She looked at her surroundings. Everything is new. This isn"t her room at Rio"s mansion nor Ethan"s room. The curtains, the chandelier, the window"s location… everything is new in her eyes. Even the bed, her body appears to be adjusting. She slowly got up while caressing her neck. It hurts her. then her last memory at the mall came into remembrance.

Dang! her eyes widened in horror. That moment, someone struck her unknowingly that"s why she lost her consciousness. Silver! She whispered in disgust. Then she stood up and went to the door. She held the doork.n.o.b and twist to open, unfortunately, it was locked outside.

Where could she possibly be? She thought. then she walked to the window and looked outside. Aisha had once visited Silver"s house and had checked its surroundings so she was sure that wherever she is right now, is not at Silver"s mansion.

How long did she stayed in this place? She cannot tell since she can"t find any clock inside the room. She can"t even check her phone since she left it at Ethan"s car. And of all days, why did she even left her wrist.w.a.tch at home? she caresses her temple.

Ah, she"s having a headache. Ethan, Rio and Sherry will definitely worry as soon as they found out she"s missing. Then suddenly, she remembered what Silver said earlier. He really thought that Sherry"s escape was a part of Rio"s plan. Will he really propose the exchange? If so, then what will Rio do? Well, he will surely think of another way to save her but Aisha is sure that her mother won"t hesitate to go with Silver"s proposal. But she doesn"t want that to happen either.

She had risk everything just so they could save Sherry. Silver can"t have her again or ever. Stacy needed her as well as Rio. So Aisha was thinking of a way to escape Silver"s grasp. Yes, she needs to escape no matter what happen.

Once again, she looked outside. The sun is still high so she was guessing that it"s still midafternoon. Or maybe around 3 or 4? Ah! Never mind. She shrugged her thoughts about the time then started to inspect the area. there are men guarding the place, though the place was not gated. Ah, it"s a good thing for her. unfortunately, she can"t see any other spot due to her room"s position. Too bad.

She tried walking around the room. The house seems small since the room doesn"t contain its own shower room nor a comfort room. she smirked when she thought of an idea.

She walked towards the door and knocked thrice. After a few seconds, the door slightly opened. She peeked through the small opening.

"I need to go to the comfort room." Aisha pleaded. She can sense the hesitation from the man before opening the door. She stepped out to see four big armed men guarding the room. one of them led the way to the comfort room downstairs, while the three was following behind cautiously since they are well-aware of what the woman is capable of doing.

Downstairs, Aisha saw fifteen armed men standing at every corner of the house. And before she totally steps inside the comfort room, she peeked outside the house and found a few soldiers standing at the front door and at the porch. Fudge! There are too many guards! She thought. but she can"t see Silver everywhere.

She finally entered a s.p.a.cious comfort room. She tried looking around for any possible escape route but she only found a small window steel and a semi-large exos fan. She sighed. how could she escape via those stuffs?

After a few minutes, she came out and prudently examining the house. She was checking for any cctv cameras inside and she found none. Seems like this is a vacation house since there are no installed cameras everywhere.

"Where is Silver? I need to talk to him." she asked one of the men.

"He"s not here." He casually answered.

"What? then where is he?"

"Master Silver doesn"t need to inform us about his whereabouts."

Aisha creased her brow. "Then when will he be coming over then?"

"We don"t have the exact time but probably tomorrow."" The man replied.

"What the!" the woman wanted to curse but she held it in. After a careful thought, she looked at the guards one by one. "Where is this place?"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"You don"t need to know since you will be transported somewhere else tomorrow." The man indifferently answered.

Aisha"s eyes widened. What? she will be transferred tomorrow? Where at? Her mind is in a muddle.

"Please go back to your room before we force you to." one of the men irritably ordered. She felt hara.s.sed and so she glared at the man. her eyes were showing contempt but then she started to walk back to the room.

Once again, she heard the door got locked from the outside. and so she sat down at the edge of the bed while she thought of a way to escape from those men. She can"t use the comfort room, unless she has time to destroy the exos fan pa.s.sage. Also, she can"t possibly fight and outrun the guards since they were all armed and they will definitely catch her in no time. Then she looked down the window, some men were standing just below it and they can easily spot her in case.

And most importantly, she needs to be careful enough for her baby. It was simply amazing not to feel any pain despites those moments where she needed to fight with a few men. the baby seems to be holding on tight and is wrestling with her mom.

"Baby, I"m very sorry." she caresses her tummy. "But please help mom by holding on out there. be strong, okay?" she faintly uttered.

Meanwhile, Rio drove Sherry in the hospital where Stacy was. they made sure to use the VIP pa.s.sage way to enter to avoid being seen by Silver or any of his men. It"s better to be careful for now.

They were trekking the hallway to Stacy"s room when someone called out from behind.

"Ethan?" Both Rio and Sherry turned around at once. Larry was also with him.

"Rio, Sherry, we have a problem." Ethan spoke with solemnity.

"What is it?" Rio asked, but seems like he sensed what was wrong.

"It"s Aisha…" Ethan started.

Oh please don"t say Silver got her! Rio was silently hoping in his mind.

"What about her?" Sherry worriedly inquired. "Where is she?"

Ethan motioned Larry who was standing behind him while holding his iPhone. After a few minutes of keying something in his phone, he finally showed them a recording of a woman fighting against some men inside the mall. the video was uploaded just an hour ago and it"s sweeping all throughout the internet now.

Sherry grasped and her eyes widened while Rio"s eyes were glued on the screen. Silver got her!

"Oh no! my dear Erika! What will we do now?" Sherry started to panicked.

"We"ll sort it out after you visit Stacy. For now, go and see your daughter first." Rio softly voiced.

"Rio…" her eyes were communicating, pleading him to save her daughter from that man.

"Go inside first. We"ll be right there after a few minutes." He gave out a comforting smile. Sherry nodded and obediently entered the room. after a few minutes, Rio, Ethan and Larry followed inside. However, they found Stacy looking at her mother with tearful eyes. As soon as Stacy saw the three entered, she looked at them perturb.

"Where is my sister? Where is Erika?!" she yelped. The three men looked away regrettably as well as Sherry. No one was speaking, not even one. But Stacy was able to read their actions.

"Please don"t tell me something happened to her!" she teared up. "Ah, my poor sister!" she sobs. "Erika, my sister… she is pregnant!" she covered her face with her palms.

All eyes widened in shock as they all turn their gaze at Stacy. "W-what? what did you just say?" Ethan stammered.

"You heard me correctly. She"s pregnant with your baby!" her eyes were accusingly fixed at the man.

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