pelagius, Walrick, Selene, Dawn, Frost, Atlas – they were a formidable force .

Unless something changed, Cloudhawk’s team would wipe them out!


Phoenix unleashed the full weight of her ire against the G.o.ds . With a deafening roar she flung herself forward, ripping through a G.o.d’s protections and pummeling it with her fists . Each punch landed with the force of a bomb blast . What was left was a creature barely clinging to life .

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Frost, working in tandem with Cloudhawk, flung a spear of ice at the Alliance leader which he used to strike down another G.o.d . It blinked back into Frost’s hands when he was done .

Dawn was playing defense . She rampaged through the heart of the divine soldiers, swinging her sword with vicious abandon . Her attacks were not strong, but her defensive abilities were unparalleled . The G.o.ds’ spear struck her armor and bounced off harmlessly . Dawn used her relics to absorb their power and empower Selene .

With the aid from Dawn, Selene became a terror on the battlefield . Her attacks rivaled Phoenix’s in strength and cruelty .

Sacred Flas.h.!.+

Hundreds of blazing swords exploded across the area . Each one found purchase in the body of a divine soldier . It was a deadly storm of power .

There was no denying that the soldiers were mighty . They had impressive defensive and offensive abilities, high combat solidarity, nigh impenetrable armor and impressive rates of regeneration . But there was a clear weakness: Their lack of equipment . Each G.o.d only had one or two auxiliary relics . Their strength lay in teamwork .

Who among Cloudhawk’s team didn’t have four or more high-level relics? Their powers were diverse, making cooperation all the stronger . In particular was the interplay of s.p.a.ce and time, empowering their combat skills to tremendous heights . At this moment, the G.o.ds were at a loss .

The two remaining Supremes surveyed their situation . They felt no anger nor hysteria . Calmly, they spoke to one another .

“The plan to capture Cloudhawk has failed . ”

“Request permission to unleash Last Judgment . ”

Both G.o.ds conveyed their pet.i.tion . After a few moments a majestic voice replied .

“Permission granted . ”

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