Publishedat 13th of September 2019 03:03:51 PMChapter 251

He has his car but he chose not to bring it with him . a moment with his woman while walking hand in hand was one of the best days he had after such a long time . For the first time in three years, he felt his heart came back to life .

The weather was somehow cold but why does he feels like it is very refres.h.i.+ng and relaxing . He was enjoying the breeze . All the things his eyes landed looks so beautiful as well, even the traffic jam doesn"t appear to be stressing . he dislikes walking along the busy street but for the very first time, he wishes for time to stop at the very moment .

The warm hand on his… the woman"s hand, it feels like heaven . but unknown to him, the woman following behind him was now feeling a little tense .

The comfort she feels while being held by this man whom she just met . But why does she have that feeling of casualness? Ah no, let"s just say the sense of intimacy . Her body usually reacts to foreign touch, but with this man… she can"t understand herself either .

She was staring at the man"s back . She knew she had seen him somewhere . This body figure… where did she saw him? she was in deep thought that she didn"t notice Ethan halted . She then b.u.mps into a hard lean chest unknowingly . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

"Ahh!" she yelped . She instantly caresses her forehead . "Sorry . "

"Alex, if you keep zoning out, do you think I will still hire you as my secretary?" Ethan voiced . "I need someone with presence of mind . "

She lowered her head in embarra.s.sment . "Sorry! it won"t happen again . " She bit her lower lip .

Ethan smirked within . This kind of Aisha, he had never seen it . so she does have a lamb nature aside from being a lion, huh . He thought, and he like seeing her acting meek . If Aisha gains back her memory, she won"t surely forgive him .

"We are here now . " the man smiled while looking at the famous fas.h.i.+on store in the city .

The woman creased her brow . "Eh? Is this also a part of my job? accompanying you whenever you go for shopping?" she teased .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"Guess we can add that up . " The man smirked . "But we"re here for you . " then he pulled the woman inside .

Dang! what is he thinking?

"Alex, you can"t possibly come to work wearing stuffs like that?" he was looking at her outfit lazily . Alex suddenly jerked and her face turned red in shame . But what"s wrong with her outfit though? She pouted .

Ethan seems to have read his mind . "You should know that I"ve been and will be meeting high-profile people, whether in the business or entertainment industry, so I can"t possibly let my PA looks like my personal maid, don"t you think so?" he was enjoying taunting the woman .

"Tsk! high-profile, my a.s.s . " she scoffed while rolling her eyes . "This is your idea so you should pay for it . " she glared .

The man suddenly gave out a laugh . There! his Aisha is still alive in her .

Alex may have felt shocked hearing Ethan laugh for the first time, but pleasure seemed to surge within her . When she encountered the man for the first time, she could sense an indescribable pain and bitterness enveloping him . darkness was shadowing him as well . but seeing his happy face right now kinda gave her heart an unspeakable joy .

That smile on his face, she wanted to see it every time .

"Salary deduction…" she heard the man stated . Then the smile on her face suddenly changed into a scowl .

"Hey!" she unknowingly spanked the man in his arm . "That"s unfair!" she retorted .

The man suddenly looked at her . on the other hand, Alex was a bit surprise too . Did she just hit the CEO? She slapped the CEO as if they have known each other for a long time . anyone who sees what happen will surely think that they have an intimate relations.h.i.+p . A friend, perhaps, worst, a couple!

"I"m going home . " she instantly breaks the silence and was about to turn around and leave to hide her embarra.s.sment, but then a hand grabbed her from behind .

"Where do you think you"re going?" the man has a threatening tone .

"Home . I can"t afford the stuffs here and if you"re going to deduct it on my salary then I don"t think I will be able to live for another month!" she exclaimed .

"I was just joking . just think about it as my welcome gifts . " He smiled . "Or better yet, signing bonus?" then the man pulled the woman inside not letting go of her hand .

The fudge? What"s with this man? why is he willing to spend an amount of money on her? wait, does she looks like a beggar right now? she inspected herself and sighed . she looks normal but guess she appears to be a vagrant in his eyes .

Meanwhile, Alex was choosing some outfits while Ethan was seating coolly on the couch . After picking up a pair of slacks, she went to the fitting room . after a few minutes, she came out showing her chosen outfit to Ethan but to her surprise, Ethan mockingly laughed .

He shook his head in disagreement .

Alex had already showed the five pairs she had chosen but no one had pa.s.sed the man"s taste . Dang! what does he wants? Now she"s losing her patience .

"Hey! I already showed my chosen items to you! I got nothing left!" she was upset .

"Ah, I guess old ways can"t be change easily . " He muttered lightly but Alex wasn"t able to catch it . she was pouting in the corner when Ethan called one of the female staff .

Alex couldn"t hear them nor see what Ethan was pointing out on the magazine, or was that the store brochure? She"s not sure .

Then after a few minutes, the staffs came back with a pile of beautiful dresses . d.a.m.n!

"Miss Alex, this way please . " One of the staff was carrying a handful of dresses and opened the door to the fitting room .

Then Alex stared at Ethan appealingly . She looks like a lamb ready to be slaughtered but was begging for her dear life . But Ethan just averted his eyes . he knew that kind of gaze . Aisha hated wearing any kind of dress . However, she"s not living as Aisha as of the moment so Ethan took the chance to play for the meantime .

Alex won"t have a choice but wear those stuffs . But if it is the old Aisha, Ethan was sure that they"ll have an unending argument about it so why not take this chance while he still has the freedom play some tricks on her . He was smirking within when Alex came out from the dressing room .

Her face looks defeated but the dress compliments her body and beauty . She looks so gorgeous right now that Ethan was resisting himself to go and kiss the woman . he nodded and cued the staff to add it on their cart .

She will definitely kill him once she regains her memory! But it"s okay . he will cross the bridge when he gets there .

Alex didn"t see how much the items costs but basing on the quant.i.ty, she was sure it"s worth more than a thousand dollars! They even bought it at the branded store!

Now she"s worrying on how to carry all these paper bags at the same time . it"s too many that even if she has five hands, she won"t be able carry everything that"s for sure . this man is so weird . Why does he need to buy a year stock? And when Mira sees these stuffs, she will surely be suspicious and will interrogate her nonstop . She needs to go home before her daughter does .

Ethan on the other hand called Max to send his car over . After a few minutes, a good-looking man was das.h.i.+ng to their location . he looks like he"s on his thirties though .

"Bring all these in the car . " He commanded . The store manager had ordered his staffs to help carry the items to where the CEO"s car was parked . He was so happy that they met the sales quota for the day . it even exceeded! Now he"ll just wait for his commission .

Alex was carrying two paper bags and was about to follow max when Ethan called out .

"Where are you going?" he raised his brow .

"To…where… the . . . car… is?"

"Leave it to them . We"re not done yet . "

Alex was taken aback . What? you mean he was planning to buy some more? she eyed him suspiciously .

"I"m hungry . Let"s grab some food before ending the day . " he beamed .

The woman was hesitating but Ethan grabbed the paper bags that she was holding and hand it to max . then the next thing he did shocked Max and the employees at the store . their eyes following the two as they walk hand in hand . That woman, max was sure that he saw her somewhere .


Alex was looking at the food on the table . She doesn"t know what to say . It"s not that it doesn"t look delicious but she totally dislikes it!

Pork! She was looking at it as if she was mourning . She gazes at her plate then to Ethan"s . the man ordered beef and she wants it! her eyes were drooling on the tasty beef in front of the Ethan . Ah, she seems to be in despair .

Unknown to her, Ethan was watching her secretly and was having fun seeing the pitiful woman . looks like he was having fun taunting her by messing with what she totally hates . Ah, he wanted to laugh as he observes the poor woman .

Alex wanted to cry . Why is this man doing such things to her? she was getting all the opposite of what she wanted the most . First, the dresses, next the pork!

"Everything on the table was your favorite dish I believe . And as far as I remember, you don"t eat beef at all . " Alex heard a voice from her head then saw a glimpse of a table filled with pork dish and a man sitting opposite her .

A glimpse of her memory!? Where did that came from? Suddenly, her face went pale . And who was that guy? why can"t she see his face? then she got lost in her own thoughts .

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