Publishedat 13th of September 2019 03:03:58 PMChapter 243

He was holding a bouquet of combined flowers as he emotionlessly strides towards the elevator going to the bas.e.m.e.nt . His driver must have been waiting for him for a few hours now since he needs to finish some of his employee"s presentations regarding the new construction of their new site .

He slowly caresses his temple to somehow release his stress . Then after a few minutes, the door to the elevator opened and saw Les waiting smilingly while standing beside the SUV .

"Sir…" he was smiling wide as he opened the door to the backseat . Then Les went to the driver"s seat as soon as Ethan had settled inside .

"How about Eli?" he suddenly asked when Les started the engine .

"Ah, he is with the Ridgewood right now . Madam Lisa said not to worry since they will follow as soon as Sir Caleb arrives . "

"Oh, okay . " then Ethan averted his eyes outside the window . how long has it been? three years? he sighed .

3 years had pa.s.sed since that poignant incident happened and looks like everyone had moved on with their own lives as well . was he the only one thriving with his life? ah! Sad life .

Though he knew the sorrow everyone had felt when they heard about Aisha… but looks like he was the only one who couldn"t move on . three years seems to be only a day for him . to Ethan, it looks like it was just yesterday and the same incident three years ago, at that island kept replaying in his mind over and over again . So he needs to keep himself busy to alleviate the pain of losing ---ah, no, it was actually the agony of his incapability to protect the woman whom he loves .

After a few minutes, they have arrived at the Mikasa mansion where Sherry--- now called Cherry Ann, greeted him cheerfully .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"I"m glad you were able to make it . Larry said you have a tight schedule today so I thought you won"t be coming . " Cherry pouted .

"Yeah . " He sighed . "But I"m here now . " he faked a smile . Cherry knew how Ethan was striving to forget what had happened in the past but she couldn"t do anything to help the young man .

"Get in and make yourselves comfortable . " she smiled . Ethan and Les entered the mansion and helped themselves . They already know the drill since they"ve been doing it every single year, so there"s no need for Cherry to a.s.sist them .

Cherry stayed outside waiting for the other guests, but she can"t help staring at the young pals who just went inside . then she heaved a heavy sigh .

"Why is my beautiful wife frowning right now?" a man embraced her from behind . "The guests might hesitate to go in if they see you like that . " he uttered after showering her with kisses .

"Hey, not here!" the woman giggled then faced the handsome man who came from who knows where .

"So how"s my beautiful wife?" he grinned while holding her on the waist .

"Still gorgeous as you can see . " she smiled .

"Ah, of course, I can see that . don"t say the obvious . Tell me something I do not know . " then they both chuckled .

Then Cherry sighed once again and looked at Ethan who was looking at a big portrait hanged on the wall .

"Rio, I"m concern about him right now . " she started . "Don"t you think it"s time for him to let go of the past?"

Rio understood what Cherry means . Then he recalled what happened 3 years ago . The search and rescue extended for 1 month . The result never progresses so Rio and Cherry decided to hold a funeral without their daughter"s body . it was very painful for everyone but they need to hold a proper funeral service .

Cherry had mourned for more than a month but Rio has to encourage her for Stacy"s sake as well . they were all mourning for Aisha"s death but they also need to move on . you can"t bring back the dead even if you give your own life because of your regrets . But you need to live your life for the sake of the living people . that encouraged Cherry to keep living her life . Yes, life must go on . and she shouldn"t forget that she still has Rio and Stacy in this life, plus Robi, of course .

"Don"t worry, I will talk to him . " Rio a.s.sured Cherry . "By the way, when are they coming back?"

Then suddenly the woman smiled . "They"re on their way and guess what? Robi is with them!" she giggled .

"Really? Then that"s good . I thought Robi will stay with his grandpa . I"m sure that old man will call and gash on me later . " He chuckled . "And speaking…" he showed his phone that was ringing . Johnny"s father is sure calling him right now . "Excuse me dear, let me have a good round for now . " he winked at his wife before heading to their room upstairs .

Cherry smiled . ah, this kind of peaceful life, she loves it and was hoping that it will last . For now, she is very contented with what she has . Her happy marriage with Rio after settling all the misunderstandings of the past was very promising . Also, watching Stacy fulfill her own dreams and building her own family was gratifying . Yes, everyone needs to be happy .

Stacy couldn"t bear a child but the world has a lot of advance technology nowadays . And so Stacy and Johnny, after their wedding, went to the US to undergo in vitro fertilization . Luckily, it was successful . And now, Sherry and Rio has a 2-year-old grandson named Robi . However, Johnny"s father wanted to keep Robi in his side always so he kept having an argument with Rio, though it was not a serious fight . It"s just that, Rio loves taunting the old general .

After a few minutes, another car arrived . Then the woman saw two little kids jumped off instantly, running towards her .

"Sahaya! Eli! how many times must I tell you not to jump off the car while it"s still moving? It"s too dangerous!" Lisa yelled at the two young lads who were now hugging Cherry . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

"Sorry, mom!" Sahaya naughtily grinned . "But don"t be angry mommy, baby brother might come out early . " She was teasing her .

"Ah this girl, really . " Lisa sighed . "I"m sorry about them, Miss Cherry . " she uttered as soon as she reached her .

""It"s okay . I"m used with them . " she replied then stooped down to meet Sahaya and Eli"s eyes . those expectant gaze, she knew exactly what that means .

"Guess what, I made you your favorite snacks . Now go and stuff yourselves . " Then instantly, the two kids run inside the house cheerfully .

Cherry and Lisa who was looking at them chuckled lightly .

"Ah, your belly… its almost out . " Cherry held her round womb .

"Ah yeah, I"m kinda having a hard time these past few weeks . It"s heavy!" she smiled .

"But you should be prepared cause your almost due . Is Caleb here already?"

"She should be here tonight . "

Then Cherry guided Lisa inside while waiting for the others .

Meanwhile, Ethan was holding a gla.s.s of whiskey while staring at Aisha"s big portrait hanged in a corner . He was lost in his thoughts that he didn"t notice Rio stood beside him .

"I remember the first time I met her, she was very stubborn, very rude and blatant for her age . " Rio smiled . "But her manners greatly affected me before . people might say that I spoilt her at a young age, but the truth is, she was the one who pampered me . she couldn"t even say cheesy words but her actions speak louder than her words . "

"She is indeed like that . " Ethan smiled sorely .

"And she is a kind of person who loves unconditionally . A person who only wants to see the people he loves get the happiness they deserve . "

"Why are you telling me all that?" Ethan seems to read in between his lines .

""Ethan, I am just saying that it"s time to let go . " he faced the young man . "We all know that you"ve been impugning yourself for what had happened to her but it"s not your fault and it"s no one"s fault . So stop punis.h.i.+ng yourself and be free . If Aisha is looking at you right now, do you think she"ll be happy watching how you are living your life? no one is blaming you and I"m sure Aisha is not holding you accountable as well . so please forgive yourself and live your life, for Eli . "

Rio tapped his shoulder as he let a tear escaped from his eyes .

"Ethan, it"s time to have a new start . " Rio continued .

A new start? Ethan thought . Can he really start anew without Aisha?

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