Liam can see the suspicion in his brother"s eyes. Even the members of the council
Looked at him intently. They understood what Chief Demetrius meant when he threw off those questions. Are they now accusing him? Dang!

"Brother, I meant it when I said that it"s all over the news. While it"s true that the name forecasted as Stacy, but the woman in the picture looks like Aisha. are you trying to tell us that it was not her?" Liam defended. It"s a good thing that one of his men bought a newspaper from the central city before. He could definitely use it for his advantage.

Rio was taken aback. Oh yeah, he forgot. the woman"s face was featured all over the newspaper as well. But they tried to take it all down as soon as possible. It didn"t even reach a week after they stabilized the news about Stacy. So how did that news reached the North? He won"t bite Liam"s reasoning but he"ll give him the benefit of the doubt.

"Or does she possibly have a doppelganger that we do not know about?" Liam was actually trying to joke around when he mentioned the doppelganger thingy.

"I could only a.s.sure you of one thing." He stood up, "My daughter Aisha is not dead. And if you have chosen your own future chief already, then you better give me a separation letter so I could totally remove you from the organization. I don"t care if you want to build your own council. Just let me know, maybe I could even help you about it too." He looked around making sure that his statement reached everyone"s ear.

"I"ll wait for your decision until tomorrow morning." He walked towards the exit, but before he totally exited, he faced everyone for the last time.

"One more thing, I know that most of you opposed my decision about the next heir. I must inform everyone here that I have full knowledge about the dead threats that she"s been receiving in the past as well as the bounty hunters hunting her right now. I am not trying to accuse anyone here. I just want to let you know that my iron hands will definitely protect her. I hope everyone of you would lend your hands in protecting the next heir." He gave out a sarcastic smirk before he left the conference room.

"Bounty hunters?" Some council members were murmuring. They knew about the threats in her life but hiring bounty hunters are out of their leagues! They won"t even dare raise their own fingers against Aisha but how could someone hire bounty hunters? That person must have lost her sanity! it"s definitely absurd

Liam could hear all the chatters around. His heart suddenly beats abnormally fast. How did Rio found out about the bounty hunters? But he made sure to hire only the best. They should have hide themselves very well. No! it is impossible. He must call the leader of that pack as soon as possible.

He curled his fist. He understood what Rio meant. It"s not true that he"s not suspecting anyone from the council. It was the opposite! He is actually trying to threaten the person behind the bounty hunters. Everyone knew that.

Meanwhile, Excitement can be seen in Eli"s face. His father Ethan called him to let him know about his plan for Aisha. Of course Eli has a big part on it as well. He can"t wait to see them together again.

Master Omni heaved a heavy sigh. He doesn"t know if it is a good idea or not. But looks like Eli and Ethan is happy and contented with Aisha. Seems like his grandsons doesn"t even care about the danger it will give them by choosing to be with her. well, if it makes them happy then who is he to wreck his grandsons" happiness? besides, Aisha is a good person.

"I told you, you should have listened to me. You should be resting right now instead of helping us here. Look, you"re not totally healed!" Lisa annoyingly yelled at Caleb who tripped while holding some flowers that they will use for additional decoration. They are secretly decorating the garden located at the back of the safe house.

"Yah! I already told you that laying in the bed the wholeday is not helpful for my recovery." He insisted.

"Ahh! What am I going to do with you? why are you so stubborn! Where did you and Aisha inherit that kind of att.i.tude?" she cried.

"Hha!" Caleb only chuckled. "Speaking of Aisha, where is she?"

"She"s with Sophie. I think they went somewhere. They"ll be back by eight."

"Oh okay. But why does Ethan needs to do this bothersome thingy? Such a childish act." Caleb made a face but Lisa smack his head.

"Ouch! What"s that for?" he yelled.

"Don"t you know how to be romantic? This is definitely a perfect example of a romantic scene that you can only see in movies! Are you really a lady-killer before? Haven"t you made any effort like this at all?" she raised her brow.

"Hey! Are you doubting my credibility? Don"t you know that I am the country"s s.e.xiest man and that every woman was dying to get me? They even insist that they are carrying my babies!"

Lisa paused what she was doing.

"Hey! Are you okay?" he tapped her shoulder.

"Caleb, speaking of that, do you have any children? Or a child perhaps?" her gaze isn"t accusing at all. What"s with that Aura?

"Probably a lot." He sarcastically laughs.

"I"m serious." Her face became rigid.

"Why are you asking that? Are you going to leave me because of that?" he joked.

"I"m considering that option." Lisa continue doing the corsage.

"Hey! That"s rude!" he yelled. Now, it"s Lisa"s time to laugh.

"But seriously Caleb, don"t you think you should do some research? You might have an unknown child. Don"t worry cause I am willing to be a step mom." She gently smiles.

"You serious? Cause if you"re willing then I"ll gonna bring my twelve elderly sons right now!" he laughs.

Lisa made a face. She sighed. When will she even have a serious conversation with this man!

"Aunt Lisa!" Eli suddenly showed up.

"Eli! it"s good to see you! are you excited for tonight?" she knelt down to meet his eyes. Eli nodded.


"Come, let"s get inside so we can prepare before they come."

The two left Caleb outside. As soon as they entered the house, Caleb gazed at the starry sky ahead of him. Then his memory went back from four years ago.

Was she really serious when she said she is willing to become a step mother? He mockingly grins.

Then he remembered Elise. They were in a relations.h.i.+p for almost 7 years and no one from his family, not even Aisha knew about it. They were expecting a daughter when Caleb accepted a mission abroad. It was a life and death encounter and Elise thought that Caleb died during that encounter.

Caleb and hunter survived the mission. However, after six months, Caleb went to see Elise just to find out that Elise had married Tommy, her childhood best friend. He also heard that Elise was devastated when she heard about his death and Tommy was the one who comforted her and help raised Sahaya, his daughter.

They look so happy together. Tommy looked like he"s been taking good care of Elise and Sahaya. Caleb doesn"t want to disrupt that moment. The smiles he saw from Elise is enough to conclude that she is now happy with Tommy.

"Sahaya must be four years old now." he smiled. He tried to visit them before but he was told that the family had moved outside the state.

"Sahaya." He mumbled while looking at the starry sky. How he wants to see his daughter and embraced her, maybe it will fill the void in his heart. Then he whispered a silent prayer.

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