Demetrius cannot contain his anger when he heard about the bomb explosion. He was also notified that it was Hayato"s scheme so he ordered Archie to obtain his personal number as soon as possible.

Liam heard about the commotion. He flared in anger towards Master Leon. Liam knew what his brother Rio can do especially if it is for Aisha"s sake and Liam feared for his son"s life- Rogue. Whose idea is it to let Rogue grew up with that nasty old man?! if his wife is still alive, she won"t surely allow Rogue to grow up with that old man. He needs to do something before it"s too late.

Archie approached Rio with the phone in his hands. Rio took it. He knew it would be Leon Hayato.

"Leon…" Rio spoke firmly when he placed the phone in his ear.

"Demetrius, I never thought you would still remember me. I guess you heard of my greetings." Leon spoke mockingly.

"Stop your stupid revenge because you"ll never achieve anything. Don"t you ever lay a finger on my daughter!"

"Oh, so are you on this game as well? Rio I just want to remind you that your daughter took away my precious son and grandson. I believe you are aware of the proverb "an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth." He spoke dangerously.

"Don"t drive me to raise my hands against you Leon. My daughter didn"t do anything!"

"Of course you will believe her! You choose to believe an orphan than a longtime friend, isn"t it?"

"You"re wrong Leon! I believe her because I know that she is telling the truth. I knew it!"

"That"s your problem Rio not mine. But whatever you say, I will get the justice for my son and grandson."

"if you are really aiming for justice then you should let the authorities handle this."

"They are sluggards! So I will just do it my way!"

"Do it your way if you want to see my own way!" Rio threatened.

"You think you can intimidate me?" Leon spoke sarcastically. "Rio, don"t think that I will easily back down just because you were once the king of the underworld. I will get the justice that my son deserves."

"I have never forgotten that you were once the chief executive of the underworld as well. But try to harm my daughter and you will see what the king of the underworld can do." Rio hung up. He roughly clenched the phone in his hands then stared at Liam who"s been pacing back and forth worriedly.

"Liam I am sorry. He left me with no choice." Then he went back to his room indignantly.

"d.a.m.n that old man!" Liam cursed.

Meanwhile, Aisha and the others were at Hunter"s bas.e.m.e.nt. They were trying to come up with a strategy against Master Leon. According to Larry, Leon Hayato has a private property at Mount Carnal. It is a two hours" drive from the central city.

"Larry, call Shawn. Tell him to come here as soon as possible." Ethan bade.

After a few minutes, a good looking man entered the bas.e.m.e.nt. Lisa looked at him. She is sure that she saw this man during that dinner at Ethan"s private house.

"Everyone, this is Shawn, the leader of my troops." Ethan introduced.

"Shawn! It"s nice to see you again. I haven"t thanked you properly for saving me that day." Caleb jumped to his feet.

Shawn smiled as he shook his hand.

"So what"s the plan?" Shawn queried.

"Here." Ethan laid the plan in front of him. Shawn looked at it carefully. He traced his jawline.

"This plan is quite dangerous. One mistake will blow off everything. I think it is more convenient if we have Caleb in this position and Sophie here. Me and my men will try to sneak inside the house while Hunter and you, Ethan will accompany miss Aisha inside."

"Wait, if I will enter the house with Ethan, who will act as the eagle"s eye?" Hunter asked.

"I will." Everyone looked at Lisa"s direction.

"Are you sure you can do it?" Hunter qualm.

"I can manage. Besides, this isn"t the first time I did something like this." She"s confident.

"She can do it." Aisha approved.

"Okay if you said so." Hunter was convinced.

Everyone was busy preparing the equipment that they needed. Sophie and Caleb excelled on sniper guns while Hunter showed them his collections of stuffs commonly used by spies and secret agents. They"re sure that weapons will be captured by Hayato"s men before they even entered the house.

Lisa activated each one"s tracking and communicating device. That way she can monitor everyone and will be able to communicate to each other.

"Caleb!" Lisa called out. The others were already outside stuffing the Vans with their equipment"s.

"Ehm?" he spun around to see a vexed woman.

"Be careful and make sure to come back safe, please."

"We will. Goodbye for now. I love you." he kissed her pa.s.sionately before joining the others outside.

"Bye." She purred.

Sophie, Caleb and the others headed to the target location while Aisha, Ethan and Hunter stayed with Lisa. Aisha was troubled after making an audience with Master Leon within the day.

"Audience granted at six tonight." Aisha relayed the news to Ethan and Hunter as well as the others.

"Good, we"re already situated." Caleb answered using the earpiece.

"But there"s a slight problem." Aisha interrupted, "He wants me to show up ALONE."

"No!" Ethan whimpered. "We will go with you no matter what." he a.s.serted.

"He won"t see me unless I am alone." Aisha elucidated. "Don"t worry, I can handle this. He won"t dare lay a finger on me."

"Then we will just join the others then." Hunter proposed.


Ethan and Hunter manage their way to where the others are. Shawn picked them up and helped them get inside the house without anyone noticing. Very well trained.

"Everyone"s inside." Lisa conveyed.

"Okay. then I"ll get going as well." Aisha mounted.

"Please be careful. Make sure to come back safe and sound." Lisa squeezed her.

"I will. I"ll see you later then." Aisha took her stuffs and loaded it in her car then she drove off.

Aisha reached the mansion at exactly 5:30pm. It was heavily guarded and if all h.e.l.l breaks loose, she is sure that no one can come out alive.

"I have an Audience with Master Leon Hayato!" She informed the gatekeeper.

"State your name."

"Aisha Mikasa."

The gatekeeper did something on his computer then after a minute, he opened the gate. the mansion was filled with armed men. so how did Shawn and the others came in without anyone noticing? They are indeed competent. She smiled proudly.

***Back at the Central City, a sophisticated woman wearing a thick sungla.s.s came out from the airport. The man beside her was carrying their luggage. After a few minutes, they were able to get a hold of a cab.

"Hertiz Residence, please." She specified.

After some minutes, she confidently entered the Hertiz Residence. The maids were all ogling at her with faces packed with suspicions. But no matter how surprised they were, the house butler collected some confidence and advanced towards her.

"Where is my father?" She inquired.

"At his study room, miss. Please wait here so I can call him."

"No need. Just take my stuffs in my room. I"ll go and see him myself."

She knocked on the door as soon as she reached the study room.

"Come in." she heard the man spoke feebly. She opened the door and went inside.

"Stacy!?" Robert raised his brow. "What are you doing here? Didn"t I tell you not to come home for now?" he fretted as he draws near her. Also, He deviously eyed the man with Stacy. What is he doing here? He thought.

"Dad, we need to talk." Stacy demanded.

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