Cleaving to self.

Cloth of gold, robes of.

Cloud, like a.

Cloud of good qualities.

Coil, the.

Color of my audience, like unto the.

Combination, individuality a; combination subject to separation.

Come forth into the light.

Come into the world to befriend.

Come to teach life.

Commandments, see the ten evils.

Communication of bliss, the.

Complete surrender of self.

Compounds will be dissolved.

Comprehension of things, truth the correct.

Concord, two ways of re-establishing; meeting in concord; re-establishment of concord.

Conditions of welfare, eight.

Confer the ordination.

Confession of

Conquerors, the greatest of.

Conquest of self.

Consolidation of Buddha"s religion.

Contact of the object and senses.

Continuity, sameness and.

Coop, the fowl in the.

Correct comprehension of things, truth the.



Covet not.

Crane, the wild; the cruel crane.

Creatures, all, received the message in their own language.

Criminal, punishment of the.

Criminal"s act, punishment the fruit of the.

Crossed the river.

Crossed the stream, he had.

Cultivate good-will.

Culture of the mind.

Danger of death, always in.

Dangers hang over Pataliputta, three.

Dark, do not call the world.

Dart of l.u.s.t, the.

Dead are many, the.

Dead not saved by lamentation.

Deaf and dumb speak, the.

Death, always in danger of; Buddha"s death; fate after death; death is near; no escape from; in the domain of death; self is death; thoughtlessness, the path of death.

Deeds, according to their; bad deeds easy to do; by deeds one becomes an outcast; pa.s.sed away according to his deeds.

Deeper, dig.

Delusion and truth.


Denies the existence of the soul, Gotama.

Desert, a waterless; rescue in the desert; a sandy desert.

Desire, the extinction of evil.

Desolation, a hopeless.

Despot, the.

Destiny of warriors.

Destroyed, h.e.l.l is.

Devadatta, sect of.

Die until, etc., I shall not; truth cannot die.

Died in the faith, he.

Diffused, let the bliss be.

Dig deeper.

Disciple, the first woman lay-.

Disciple, a, flagged.

Dissatisfied, the people.

Dissolution, necessity of.

Dissolved, compounds will be.

Distinction, without.

Doctrine, preach the, glorious in the beginning, the middle, and end; my doctrine is like the great ocean; doctrine like unto fire; doctrine like unto water.

Doffed their robes, the bhikkhus.

Dog, the hungry.

Domain of death, in the.

Do not call the world dark.

Do not rely on external help.

Do not scold.

Door of immortality.

Draught-ox, exertion is a.

Drink, the refreshing, perception of truth.

Drinking? Is the water not fit for.

Dumb, the deaf and, speak.

Dust, like one who flings.

Dust of worldliness.

Dwelling-place, wisdom has no.

Dying, not any means to avoid.

Each day one hemp-grain.

Earnestness is the goad; earnestness is the path of immortality.

Earth, peace on.


East, face towards the.

Eating of flesh, the.

Ecstasy, the song of.

Eddies of transmigration.

Efficacy, rituals have no.

Egg-sh.e.l.l, chickens should break the; I have first broken the eggsh.e.l.l.

Eggs, hen brooding over.

Ego, the; ego, an illusion; the instability of the ego.

Egotism, the annihilation of.

Eight boons of Visakha.

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