It was already seven in the evening when Aisha decided to drive back to Rio"s mansion. As scheduled, they will be having an a.s.sembly. Yes, the a.s.sembly of four people on how they"ll trap Silver on his own schemes. However, Aisha was thinking of getting absent or just cancel the meeting. Her mind is in disarray after her conversation with Stacy.

She cannot believe what she learnt; her mom is alive and they"ve been in constant dispute all these time. But why did she leave them? that night, if she didn"t leave with Cole, if she didn"t leave them alone in the house that night, then probably she shouldn"t have the same fate as Cole. if only.

Aisha loved her mom but somewhere in her heart, there is a part that hates the woman. That night, she thought that her mom and dad left temporarily and will be home the next day. However, when she saw the empty drawers and cabinet, she already sensed that they had abandoned them. nevertheless, she still waited for them. she was not expecting her dad to come back and get them, but at least her mom might. No, she will! She strengthened her heart.

However, after a week, they had received the news that their parents both pa.s.sed away in a car accident.

That moment, grief overpowered her hate. maybe she didn"t come back for them because they had a car accident. But then again, learning that she"s alive all these time and had been with Silver angers her. Did she deliberately choose Silver over them? So what"s the point of saving her then? Her knuckles were already turning white due to her intense gripped on the steering wheel.

"She doesn"t remember anything, not even her past. I think Silver did it on purpose because he told Sherry that they had one daughter named Emily but apparently, she died when she was young. that was the picture that Silver showed her." Stacy told her when she noticed that Aisha cannot accept the truth.

"She can"t remember us, Erika." Stacy reiterated.

Stacy even relayed how Silver locked her and Sherry inside the house. They were literally prisoners in that house but she escaped with the help of Sherry.

So if Silver was behind their mom"s lost memories, then why did he do that? did he knew her even before? there must be a reason of it. A reason that she must dig into it even if it was buried a long ago. Why did Silver take her mom? Didn"t he know that she has daughters? Then Aisha suddenly gasped.

Wait! did he perhaps know that Stacy was Sherry"s daughter? Was that the reason why he took her? Now she was thinking. But despites everything, Aisha couldn"t understand Silver"s reasons.

After a few a minutes, she arrived at Rio"s mansion and was greeted by the servants as soon as she got of the car. One of her father"s men escorted her to were the others are.

"Oh speaking, there she is…" Rio smiled at her daughter who seemed lost in another dimension.

"You okay?" Ethan asked when she sat beside him. Aisha jolted.

"Ehm…" she forged a smile.

"Good. unfortunately, Archie won"t be able to join us today because they are busy preparing for the burial of Elise." Rio informed them.

"Elise? Who is that?" Aisha was puzzled. As far as she knows, Archie only have two children.

With that, Rio gave her an astonis.h.i.+ng gaze. it"s as if he was saying something like; "Are you serious?"

Aisha creased a brow. "Dad, what is it?"

"You didn"t know? I thought Lisa told you about it." Ethan probed.

"The what? Lisa and I didn"t have the chance to meet." She answered.

"So you don"t know that Sahaya is Caleb"s daughter from Elise?" Ethan cannot believe that she, as the main best friend doesn"t know anything about what"s happening on Caleb"s life.

"Eh?!" she exclaimed. Of course, she didn"t know but why did Caleb nor Lisa not informed her?

"Sahaya? Eli"s playmate?"

"Yes." Ethan confirmed.

Both Rio and Ethan looked at each other unbelievingly. So Rio narrated the story that Archie told him. after an hour, Aisha got a full view of the story and she felt bad for not being there for either Lisa and Caleb.

She sulked for a while. She should take a break from her task and visit her friends for the meantime. Yes, she should do that.

Rio and Ethan sensed that her thoughts were afar since she s.p.a.ced out.

"Aisha…" Ethan tapped her shoulder.

"I-I"m sorry." she jerked.

"Is everything okay? Something is bothering you, isn"t it?" Ethan continued. At once, Aisha stared at her father who was looking at her since earlier. her eyes were gloomy. It"s pretty obvious that she"s wavering about something.

"What is it, Aisha?" Rio straightened up.

"Dad…" She uttered softly, then she lowered her head. "About Sherry Gray…" she halted for a while.

There was silence for a minute but Rio and Ethan was waiting for her to speak up. They we"re waiting patiently.

"H-How did you know her?" She asked.

Rio was caught off guard for a while. Why did she suddenly ask? She hates her, right? but the way she"s acting up right now isn"t hate, it"s kinda…

"Why"d you ask?" he was curious.

Aisha dejectedly looked down. seems like she can"t speak up.

"She resembles a person I knew a long time ago. But she died." Rio chose to answer her question when he noticed that Aisha couldn"t speak up.

Aisha"s eyes widened in surprise. "H-how did she die?" she looked at him.

Rio saw her fiery eyes. That intensified gaze… she definitely wants to confirm something. Rio seems to know where she was trying to get at. Does she possibly know about it already? He wants to check.

"Car accident. The last thing I heard was that she died along with her husband. Why"d you ask?" he replied.

Aisha"s lips twitched unbelievingly. What a coincidence! Her thoughts are running wild right now.

"And Silver… how did you know him?" she asked again.

"Silver Gray? He is my brother. Half-brother." He responded.

"Half-brother? I thought you only have uncle Liam as your half-brother? What happened?" she was confused.

"It"s a long story. But he left on his own will. Why are you suddenly interested about the Grays?"

She chuckled frantically then a tear trickled down her cheek.

"Remember when I told you that my mom died 15 years ago?" Aisha started. "Can you believe that the person I hated the most was my mom all along?" she chuckled hysterically, but after a while, tears gushed out from her eyes as she cried her heart out.

Ethan was shocked but Rio knew this was coming. So she had discovered it already. Ah! Is this merely a coincidence or destiny? Rio inhaled an amount of air and released it slowly.

"So you already knew…" Rio mumbled.

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