She"s screaming in pain and all she desires is for G.o.d to take away all the pain if possible. But seems like death is the only way right now. one more day, G.o.d please. Just one more day, she thought. If you could let me live for another day; a tear trickled down to her cheek before she totally dozes.

Stacy had fully accepted her condition before. That she can"t be healed no matter how wealthy she is. It"s true enough that money couldn"t buy everything. It can"t buy another chance to live. Money is useless in times like this. But only hope and miracle could save her.

She knew she would eventually die from her sickness so she chose to do one last thing before everything comes to an end—to chase her dream and just be happy for the remaining months that she has. That"s the reason why she chose to leave Ethan and Eli. She was distant to Ethan not because she hates him but because of her guilt. It was never a part of her plan to hurt and use other people. her mother never taught her to live like that so she made ways to discourage Ethan. Maybe by pretending to go out with different men, Ethan would drop her or divorce her so Silver wouldn"t blame her but it didn"t work that way.

She chose to detach herself to Eli not because she doesn"t care but she doesn"t want to be too attached emotionally. It would be much painful to leave him if that happens. She loves Eli but she could only love him in a distance. Of course, no one would understand why she needs to be cold but her plans of leaving them for good will cause great distress to both father and son.

If only she knew that this will happen then she should have asked G.o.d to take her when she was young. but that time, the will to live seeing her sister Erika doing her best, wis.h.i.+ng for her healing was greater than anything else in the world. They only had each other that time so leaving Erika alone was eating her conscience.

When Silver came and offered help she didn"t hesitate to agree. She didn"t even tell her sister about it because she wants to surprise her one day. she thought the operation would only take a week so she asked the staffs to hide it from Erika but her innocent mind was betrayed by this man when he took her abroad.

Erika didn"t know. She was only told that a man came searching for children in need of help and Emily was one of the lucky child. Erika couldn"t be much happier that time. although she didn"t have a chance to bid farewell but her desire to see her twin sister completely healed was her driving force to continue living without her.

Ah! If only Erika didn"t join the martial arts compet.i.tion abroad then she should have seen the man who took Emily. But she doesn"t want to disappoint Emily who wants to see her on stage winning the gold medal. It was Emily"s dream and she wants to fulfill it so she joined the orphanage inter-sport fest. Luckily, she won the first place but when she came home, Emily was long gone. She cried but she gets back up. Emily wouldn"t want her to cry. Her smiles gave joy to Emily so she should take good care of it until she returns.

Sure enough, Silver spent millions just to ensure her complete healing. He also became a father figure for a year but then everything changes when Silver handed her to the Hertiz. Silver promised to get her back soon but he never came back so Emily grew up with the Hertiz. they pampered her so much. yes, she was dearly loved.

The time she planned to find her sister was the time that Silver and Robert asked her to marry Ethan. She doesn"t know their plan but she adheres to it since Silver was collecting the debts that she owes—her life. Dang! but she only agreed to have that two years" contract. However, her second year on the contract gave her a blow. She discovered about her leukemia and she"s been undergoing treatment secretly but looks like G.o.d wasn"t on her side.

She thought she was healed after a year of treatment but just last year, she was told that she already reached stage four. She was depressed at the news because she was too young to die! She still wants to do a lot of things in her life.

However, she reached her threshold. She decided to leave everything she has in the Central State, including Johnny and pursue her desires since she only have few months to live. But then again, her resolved was shaken when she heard of her sister.

Lord, one more day to live… Just one more day, please. It was her daily prayers since the time that she discovered that their mother was alive. She must tell Aisha about it. if she can"t save her, then Aisha might. She was hoping.

Her struggles every hour pains Johnny. What can he do for her? The doctors are still looking for bone marrow donor but while waiting, they have to prepare her body for the transplant.

Ethan was there too. He saw all her struggles and it"s definitely killing her softly. He looked at Johnny, who"s seemingly losing his sanity. Bone marrow transplant? He thought. Last night, he was thinking whether to call Aisha but this time, no more thinking. No more hesitating. Aisha needs to see her sister as soon as possible.

"I"ll call her sister right away." Ethan mumbled. Johnny jolted in surprise as he looked at him.

"Are you sure about that?" Johnny was a bit worried since he knew that Aisha is doing an important mission. "But you know what could possibly happen if they see them both, right?"

"I know the risk but this is necessary." Then he took his phone and dialed Aisha"s number. It took him three miss calls before someone picked up the line.

"Ethan! How are you?" her energetic voice resonates.

"Aisha, I"m sorry to disturb your mission but you need to come back as soon as possible." Aisha can sense the enormity in his voice.

"What do you mean?" her energy sank. "Did something happen?"

"It"s your sister Stacy. I found her but you should know something."

Aisha held her breath and drops the phone instantly when she heard what Ethan said. No! it can"t be true. Stacy! Then a teardrop escapes her eyes as she kneels down and cry her heart out.

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