She was in pain but she needs to swim until she reaches the sh.o.r.e. she fell deeply into the sea but she needs to survive. Her daughters are waiting for her.

"Come on Cherry… you can do this." she was tearing up as she makes her way above. But then her right shoulder doesn"t want to move anymore. the pain and her tiredness from swimming seemed to paralyzed her arms. d.a.m.n! She cursed.

But she was still trying to make her way up. However, after a few seconds, her body gave up. Now she was slowly drowning. Oh please… your almost there… she thought when she saw a light above. She was sure that it was the brightness from the sun so it means she"s almost there.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Please, somebody help. Somebody help me, please." she was speaking in her mind.

Then out of nowhere, a hand grabbed her and the next thing she knew? She was on the sh.o.r.e. she turned around to see the face of her savior, but then, she grasped her breath in dread.

"Silver!" her voice quaked in horror to see the man grinning evilly with a pistol pointed to her.

"Do you think you can ever run away from me?" the man uttered in contempt. "You can never hide from me, Sherry!"

"S-sherry? Who is Sherry?" She muttered. But then her eyes widened when she realized that he was pertaining to her. wait, d-did he get me? she was shaking in fear as she looked at the man in front of her. his face changes as it adds a few more years on his appearance.

"Please… please don"t kill me…" she knelt begging.

"Mom… mom! Wake up! You"re having a nightmare!" Stacy tried to shake her mother who was drench in sweat as she mutters some words out of her understanding.

"Mom!" she put a little strength.

Sherry suddenly woke up grasping for air. Big sweats were dripping from her forehead.

"Mom… are you okay?" Stacy inquired. Sherry suddenly stared at her fearfully then she clenches her chest.

"Oh thank G.o.d! It was just a dream." she muttered as she wipes her forehead.

"Mom… what is it?"

"Ah… nothing. Now, go back to sleep Stacy." She fakes a smile.

"You too, mom. You better go back to your room." Stacy implored her when she saw what time is it.

Sherry kissed Stacy"s forehead, stood up and went back to the other room. she sat at the edge of the bed and was in deep thought.

After a few minutes, she slowly stands and walked near the window. she rolled the curtain just so she could get a view outside. she can see the whole city dancing in lights.

Indeed, she knew a lot of things against Silver but what will she do about it? whether she reveals it or not, will justice prevails? Will she be an enough witness? Sherry was pacing back and forth, thinking profoundly. Silver committed a lot of heinous cases before but she doesn"t have any evidence for it.

Demetrius Mikasa, Ethan Saphiro Williams… what a twist of fate, Sherry thought. Will she reveal it to them? but the truth is very painful. Will they be able to handle such a blow? She heaved a heavy sigh. Will the truth helped them to save Erika? Or will it affect them the other way around? She was already biting her nails.

The truth… the truth will set everyone free. She needs to divulge everything that had happened in the past. Ah, wait. not definitely everything. There"s a part in the past that needs to be hidden forever. She cringes her forehead. But she had decided to expose the major things to Ethan and Rio as soon as tomorrow.

As soon as Sherry made up her mind, she took the phone that Rio gave her and sent him a message.

Meanwhile, Aisha wasn"t able to sleep last night thinking how she will escape. One of the men said that they will transport her somewhere today. She"s not sure though, but she was feeling edgy all of a sudden. What was Silver"s plan then? Back in the mall, Silver was so sure that Rio have Sherry even if he didn"t have any evidence. so what is he planning to do? she was biting off her nails as she got lost on her own thoughts.

After a few minutes, the door opened and someone brought in her breakfast. As soon as he laid the food on the small table beside the woman"s bed, he started walking towards the door.

"Excuse me…" She called out. the man suddenly halted but he didn"t look at her. "Will Silver come here today?"

"You don"t need to know that." the man coldly uttered before closing the door.

"d.a.m.n!" she cursed inside. "I really need to think of a way to escape."


"Did you find anything?" Sophie was holding a cup of coffee and laid it beside Hunter who was keying something in his computer.

"Almost there." he grumpily uttered. Sophie then looked at the man and creased her brow.

"Did you even sleep?" she asked when she saw the man"s eyes. suddenly she twitched her lips in annoyance.

"You didn"t sleep, am I right?" the woman further but the man ignored her. "Yah!" she yelled. "I know you have to do your job but I didn"t tell you to kill yourself!"

"I don"t have the leisure to sleep right now." he uttered nonchalantly.

"Hunter!" she yelped.

"Do you think I could sleep peacefully? She was also my friend Sophie and knowing that she"s carrying a human being inside her sent s.h.i.+vers to my spine!" he howled. He took the coffee mug and sipped on it and once again, he faced his computer.

He has a point and so Sophie sighed. she slept the whole night leaving Hunter to do all the job of searching for Aisha"s possible location. she felt guilty but then what can she do? she can"t even do what Hunter can so there"s no point of helping him out.

"Fine. I"m sorry!" she voiced and went to the kitchen to cook for breakfast.

Hunter was trying hack the CCTV recordings of the mall where Aisha was abducted. Also, he was trying to break through the CCTV cameras along the streets. That way, he might be able to follow the footprints of Silver"s car that day. they might figure where they brought Aisha.

After a few minutes, Sophie heard Hunter hollered in victory so she went to see him.

"Hey are you okay?" She asked. But then she was caught off guard when Hunter dash towards her and kissed her on the lips.

"I got him!" he happily exclaimed.

"What do you mean? Does that mean you already figured out where Aisha is?"

"Not exactly but I have a lead." He smiled. Hunter pulled Sophie in front of his computer then played the recording he got.

"This car is where they placed Aisha and it went straight here while Silver"s car took a turn there." Hunter was pointing out the two separate route. "And look, according to the map, there is a building located somewhere there. I"m sure she"s here."

Sophie"s eyes widened. "Then what are we doing? Let"s report what you"ve found to Rio and Ethan!"

"But there"s a slight problem…" Hunter shrieked.

"What do you mean?"

"We can"t enter the premises…It"s off limits." He further.

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