Ethan heavily sighed. He doesn"t understand a thing as to why Aisha was a bit moody for the past few days.

She hates it when he calls her but she gets mad when he doesn"t. Earlier, he was pampering Aisha since she was shouting at him over the phone for not calling her for how two days in a row.

Dang! women! He exhaled as he looks outside the airplane"s window. Thirty minutes more then he"ll arrived to the Central State.

Meanwhile, Kian notified Flynn that Ethan would be arriving later. Then once again, the news sparks Flynn"s thirst for revenge.

"This time, I will make sure that I will get him!" Flynn"s anger flared up. He took his phone and dialed a number.

"Have you seen his son?"

"Yes. his on my watch. Just give me your word." The other guy replied.

"Just wait and don"t lose him no matter what happen." He gave a stern order.

"Flynn, you don"t have to involve the child! His innocent!" Kian tried to impede his plan.

"Shut up Kian! If you don"t want to help, then just get away from me. you don"t understand how it feels to lose someone you love!"

"You know I do, Flynn. I lost my mom and my dad at an early age but I chose not to take revenge!" Kian got upset.

"Really? And what will you do if I tell you that I caused your parent"s death? Huh!? Are you going to just forgive me or kill me?" Flynn looked at him intently.

Kian"s eyes widened in disbelief. "What did you just say?"

"Yes Kian! I killed your parent"s! do you really think I will take care of you for nothing?" Flynn must have lost his mind to slip these informations without considering Kian"s emotion.

Kian staggered backwards. He can"t believe what he just heard. Did Flynn really killed his parents? But why? how? He has a lot of questions in mind but he chose to leave this insane man.

He punched the wall before he exited the house. He took his car and drove off to anywhere around the city. his mind is a mess and he doesn"t know what to do.

After a few minutes, he took out his phone and called a number. He must do the right thing before it"s too late.

Meanwhile, Ethan was in the airport when his phone rings. He brought out his phone to see who was calling but it was an unidentified number. But he was not surprise to see his son playing when he answered the call.

"Who are you? show yourself!" he threatened.

"If you want to see your son alive, you must come to the location that I am about to send you--- ALONE!" Then the call got disconnected. After a few seconds, he received the direction via text message.

After Ethan made a call, he went to his car and drove to the address sent by the unanimous man.

He drove to the Central cemetery and as soon as he got off the car, he finds the exact place pinged on the message. He found a man on a suit standing in front of a grave.

"Ahem." Ethan coughed intentionally.

"Would you like to say your last word to my daughter?" the man spoke sternly. "Do you know how my poor princess suffered because of you?" Flynn was determine to end Ethan"s life now.

"I didn"t do anything." Ethan replied. "But I"m sorry for your lost."

"Sorry? Do you think that"s enough? That mere sorry, do you think it will heal my princess" scarred heart? do you rhink it will bring her back to life?!" he finally faced him. Ethan saw the gun in his hand but he chose to remain calm.


"Oh I wonder why you"re not surprise to see me? so I bet you know? And you know about my daughter whom you killed as well?" he interrupted.

"Daughter? I have never killed anyone!" he defended.

"Sandra! Sandra Sympson. Remember your old secretary?" Flynn yelled as he points his gun. "She was the only treasure I had but all because of you, she died!" tears gushed from his eyes.

"B-but I didn"t know that she died." He was honestly surprised.

"Hmp! How will you know? You didn"t even care about her. you only care about your wife…what"s the name? is it Stacy? Hha!" Flynn laughed frantically. "You know; I should have killed her first so you would understand how it feels to lose someone you love. But since I can"t see her anywhere, might as well have your son in exchange." He crazily laughed.

"Flynn! My son has nothing to do with this!" he got upset. "You want me right? then take me." he dared him.

"Ah, my daughter would love to have you in the afterlife." Now his talking foolishly. Then he pointed him the gun.

"She took her own life because she cannot accept that you have married an illegitimate woman. she"s been with you for how many years, devoted her life to you but you have never looked at her as a woman. if only you paid more attention to her then she must have been alive until now."

"Flynn, you cannot force nor dictate your heart to love someone. You should know that. she"s a good friend but I can never dictate my heart to love her." he explained. "And I don"t think she really fell in love with me, what she has is pure obsession Flynn. She wants what she sees on the outside, but she never loved me."

"Shut up!" Flynn was now aggravated just by hearing Ethan"s statement.

Bangggggg!!!!! A loud gunshot echoed in the cemetery. Blood was oozing from his hands.

"d.a.m.n!" he cursed.

"I have given you a chance but you have wasted it. but I will still give you a second chance but it would be in the jail already. Involving my son was your greatest mistake." Ethan went near him.

"You! how did you…" he didn"t finish his question since the authorities came and handcuffs him.

Then Ethan took his phone and called Larry. "How is Eli?"

"His good. We have already caught the gunman, Sir Ethan." Larry reported. Then Ethan hung up. He has so much for the day. he just arrived but he already faced a lot of complications. Dang! his super tired.


Earlier, before Flynn called, he already spoke with Kian and told him all of Flynn"s plans that"s why he called Larry to go and see Eli and made sure to catch the gunman. Then Ethan called the police to wait for him at the cemetery silently.

Ah! His super tired but he needs to go to his office first. As soon as Ethan entered his office, Dorothy handed her a letter envelope addressed to Aisha. He creased a brow.

After a few minutes, his eyes widened in shock. Is this real?! He exclaimed. he cannot believe what he read.

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