The Grandee

Chapter 40

The fair head of the child fell from one side to the other like a lily with a broken stem.


_London & Edinburgh_


[A] A peseta is worth 9-1/2_d._

[B] Spanish game of cards.

[C] One of the Spanish military orders formed to wage war against infidels.

[D] Spanish games of cards.

[E] About 700 or 800.

[F] Spanish game of billiards.

[G] The officer who collects the king"s revenue.

[H] About 300.

[I] About 400.

[J] _Lapiz_, a black stone. He meant to say _apice_, the smallest part.

[K] An old-fashioned dance still in vogue in Galicia and Asturias. One chants a song, and the others join in the chorus.

[Ill.u.s.tration: book back cover]

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