He went to the room where she left the woman but she was no longer in there. The bed was empty. Where could she be? He waved his hands to signal the doctor back to his clinic then he headed to Stacy"s room. he looked around only to find Johnny and Lisa sitting on the couch while reading some magazines.

"Have you seen Aisha?" Ethan asked when he couldn"t find any trace of her.

Lisa and Johnny stared at each other, then to Ethan.

"Eh? Haven"t you seen her earlier? I thought she run after you?" Lisa informed him but Ethan didn"t respond.

"She went to Stacy"s head doctor to be tested. She said she wanted to know if she is eligible for the bone marrow transplant." Johnny told him.

After a few minutes, Aisha entered the room. Everyone stared at her but she"s seemingly lost in her own world. She walked inside but she didn"t notice the people watching her approaching the gla.s.s window.

She looked at her unconscious sister with her face showing a bemused impression. Then she unconsciously touches her stomach. Unknown to her, Lisa was already standing beside her.

"Aisha, is everything alright?" She touched her shoulder. Aisha jerked when she realized that there are three people in the room. then her eyes suddenly landed towards Ethan who was gaping at her intently. she locked eyes with him.

"Aisha, what did the doctor say? Are you compatible?" Lisa further.

Aisha jolted in surprise when she remembered what the doctor said about her condition so she broke her eye contact with Ethan and lowered her head.


"Ah, this is a bit of surprise knowing that Stacy have a twin sister." The male doctor was inspecting her from head to toe but Aisha chuckled at the doctor"s facial reaction.

"Anyway doctor, can you run the screening test on me? I want to know if I can be a donor for my sister." Aisha pleaded.

"No need to beg sweetheart. We will run the test as soon as possible." The doctor smiled.

A young lady nurse approached Aisha after a few minutes and draw some blood. Then after five minutes, the doctor came in with a paper folder in his hands. He sat on his chair and waveringly stared at the woman for a few seconds.

"Doctor, how did it go?" She asked innocently. The doctor seems to understand that the woman in front of him doesn"t know that she"s pregnant.

"I"m sorry but I"m afraid that we can"t continue the screening test any longer." The doctor decided.

"But why? is my body weak? Am I sick? Maybe I just need to rest because I just came from my flight." Aisha pushed.

"You"re pregnant. Four weeks to be exact." The doctor interrupted her.

She shuddered. Eh? What? Pregnant? I-I"m pregnant? Four weeks? Aisha cannot believe what she heard. No, it cannot be. She shed a tear.

"Hey, Aisha!" Lisa shook her.

"Eh? I… I am not eligible as per the doctor." She faked a laugh.

"What?" Lisa yelped. "Although your twins?" she was surprise.

"It does really happen." Johnny replied. "Few doctors already told us about that before." he sighed.

"Ah… that"s so unfortunate." Lisa squeaked.

They were having a conversation when they felt Stacy woke up. They were looking at her through the gla.s.sy window.

Stacy gazed at their direction. She wanted to wake up but she"s so weak as of the moment. All she can do is to stare at the people outside especially her sister.

Both their eyes locked and were being clouded with tears already. Finally, they were able to see each other but it is so unlucky and tactless that they were able to meet in this hideous situation.

"Can I go inside?" Aisha suddenly asked.

"We have to asked the doctor." Johnny replied.

"Let me call the doctor for you." Ethan dialed a number and after a few minutes, the head doctor came in accompanied by two nurses who was holding a hospital gown and some addition stuffs.

The doctor spotted Aisha and was looking at her meaningfully. but Aisha stared back reminding him not to tell anyone about the result. Yes, Aisha pleaded the doctor to keep her pregnancy to anyone, even Ethan. The doctor agreed, besides, all he knew was that the person whom Ethan loves was Stacy. Ethan doesn"t need to know anything about her.

"You can go in but don"t let her talk for a long time. she"s under medication and treatment for now that"s why she easily gets tired." The doctor informed them. "Also, you should wear these before entering—that"s for your protection." He was actually trying to relay it to Aisha.

"Thank you doctor." Ethan thanked him before the doctor get inside Stacy"s room to monitor her status. Then as soon as he was done checking her, he went out the room.

Aisha went in after the doctor, however, Stacy was now dozing off due to the medicine that was injected to her.

"Stacy…" Aisha held her hand. She can see that Stacy was fighting the effect of the medicines and obviously wants to say something.

"Shhh…" Just rest. I"ll be here when you wake up." She a.s.sured her.

"E-Eri…ka…" Stacy stuttered. "I…I fo…und… M---…"" Stacy didn"t finish since the medicine had overcome her.

She fell asleep. Aisha laid her hand back and stood up and exited the room. Lisa was there to help her take off the hospital gown and mask that she was wearing.

Ethan was silently watching in a corner. It was definitely a sad way to be reunited. He sighed. Then he was about to stride towards the door when they heard a rus.h.i.+ng knock.

"Come in!" he yelped then the door opened and doctor Sonny came in. Ethan creased a brow. What is a neuro doctor doing in here? He asked in his mind.

"Doctor Sonny, what are you doing here?" Ethan asked.

"Mister Ethan, everyone, I have a good news." He was smiling victoriously. "I found a match!"

"A match?! Do you mean a match for the transplant?" Aisha leaped in joy.

"Yes." the doctor answered.

"That"s great then!" she was overjoyed. Even Johnny and the others felt that way. "Is that person willing to donate?" she probed.

"Well that… I believe she won"t hesitate to be a donor. However, I can"t contact her anymore." the doctor saddened.

"What do you mean?" Ethan asked.

"She was my patient a month ago. But I was surprise to notice that one day, she stopped coming by for her therapy. I can"t even call her at all." the doctor explained.

"Who is she? Maybe we can possibly find and talk to her." Aisha was hoping.

The doctor raised his head to see the woman. "Her name is Sherry. Sherry Gray."

Then Aisha suddenly dropped the phone that she was holding. What?! out of the billion people in the world, why her?! she clenched her fists.

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