"Ethan, I think I need to leave…" She sadly uttered.

Ethan heard the woman spoke. he creased a brow curiously.

"What do you mean?" Ethan replied.

"I think I need to leave for the meantime. I don"t mean leaving for good. I just think that I need to help my dad for a while." She went to sit beside Ethan.

"What"s the problem?" Ethan probed.

"I didn"t know that dad had been over working himself for the past few weeks. According to uncle Archie, the clients in this state, as well as abroad had submitted disputes regarding the items that they"ve been receiving from dad"s manufacturing sites at North State. Some had withdrawn their alliance too. Finding the culprit and a solution had frazzled my father. That may be the reason why he collapsed." She explained.

Ethan understood how she"s feeling about her father"s situation but he was also worried about her safety. Then his nightmares came into his remembrance. what if, it was not just a dream?

"Aisha, I understand how you"re feeling about your dad"s condition. But I care about your safety. What if…" Ethan didn"t finish his statement.

He felt Aisha"s hand on his so he looked at her. she was smiling confidently.

"I"m okay and I"ll be fine Ethan. Besides, I am not alone since Caleb is working on this case as well." She a.s.sured him.

Ethan averted his gaze. he was thinking carefully.

"Don"t worry about me, I can manage myself. You know that right?" she embraced his naked top.
"Yes I know you. I know how stubborn and clumsy you are. I know you can jump out from a third story building, not minding whether you break a bone. I definitely know that you aggressively attack your enemy just to save your people. yes, I know you very well." Ethan scoffed.

Aisha was amaze to hear Ethan"s a.s.sertions. after a while, she laughed. But how did Ethan know about the jump at the third story building? Wait! was he the one who helped her scape.

She suddenly looked at him. "Ethan, did you see me jump off my old apartment building?"

Ethan stared at her. "Where you expecting someone else." He glared at her.

"I was actually expecting for a splendid and handsome knight in s.h.i.+ning armor." She inched closer teasingly.

"Too bad, the one who came was more than a handsome knight." He pinched her noise.

"Ouch that hurts!" she made a face as she breaks away.

"Serves you right!" Ethan laughed. After a few minutes, Aisha went back to the topic.

"Ethan, about the things I said earlier…"

Ethan cut her off, "I know I can"t stop you from helping your father. So just do what you think is right." Aisha was searching his eyes. Did he really mean it?

"Are you serious?" Aisha asked

"Ehm. But in one condition."

Aisha knitted her brow. "Name it, just don"t tell me that you"ll go with me." she joked.

"I was about to say that!" he chuckled.

"Ethan!" she glared at him.

"Of course I can"t do that." he smiled. "But I have to ask Shawn to accompany you."

"You don"t have to do that. I told you I can do this myself." Aisha sighed.

"I know that you can handle yourself Aisha. But you should at least bring Shawn for my peace of mind." Ethan insisted.

"Okay fine." She rolled her eyes playfully. She knew that she can"t defeat Ethan when it comes to her safety.

Ethan smiled victoriously then he cupped the woman in his arms and pushed her on the bed. He started tickling her. she was laughing nonstop

"Yah! Stop it!" she cried still giggling. "I"m out of air." She pleaded. Then Ethan stopped as he stared at her yes. She really got a beautiful pair of eyes.

He caught the woman gulped while looking at his lips, he smirked. "Do you want it badly?" he teased her. Aisha averted her gaze embarra.s.sed but Ethan touches her jaw and slowly turn her head to lock eyes with him.

"Don"t look anywhere. Just look at me, just me." he whispered lovingly.

Aisha can feel his weight. Her breast against his chest then heat started to surge within her. Aisha doesn"t know what made it happen but as she looks at his face…she felt herself get wet. After a few seconds, Ethan presses his lips to hers and they"re searing hot. She can feel his fingers tangle in her hair and his lips on her neck. It was a good feeling and she got wetter. That intense pa.s.sion within her is driving her crazy. She wants more, more of him. more of that b.u.t.terflies around her stomach.

Unknown to her, her s.h.i.+rt was already on the floor. the next thing she knew was that Ethan"s mouth was on her breast and his hand on the other. She moaned. Ethan once again captured her lips while unb.u.t.toning her pants then slips his finger underneath her elastic underwear.

"Ethan…" Aisha suddenly held his hands trying to get through her. Ethan jerked.

"I"m sorry." Ethan was taken aback. He broke away from her and sat on the edge of the bed. "I"m sorry, I should have not done this to you." he turned his back on her. Few seconds had pa.s.sed but he didn"t hear any response from the woman. Guess she was rendered speechless. Ethan was about to stand up when he felt a warm body embracing him. he was shocked.

"Where do you think you"re going?" he heard a murderous voice behind him. "You started this, so you should take responsibility to end this agonizing feeling!" she threatened.

"But Aisha, are you sure---" he didn"t finish his statement. His jaw dropped when he turned around to see a naked angry woman. he was turned on.

Aisha doesn"t care anymore. all she wanted is to cure the hunger inside her. She can sense Ethan"s hesitation to take her so she jumps to her feet and presses her body to his as she captured his lips. Ethan was shocked for a second but then he responded at Aisha"s taunting.

"You asked for this woman." he smirked. "Be ready cause I might not control the beast inside me." then he started his way inside her.

"I"m ready." She whispered. "Let me see what you"ve got." She taunts him even more.

Under a starry dark sky, the moon and the stars were witnesses that a man and a woman were intensely enjoying as they make love over and over again.

Later, as he ecstatically cradled a sleeping woman to his chest, he wondered if everything was just a dream. then he traces every single curve on her face. once again, he kissed her lips as he uttered the word "I love you" pa.s.sionately.

After a few minutes, he dozed off to sleep contentedly.

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