"Get dress. We"re going to eat outside." Silver ordered the two woman sitting on the couch reading a magazine. They looked at each other and then to the man full of oddity.

"Breakfast outside? what"s the occasion?" Sherry"s tone was sarcastic.

"Are we going to argue about this again?" Silver said distraughtly.

"I think it would be nice to go outside Miss Sherry. We could get some fresh air." Stacy smiled at her.

Sherry soften, "Well, if my Stacy wants to go then sure I"ll go." she smiled.

Silver stared at the two. Words doesn"t need to confirm how Sherry doted Stacy. What more if she discovers that she"s her daughter? He thought.

Sherry and Stacy held hands as they went upstairs. They prepared themselves since it would be their first time to go out.

Silver was waiting for them at the garage. He wants to redeem himself to Sherry since she"s been treating him coldly the past few days. Sherry and Stacy must be bored by now doing nothing at home so he decided to treat them for breakfast. He was planning to bring them to the mall for shopping too. He smiled within.

After a few minutes, he saw two women wearing the same dress coming out. Anyone who sees them will surely believe that they are blood-related. Ah, a mother and daughter tandem! Isn"t it beautiful? Then Silver suddenly s.p.a.ced out. he was thinking about something when Sherry shook him.

"Aren"t we going?"

Then Silver came back to reality. He looked at the woman who was now knitting her brows.

"Get in." he opened the car door then Sherry and Stacy went inside. As soon as he closed the door, he went to the pa.s.senger seat and motion the driver to start the engine. Their bodyguards were following them behind.

After a few minutes, they entered the golden lights restaurant. It was one of the most visited eating place in the Central City because of its excellent food plus the good environment. Then the staffs showed them to the VIP table.

Unknown to them, someone among the crowds had seen them entered. Clint has been staring at Stacy since they"ve entered the restaurant. He was shock to see her along with Silver and guess the other woman was her mother. They were even wearing the same dress. Wait, her mother? Thought she was dead a long time ago?

Clint wanted to approach Stacy but they were heavily guarded. Why do they need a guard? But Ethan said that Stacy was in Paris. Or that woman--- could it be Aisha? Clint was in deep thought. guess he"ll need to see Ethan later since he can"t contact him right now.

Meanwhile, Stacy had been observing her surroundings. When Silver suggested a breakfast outside, she thought about escaping so she agreed. She didn"t inform Sherry yet since she wanted to study Silver"s actions first. She needs to see how keen the bodyguards are but looks like they are clever. Their eyes never left Stacy and Sherry even if they go to the bathroom.

After eating, Silver told them that they can do their shopping anywhere which brightened their faces. If there is anything common to Sherry and Stacy, that would be their love to spend some time shopping. Silver definitely knew their weaknesses.

Clint silently followed them to the mall. he"s been trying to take some clear pictures of them but when he saw that the two women were enjoying themselves, he ceased tailing them.


Aisha was done packing her things when Ethan came out from the shower room. he wears his usual business attire since he will be attending the art symposium tonight. But he promised to accompany Aisha at Rio"s house first.

They drove to Rio"s house for fifteen minutes. Archie saw them entered the gate so he sent the staffs to carry Aisha"s stuffs.

"Come in. Rio is waiting for you upstairs." Archie went before them.

He knocked on the door before entering. There they found Rio standing near the window.

"Dad!" Aisha run to greet her father.

"Aisha, it"s good to see you." he hugged her back.

"Mr. Mikasa, how are you?" Ethan kowtowed.

"Ah, Mr. Williams. I"m doing better now. thanks for coming over. Come have a sit." Rio offered the couch.

"Dad, I heard about what happen. I"m sorry that I wasn"t there to help you." Aisha lowered her head guiltily.

"You don"t have to apologize because I did not inform you intentionally." Rio uttered.

"But dad, why? does that mean that you don"t trust me?" she pouted.

"It"s not like that. I just don"t want to burden you because I know that you"ll want to investigate once you find out about it. and I guess I"m right." he looked at her intently.

"Dad, I want to help. I ----

"It"s too dangerous! You already have a lot of enemies lurking around you and I don"t want to add some more in your list. The problem of the company isn"t your business anymore. we can take care of it." Rio"s tone was rigid. "Besides, Caleb is in the North already."

Aisha was about to speak when Archie"s phone ring. He looked at the caller id, It"s Caleb so he excuses himself.

"Caleb, what"s the update?" Archie answered.

"Dad, you won"t believe what I have discovered!"


"But wait, Is uncle Rio with you?" Caleb asked

"Yes. I"ll switch to video." Archie switch to video and placed the phone on the table where everyone can see and hear. Now everyone can get a glimpse of him holding a medium teddy bear.

"I think I know the reason why our clients had been receiving fake products." Caleb started.

Demetrius creased his brow as well as Archie.

"What did you find out?" Demetrius asked.

"Our manufacturing sites are still producing the same quality of products as before. However, instead of s.h.i.+pping it directly to the clients, the products are confined in a private house and they are being used as carriers." Caleb explained.

"Carriers for what?" Aisha b.u.t.t in.

Caleb showed them the teddy bear with a slit in the middle. Then slowly, he took something insideā€¦ they held their breaths. Impossible!

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