"They"re coming!" Lisa signaled the others as well as Ethan so the people gathered in one place and hide themselves in a corner. they put off some of the lights. As soon as the lights went off, Ethan went to the living room and sat casually as if his truly reading a magazine.

"Ethan! Since when did you arrive?" Aisha run towards him and embraced him. Ethan then signaled Sophie. Sophie knew that she has to hide with the others.

"Just an hour ago. Have you eaten yet?" Ethan asked after kissing Aisha"s forehead.

Aisha shook her head. "Not yet. what do you want to eat? I"ll cook for us."

"You don"t have to do that. I already ordered outside. It should be here in about 30 minutes."

"Eh? That"s long! aren"t you hungry?"

"I am. I"m hungry for this…" Ethan gently captured her lips. The woman smiled.

"Would you like to see the garden while waiting for the food?"

"I love too. But I didn"t know that you have one here."

"There is." Ethan showed her the way as they walk hand in hand towards the garden.

Aisha was mesmerized by what she"s seeing right now. how could there be a beautiful garden that exist in this villa without her knowing? Is she that busy not to notice it recently? Was it this romantic?

The pathway to the garden was filled with different types of flower such as knapweed, pansy, iris, anther and many more. The lilies in the pond were mesmerizing as well. They are bathing with the moonlight.

"Why didn"t you tell me such a beautiful place exist here!" she was in awe.

"You didn"t ask." Ethan chuckled.

"I hate you! you should have told me beforehand. I would have come here often!." She giggled.

"Now you can." he held her shoulder from behind.


"Ehm?" she faced him.

"Aisha, didn"t we already talk talked about "US?"

"Yes. why?"

"It"s just that we didn"t get a clear picture about our status."

Aisha chuckled, "Isn"t it obvious yet?"

"Well, it is. But I want to do it formally."

"What do you mean?"

"I want to make our relations.h.i.+p official." He smiled then he knelt, "Aisha will you marry me?" Ethan took a small box and opened it in front of her. it was a diamond ring. It must be expensive!

Aisha"s eyes widened as her jaw dropped. She can"t believe her ears. Is Ethan for real? She was dumbfounded. But why is she feeling that everything is moving fast?!

"Ethan! What are you doing?" Aisha yelped helplessly.

"Can"t you see? I"m proposing." He smiled as if everything is alright. But for Aisha it"s not. Isn"t he married with Stacy?

Ethan saw her hesitation.

"Ethan. How could you propose to me knowing that you"re still lawfully bound to my sister? I already committed a crime when I chose to stay with you, are you really going to push me to the edge?" Aisha admonish.

"Ethan, I love you, you know that. And I am willing to take the risk no matter what. But marriage isn"t a part of it yet. Not until you—I mean we settle everything, including your marriage with my sister Stacy." She explained but to her surprise, Ethan smirked as if everything is alright. Then Ethan stood up to meet her eyes.

"I know you would say that that"s why I prepared something." Ethan raised his hand and Larry showed up with an envelope in his hand. Aisha knitted her forehead.

"Larry? How come you"re here?" but instead of answering, Larry smiled at her then left afterwards. Now she"s thinking.

Ethan took the paper that was inside the envelope and handed it to Aisha. Aisha took it and read the content. Shockwave hit her. She was speechless.

Wait. What? what does this mean? So all these time, all her efforts in the past and the heavy conscience that she"s been carrying, was it all a waste? she doesn"t know what to feel. Will she be happy or get mad? She felt bad for her sister.

"Ethan, d-did you do these?" Ethan sense the displeasure in her voice.

"It"s not me." He averted his eyes from the lilies in the pond. "Before Stacy left, he came to my office and demanded for divorce. If you don"t believe me then you can take a look at the other paper inside this envelope." He gave it to her.

She took it out and saw a divorce paper signed by Stacy but wasn"t signed by Ethan yet.

"With the thought that she is Erika, I was willing to accept everything about her because I held onto the hope that one day, the Erika I once knew before would come back. But when I discovered about you I immediately ask my private attorney to fix everything including the divorce that Stacy had been asking. But I myself was surprise to know that our marriage was not registered at the civil registry at all. It looks like the business contract was the only one that was signed that day." he explained.

"T-that means, y-you and my sister -----""

"We"re not lawfully married. As to who sabotage the marriage certificate isn"t clear yet. my attorney is still looking into it." Then he faced the daze woman. "Now that we are not bounded by law and no written marriage contract, can I formally ask you now to be my future wife?" once again, Ethan knelt.

"I…I…"" Aisha doesn"t know what to say and do. Even so, marriage is not her top priority now. and what would the people around them think about this? Isn"t it too fast?

"But Master Omni and Eli… I don"t know if they"ll approved of these. Everything is moving so fast!" she exclaimed.

"Don"t worry sweetheart. This time, I won"t mess up with your relations.h.i.+p." Aisha jerked when she heard a familiar voice behind her.
"Master Omni?" she shuddered when she saw him come out from a corner.

"Me too mom! Please say yes!" Eli run towards the old man with his expectant eyes.

"Eli? Master Omni? How come?" Aisha looked at them then to Ethan.

"Ahh! It"s so annoying. I"m so tired of waiting in a corner." Caleb came out as well. Lisa was pulling him back but it"ll be useless since Aisha already saw them.

"Guys? Ethan? What"s happening?" Aisha creased her brows.

"Well, I guess it can"t be help." Ethan sighed. "I told them about my plan. I want them to be a witness for this very special day." he grinned.

"Ahh, I"m so hungry now! aren"t you done yet?" Caleb ironically uttered. Sophie hit his brother"s head.

"Are you really going to destroy their moment?" she glared at him.

"Sophie? you"re an accomplice as well?"

"I"m sorry. Ethan talked me out on this." she giggled.

Everyone was present, there are some new faces as well that Aisha haven"t meet yet. Maybe they"re Ethan"s friend.

"So Aisha, what"s your answer? everyone"s waiting?" Ethan genuinely asked, Aisha lowered her head. She thought about the threat around her; it isn"t done yet.

Ethan understood her cares so he a.s.sured her. "I am proposing to you right now but it doesn"t mean to say that we will get marry as soon as you give a "Yes" answer now. I know that dangers are still lurking around and I myself wants to end all of these before holding a wedding. I just want to keep you by my side. Would that be okay?"

Aisha nodded. She understood what he meant by that. So despites the trouble she is in, Ethan is willing to fight alongside her. she was delighted.

"Yes." she paused, "It"s my final answer." she smiled from ear to ear. Ethan himself cannot believe his ears but the loud cheer from the audience convinced him that it is indeed a yes.

He took the diamond ring and placed it in her ring finger. He stood up and kiss her.

"I love you." he pa.s.sionately uttered after.

"I love you more." She answered.

Loud cheers and applause echoed in the garden. They"re finally engaged!

After a few minutes, Ethan"s phone rang. he took it out and was about to answer when he saw the caller i.d.

"Stacy?" his forehead knitted.

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