Lisa was with Caleb helping him out with the preparations for Elise"s burial. She was also watching over Sahaya at the same time.

Archie was with them too. They decided to conduct a simple and private interment. After a few hours, Tommy came with some flowers. One of them was Elise"s favorite flower. As soon as Sahaya saw him, she run to greet him.

"Uncle!" her happy face flashed in front of him. he then stooped down and carried Sahaya in his arms when a helper came to his aid and took the flowers from him.

"How are you little princess." He smiled.

"Pretty awesome, uncle." She responded.

Tommy somehow felt a little lighter seeing that Sahaya is back to herself. He never wanted to see her crying because it wrecks his heart.

"Tommy, I"m glad you were able to make it." Caleb greeted him.

"Me too…" Tommy answered. When Lisa came, she took Sahaya from Tommy so Caleb and Tommy could talk. Tommy"s eyes followed the woman as well as Caleb.

"She"ll be a good mom to Sahaya." He mumbled still with his eyes upon them.

"I bet she will." He responded.

"I"m glad to know that Sahaya is in good hands. Please take good care of her." Tommy stated.

"Tommy…" Caleb looked at him. "We won"t be going anywhere. You can still come and visit Sahaya anytime you like."

"I loved to. But I have to go to Britain in a couple of weeks. I"m afraid I"ll be staying there for good." he explained.


"I"m okay." he smiled. "At least, I"ll be at ease since I know that Sahaya is in good hands."

"I"m really sorry, Tommy. I know this is very hard for you…"

Caleb was interrupted when Tommy tapped his shoulder.

"Stop it. I know what you"re about to say but they were never a burdened to me, ever. They we"re the best and greatest blessings I ever had." He uttered.


"Cheer up! I don"t want to ruin Sahaya"s smile right now. I don"t know what you did but I prefer to see her smiling for the last time."

Caleb straightened up. "Okay. I understand. Let"s go inside then." Then they both entered the premises.

Meanwhile, Silver made some arrangements with a few internal board members from the underworld. He already cued that the golden egg has a new master moving forward. The Williams have no longer power over them.

He was looking at the golden egg in his hand. With eyes beaming with joy, he carefully laid it on his secret vault. Who would have thought that the fulfillment of his long awaited dream have come to pa.s.s? That woman is extrordinary. How did she manage to steal this sacred stuff that easy? Stacy couldn"t do it in the past, but her sister took it in a snap of a finger. Awesome!

If only he knew then probably, he chose to take Aisha with him, instead of that weakling woman. he sighed. but it"s okay, the most important thing is that he already has it. too bad, he can"t surrender Sherry to her, or else, his doom!

"We will attend the general a.s.sembly soon. That time, I will appear in front of them as the new king. Do you want to stand by me?" Silver proudly uttered.

The four mysterious people who appears in a secure video line seems to be thinking. They have to be wise on their decisions.

"Are you really sure that you have the real golden egg? we have had a lot of cases in the past who claimed that they have the stuff however it was proven to be fake." One of the mask man inquired.

"Do you think I would put myself in shame?" Silver challenged them.

"We just want an a.s.surance." Another guy answered.

Silver smirked sarcastically then he stood up and went back to the vault where he placed the golden egg. he took it and walked back to his chair

"If what I have is fake, then what do you call this?" With a victorious smile, he showed them the imprinted proof.

The four masked guys grasped and looked at their monitor even closer. The proof! Their eyes widened. The imprinted proof was on the egg, it"s definitely the legendary egg!

"So what? do you believe me now?" Silver stated.

"I will stand with you."" one of the four pals uttered in resoluteness.

"Me as well." another answered.

However, two of the four mysterious man didn"t give their answer. they fell in profound silence.

"How about you two? Are you sure you want to slide this chance of collaborating with the new king?" he laughed mockingly.

"Silver, don"t you think it"s still very early to claim the throne?" one of the masked man spoke in authority. "We still have a few days before the a.s.sembly, a lot can happen in that span of days."

"You"re thinking that someone might steal this from me, am I right?" Silver knew where he"s going at.

"I didn"t say that." the man replied.

"Hhha!" Silver"s mocking laugh echoed not just in the room but it reached the four man"s end. "Who would dare? The strong and mighty Silver will never lose to anyone!"" he declared.

"I am afraid that whoever tries to take this thing away from me will never see the sun s.h.i.+nes again." He continued.

The two men who refused to stand with him sighed heavily. He might be vicious but his not wise enough.

It took them a few hours to settle everything but despites that, Silver wasn"t able to get the two men"s alliance. He was furious about it but what can he do? well, at least, he got two on his side. And with the golden egg on his side, he"s sure that he will win any war alone. Yes, he can stand alone at any fight.

He closed his laptop and brought the golden egg back to his vault. After a few minutes, he heard a knock on his room. the knock gradually increased and it irritated him.

Whoever this person is, his sure that he knew the consequences of disturbing him at this hour. Does he want to die? He cursed.

The knocking didn"t stop and whoever the person is, his sure banging the door already. He furiously strides towards the door and opened it with a scowled face.

"What do you think you"re doing? Do you want to die?!" he shouted at the poor young guard. The man shrieked in fear. He angered him and he looks like a tiger ready to devour his prey anytime.

"I-I"m sorry master." He was trembling in fear. He can"t even look at Silver in the eyes. "It…It"s just that…" he was breaking.

"Do you have a death-wish young pal?" Silver glared at him. "Speak!"

"Miss Sherry! She"s bleeding! She lost a lot of blood." he yelled all at once. Silver"s eyes widened in disbelief.

"What!" he yelped then he run towards the room where he locked the poor woman.

He grasped when he saw the woman on the floor, covered with her own blood.

"Sherry!" he yelled and went to aid her. "Ambulance! Call an ambulance this instant!"

The men guarding the door immediately run to the house telephone.

"Sherry… Sherry… please, wake up." He tears up.

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