She"s more than ready. The meeting place will be at the Gray Hotel at 9am. She clearly remembers Silver"s instruction: To hand the golden egg to the receptionist, get the key to room 322 and take Sherry with her. It was simple as that. But Aisha knew how vicious Silver is. Anyway, what matters most was that, she"s prepared.

She smiled within her thinking that she is not fighting alone anymore. there are people behind her back without Silver"s knowing. Then she checked her bag. Ah, the golden egg. it was there all along. After checking everything, she headed to the hotel.

After a few minutes, she arrived at the building. she looked around outside and inside the hotel. duh! That old man is very obvious. She can sense that some soldiers we"re dressed as civilians, men and women were scattered everywhere, trying to blend in. she smirked.

She strides cautiously towards the receptionist. A woman in her twenties was standing beside two men dressed professionally. Seems like they were expecting her since they were staring at her since she entered the hotel.

"I have an appointment with Silver today." Aisha said.

"Are you perhaps, Miss Aisha Mikasa?" The innocent woman smilingly asked.


"Ah yes Ma"am. Master Gray left a key for you. can I have the package for him?" She was polite enough for Aisha to notice that the lady doesn"t have any idea as to what is happening around her. she sighed.

"Did I say something that probably offended you miss?" the receptionist lady was worried.

Aisha smiled. "Ah no, don"t worry. here is the package." Aisha handed her a box which was beautifully wrapped. Then the lady handed Aisha the key to the room.

"Please wait for your escort Miss. He"ll show you the way."

"Okay, thank you." then Aisha turned around and saw a guy wearing a black and white tuxedo. He seems harmless but who knows what a small guy is able to do? She followed him to the elevator then after a few minutes, they walked out and headed to the said the room.

Aisha breath out for a while before inserting the key that was given to her. then she slowly opens the door. It"s quite wide. She then entered the room and prudently inspect the surroundings. Though she cannot see anyone, she still needs to be careful.

She was inspecting the place when she heard some unusual clatter somewhere. It"s as if someone fell. She opens the room in front of her and to her surprise, she saw a woman with tied hands and feet. Her mouth was covered with a masking tape and she was lying on the floor. her eyes were pleading for help.

Aisha quickly run to her aid and gently remove the ropes in her hands and feet then tape on her mouth.

"Are you alright?" Aisha asked. The woman nodded pathetically. Ah, poor woman.

"Who are you and how did you end up here?" Aisha inquired.

"M-my name is Mimi… a dancer at Rese Bar." She was shaking. "I don"t even know how I got here. All I can remember was that, someone came to me and gave me and offered me a free wine. That"s all."

Aisha caresses her forehead. She had doubted that Silver will honor the deal but it was beyond her imagination to think that he can play dirty tricks like this. why involve an innocent lady in her early twenties? What a filthy old man! she clenched her teeth.

"They must have drugged you. gather yourself then, we have to get out from this room as soon as possible." Aisha offered her hand to help the woman stand up then they walked out the room. To their surprise, there were at least ten men in the Sala waiting for them.

"Who are you?" Aisha gawked.

"We are your worst nightmare." One of the men sarcastically answered. But Aisha scowled mockingly.

"Oh? Really? Did Silver sent you to finish me off?"

"You seemed to be undaunted young lady. Unfortunately, we need to take your head to our master." Then he pointed out his gun to Aisha who pulled Mimi behind her. he was now walking towards her.

Aisha smirked. "You know what, your greatest mistake is that you pointed out your gun to me."

"Oh really? So what will you do---" the man was about to grab her but the next thing they saw was that he is now lying on the floor—dead! He was shot in the head! The remaining men was astounded and fear was crippling in their spines. Their leader is dead!

They were looking around trying to find the sniper.

"You can never find him. but I"m telling you, you don"t have any way out anymore." she uttered with authority. "If you want to live, you better drop your guns now!" she yelled. With fear in their hearts, they all dropped their guns.

"Take this corpse to your master and tell him what I have said. "Don"t mess with a woman nor with a Mikasa." She glared at them. "If he is wise, then I"m wiser." Then she took Mimi with her as they exited the hotel premises. To her surprise, no one had stopped them. Wait, something isn"t right. Silver must have some other plans to let her go just that.

She made sure to send Mimi on her way before she went to where her car was park. She"s not surprise to see an alluring man leaning on her car, waiting for her impatiently. As soon as the man saw her, he run towards her and inspected her from head to toe.

"Are you okay? are you hurt anymore?" he was full of worry.

She smiled. "I am. Thank you Ethan."

Ethan heaved a heavy sigh. If the men didn"t drop their guns, he might have finish everyone off inside that room. he got pretty mad when he saw the guy whom he shot dead pointed his gun on her. And yes, he heard all their conversation since Aisha was wearing an earpiece.

"I didn"t know you were that good at shooting in a distance." Aisha teased as she pinched her side.

"Yah, that"s enough. Let"s head back, Rio must have been waiting for us."

Then Ethan held Aisha"s hand, opened the pa.s.senger"s door for her and run towards the driver seat.

"Do you think it"s time for me to call Silver?" she smirked. "I guess he"s now celebrating right now."

"Just give him the leisure to celebrate for now. don"t ruin it yet. you should bear in mind that the greater the height is, the more painful the fall would be." Ethan replied. Then they drove back to Rio"s mansion.


Meanwhile, Stacy opened her eyes heavily but she can feel her body a little lighter now. She tried to raise her hand slowly. Although she was having a hard time, joy can still be seen in her face. Looks like the medicines and treatments are working on her body now. then she remembered her sister.

She tried to wake up but her body couldn"t hold itself yet. she tried but it"s kinda hard. Now she"s breathing hard.

"What are you doing? Please don"t wake up yet, your still under the influence of medicines so it"ll make you dizzy if you try to stand." The nurse uttered when he saw the woman trying to get up.

"Phone. My sister. call her. please." Her voice was all over her mouth but the nurse was able to understand her request.

"I understand, please wait here." The male nurse gets out and told the other nurses in charge about Stacy.

After a couple of minutes, Aisha"s phone ringed. A new number? Suddenly, her eyes widened and shocked were written all over her face. But then her eyes started to lit up gradually.

"Ethan! Drop me in the hospital, faster!" she requested. "Stacy is fully awake now and has been looking for me!" she beamed.

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