"They are fighting, again." Eli sadly hugs master Omni. He overheard his parent"s fighting earlier so he went to his grandpa"s room. Aisha is about to knock at Master Omni"s room but she suddenly paused when she heard Eli spoke. She was looking for Eli everywhere. He is not in his room. She is actually planning to sleep with him tonight because she is still mad at Ethan.

"What if Mom leaves us, again?" she heard Eli. She feels guilty within. She should have waited for Ethan in their room before she approached him about Kian. She smacks her forehead when she realized it.

"That won"t happen again." Master Omni caressed his back. Eli leans at the old man"s lap. "Your mom loves you so much, that I know." He comforted Eli. After a while, Eli doze off to sleep.

Aisha knocks on the door. she enters when the old man spoke. she sits beside the old man as she reaches to caress Eli"s forehead regrettably.

"He came to my room when he heard you two fighting. He was afraid that you might leave him. I hope you understand how he feels about it. He was always distant to you in the past. But I can see now that he grew to love you." Master Omni explained.

"I"m sorry grandpa, I should have not let Eli heard about it. I was so upset that I was not able to hold it in."

"I understand Stacy," he taps her shoulder.

"It"s just that I don"t get him at all. Sometimes I don"t understand him. I just want him to trust me." She frowned.

"Child, Trust must be earned. I really don"t want to tell you this but I guess you need to see this in order for you to understand where he"s coming from." Master Omni places Eli on bed as he reach a magazine lying on his table. He handed her the magazine. Aisha crease a brow. She never read magazines at all.

An article caught Aisha"s attention when she held the magazine, It"s ent.i.tled: "Wife of a great CEO spotted with another guy". She turns the pages and read the article. She gasps. Her sister has dated some other guys before, worst, it"s not just once but a lot of times. No wonder Ethan was so upset about Kian.

"I-I didn"t know ----"" she said regretful. Now she understands why Eli and Ethan was upset.

"But now you know," Master Omni smiles at her. "Let Eli sleep here for tonight. As for you, go and talk to your husband. Don"t let the sun rise before settling your matters." He encourages.

"Thank you, grandpa." She hugs her and went out of the room.

Aisha found Ethan at the seaside. He is sitting alone while staring at the bonfire. He"s in deep thought. She went near him and handed him a cup of coffee. Ethan look at her and takes the coffee in her hands silently. Aisha smiled. She then wraps the blanket around Ethan since he is not wearing any jacket then she sits beside him. they were silent for a time being.

"I"m sorry. I"m sorry for yelling at you earlier. I should have not done it." She apologizes but She didn"t hear any response from Ethan.

"I won"t blame you if you hate me that much and I don"t know if I still have the right to say this but I just want you to trust me. I, I have been unfaithful in the past and I know I cannot undo all the hurts I caused you, and to Eli as well. But---- I, I …. all I can think of right now is to be a good wife and a better mother." She wipes the tear that escaped her eyes. silence fell for a minute or so.

"I also want to apologize for what I"ve said. I should have separated my work and my personal life. I know you are doing your best to be a good mom to Eli, I should have trust you then," they look at each other. Aisha cannot hide her tears anymore so she let it flow. She sobs silently. Ethan raises his hands to wipe her tears.

"I"m sorry," then he kisses her. Her heart suddenly skips a beat, then she kisses him back. They"ve lost track of the time enjoying each other"s lips. (Tada! Just imagine them kissing, that"s it..haha)

The image of her sister Stacy pops into her mind. Her mind wants to stop Ethan"s advances but her heart and body wanted more, more of Ethan. She"s been wanting to kiss him for a long time but whenever the image of her sister pops up, she blocks those desires. This time, she just wants to follow her heart. Is she falling in love with him? or does she love him already? She denied that cause. No! she"s just doing this for her sister, she justified.

They stop when they needed to catch their breaths. Ethan"s head bend over to touch her forehead as they smile at each other.

"I love you," Ethan said as he caresses her cheek.

"I love you too," she answered wholeheartedly. Ethan smiled. He pulled her closer and embrace her. Aisha rests his head in his chest enjoying the warmth of his embrace. After a while she dozes off.

Master Omni was in the Veranda watching them from a far. He smiles from ear to ear at the sight of the two lovebirds at the seaside. He took his phone in his pocket and dialed the number of his private investigator.

"Did you find her? Okay, watch her closely and report everything to me. And what about the other a.s.signment I told you? Where you able to gather all the data. Okay, send them to me as soon as you completed it." After he hung up, he walks back to his room and lays down beside Eli.

"I think tomorrow would be good day!" he mumbled to himself.

The next morning, Aisha woke up early to prepare breakfast for everyone. She is so happy and alive. She didn"t know why. She caresses her lips when she remembered what happen last night. She wiggles. The kitchen staffs notice her blooming face so they teases her. She blus.h.i.+ngly avoided the topic.

Ethan woke up but he can"t see Aisha everywhere. He took a shower and decided to go to the kitchen. He then saw Aisha having fun with the kitchen staffs while preparing for breakfast. He can see her smiling most of the time. she looks so beautiful. He smiles when he remembered what happen last night and the thought of her saying I love you made his heart flutter. He went near her and embraces her behind. Aisha got surprise for a second.

"Good morning!" Ethan kissed her cheek. She smiles then faces him. she smooched his lips. "Good morning" she answered back.

"Ah! What an ugly sight to start my morning!" Master Omni jokes. He is holding Eli"s hand. They both look at him and greeted him with their smiles.

"good morning sweetheart!" Aisha smiled at her son.

"Mom! Dad!" Eli run towards them then hugs them both. Ethan carried him then they both kiss him.

"You"re not fighting anymore?" he asks. "Yehey!" he is so happy.

"Breakfast is almost ready. Can you help mommy to prepare the table?"

"Yes!" Eli excitedly went to the dining table and prepared their plates.

Their last day at the ancestral mansion was a memorable one. They explored the mansion together, played hide and seek in the maze and even went hunting. The four of them enjoyed horse riding race, Master Omni lost because he was with Eli. They ended up their fun with grilling barbeque.

While waiting for the time to go back to the central city, Aisha went at the back yard garden. She"s busy removing the dead plants when Master Omni approaches her.

"I didn"t know you love flowers too, Stacy." He asks.

"It"s not that I love them. I was able to learn how to take care of them because my father loves his garden as well. He was so busy that he can"t even have time to clean it so I didn"t have a choice but do it for him." she laughs when she remembered the first time she cleaned her father"s beloved garden. Demetrius almost lost his sanity when he saw the plants that was lying on the ground.

"Oh is that so, I never know Robert keeps a garden for himself?" the old man answered. Aisha was shocked for a second. She forgot about Robert. She was thinking about his father Demetrius when she spoke earlier.

"Ah," he laughs nervously. "Y-yeah. There"s a mini garden where mom Helen keeps her favorite flowers too." She avoided his eyes.

"oh I see. by the way, Ethan is looking for you. It"s about time to go home now." with that Master Omni went back inside the mansion. She sighs in relief.

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