There was an unexpected thunderstorm and the waves seemed to be rougher as each hour pa.s.s. The captain and the crew were battling the raging waves in order for them to survive. If they won"t make a way, the s.h.i.+p will sink and they will all die.

Everyone was panicking but the captain of the s.h.i.+p needs to get his acts together. His men were all waiting for his instructions.

"Throw some of our baggage and luggage!" he shouted. They need to unload some weights for the meantime.

Les was helping them cast some heavy stuffs into the sea. Unknown to him, one of the crew threw his luggage off. When Les caught sight of his item, it was too late for him to stop the man.

"Why did you throw away my stuffs?!" he suddenly grabbed the young man"s collar and was quivering in anger.

"Why are you making a fuss over your items when in fact, everyone"s stuff is floating in the sea?!" the man pushed him away and continued to throw things once again.

"Ah!" Les frantically fell on his knees. "The letters… what am I supposed to do?" he weakly uttered.

His mind went frenzy. How could he possibly help the woman now that his stuffs are now floating in the ocean along with the others? The letter and the exact address where all kept inside his bag. How will he search for those two?

"Wait… the name, was it Ethan? Uhm… Ethan Williams! Right!" he was trying to recall the names that he heard from Aisha"s stories before. yes, the woman told him that she was engage to Ethan, the owner of the biggest mall in the city.

"Yes! her fiancé"s name was Ethan Williams… but what was the exact address again?" he was tapping his temples in hope that he will remember it. however, he didn"t pay too much attention on the addresses before he hid it on his bag. He was afraid that someone might see him. he thought of checking the addresses again once the s.h.i.+p reaches the sh.o.r.e. if only he knew that this would happen then he should have memorized even the numbers. Fudge!

Though he knew they were located in the central city, but the heck…that city is so big! How could he possibly search that person in just a day? the woman and her baby might be in danger if it will take him a few days to find one of the two.

Demetrius Mikasa and Ethan Williams.

Oh man! he yelped in frustration. It took three hours before the waves suddenly decided to be still. Now the captain and the crew can finally breath. They"re out of danger for now but then they lost a lot of supplies and personal stuffs too. They were stuck in the middle of the sea for more than three hours since they couldn"t sail earlier because of the bad weather and now they have another three hours to reach the sh.o.r.e.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Ah! What was meant to happen will definitely happen." Les justified the guilt within him. ah! He remembered Aisha saying that Ethan, her fiancé, was a businessman and is very popular in the central city, even at the other regions. So he might be able to search for his name on the directories.

Ah yes! why not just do that. he planned.


She was glaring at him the whole time. she couldn"t bear to see him face to face but she needs to be patient for her daughter"s sake.

"Where is my she?" her tone was filled with defiance but Silver only smirked sardonically in response.

Silver took a gla.s.s and pour himself an amount of red wine. He zipped a few and dramatically spun around to see the woman whom he"s been longing to see for a long time.

"Sherry! My gorgeous wife! you look stunningly beautiful with your outfit!" he exclaimed. Did you purposely fixed yourself for me?" he haughtily eyed her from head to toe.

"Stop spouting nonsense and bring her out!"

"Darling, relax. Let"s have a few minutes of catching up first. Didn"t you miss your husband?"

"You were never my husband! And will never be! I wonder how I manage to live with you. seems that the drugs altered my sane mind for the past few years."

"That"s so rude to say, don"t you think? didn"t we had a happy marriage life for all those years?"

"You, of all people should know that what we had during those past few years were mere superficial. You drugged me constantly and pretended to be doting on me. that"s not love Silver, that was manipulation. It"s like manipulating a robot to run errands for you. that was me for you—a robot."

"Sherry, I did love you! all those years, I had devoted my life to you. I did things I should not supposed to do because of you. I just wanted to give the life that you want, the life that you deserve…..."

"Do you even know what I truly want Silver?" she interrupted the man. "I never wanted to have your money and I will never wish for even a single cent from you. and stop saying that you did that for me because you did it for yourself. your greed and selfishness was your main motivation--- it was never love and to be honest, you don"t know what love is."

Silver"s lip twitched in annoyance. His pretty upset right now but he managed to laugh crazily.

"Didn"t you come to trade yourself for that bothersome girl?" Silver emptied his cup of wine in one shot.

"Where is she? Give me back my daughter!"

"So asking for Aisha… does it mean that you have decided to come with me, again?" he was obviously mocking her.

"You know I could sue you for kidnapping, right?" Sherry spoke autocratically. "We were never married and so I could always charge you. you should know by now that I have a lot of reason to charge you." she challenged.

"I know that full well, that"s why I will never let you go." he smirked evilly.

Unknown to the woman, Silver cautiously cued one of his men and the next thing she knew, someone struck her on the neck and slowly fell right in an unfamiliar arm.

"Sherry, you are mine. You only belong to me and no one else. I rather see you die than seeing you with someone else"s side." The man whispered in her ears.

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