Publishedat 13th of September 2019 03:03:47 PMChapter 255

"Aisha!!!!!" she heard a man screaming mournfully but the face was a blur . She can"t recognize him at all .

Then she saw someone fell off the cliff . The woman fell in the ocean and she was sinking deep . She grasped her mouth in dread and the wanting to rescue the woman surged within her . she wanted to jump off the sea but her feet couldn"t move . Why?

She wanted to save the woman from drowning but she couldn"t even feel her body . Her knees where trembling as well . ah! How she hated it! how she despised herself for fearing the water . But the next thing she saw made her fall back .

It was her! when the body float on the surface, she was so surprised to see her body gliding with the waves . No! is she dead?

Then instantly, she woke up from her dream .

Alex was soaking in sweat when she rose up from her bed . What a nightmare! It feels so real that she was thinking if it did happen in the past or not . She"s not sure . seems like she can"t tell what"s real from what is not anymore .

She decided to stand up and head to the kitchen to guzzled a cup of water . She needs to cool down first . It"s still dark outside so she checked her time, it"s 1:20am . Ah, she wanted to sleep peacefully for now since a lot of things happened to her today and all she wanted to do is sleep it off . she scoffed within .

But before she went back to her room, she made sure to check her daughter first . Good for her, she"s sleeping soundly right now . however, she felt guilty when she remembered that Miracle fell as sleep at the landlady"s house while waiting for her arrival . Too bad, they came back at around 8pm from the valley of dreams .

That Clement, if he did not attack Ethan in the first place then they must have gone home early . Yes, Clement saw Ethan and Alex at the Valley of dreams together .


Earlier, Ethan had finished discussing things with Mr . Darius and as for Alex and Ms . Darlene, they also had fun watching the view from the hotel"s top veranda . they"ve been exchanging some thoughts and after a few conversations, Darlene spoked about Ethan .
"He"s been living in the shadows of the past since his fiancée died 3 years ago . And I have never seen him smiled nor look at any other women the way he stares at you . I could say he sincerely loves you . So please, make him happy at least for today . he needs to have a break from his bitter past and I think you can only help him . " the old woman touched her hands after .

She couldn"t say anything but smile .

Then after some more minutes, Ethan and Darius came to get them so they could explore the whole place . However, the couples made a pa.s.s and went back to their hotel room leaving Ethan and Alex alone . Unknown to Ethan, Alex had decided to do anything just to help the man got out from his painful past . Though she doesn"t know how but come what may, she resolved .

That day, they had agreed to visit every part of the valley without any reservations . They were actually enjoying each other"s company and unknown to them, everyone who sees them thought they were real couples . Therefore, one of the photographer asked them if they could be their model for their photoshoot . The group was actually trying to advertise the place through their magazine as well as the social media . so when they saw the two, the photographer seems to have an idea .

They wanted to take some photos but they"re needing a model . The model that they hired unexpectedly didn"t show up . but hopes rise from their hearts when they saw two perfect couples for their captions .

At first, Alex was a bit hesitant . Of course she was thinking about their CEO but to her surprise, Ethan agreed! Whoa!

They did some romantic poses as the camera man directs them . the organizer was able to see the two"s compatibility and had complimented them both, thinking they were some sort of married couples who"s having their honeymoon .

Ah, perfect! And their actions were very natural . They might have known it but the chemistry between them was very visible .

"Uhm… have you ever done photoshoots before?" the photographer suddenly asked after their shoots .

Alex nodded . "Never . " She humbly replied . Her answer gave spark to the man who was actually thinking to hire the two as their models .

"Perfect then!" he was smiling wide . "Do you perhaps want to try entering the entertainment industry? If you want, I can help you s.h.i.+ne . You two will surely rise to the top!" he offered .

Alex jerked at the man"s offer then she looked at Ethan who just emptied a water bottle and was amused as he flips through their photos .

"I"m sorry sir, but modelling is not my thing . And that man, I don"t think he needs to be at the top since he was already there . " She replied . The man gawked at her answer . the man was already at the top? He was so curious that his eyes meticulously stared at the man . then after a few minutes, he jolted in shocked .

That man! his features resembles the most powerful and the famous cold-hearted young CEO of the Saphiro Ghentz Empire! Then he tried to look closer . Suddenly, he felt a chill that overshadowed his body . No! he"s not a copy-cat . It is definitely him! now his doomed .

"Lady… please tell me that the man isn"t the famous young CEO Ethan Saphiro Williams!" he crossed his fingers . But when he heard the woman chuckled, he already knew the answer .

"Unfortunately, he is . "

"What?! oh no! am I doomed now?" he looks devastated . But after getting an encouragement from the woman, he slowly approached the man with trembling knees .

"Mr . Williams, I"m sorry, I didn"t recognize you earlier . I"m sorry for asking you to do such a thing as this…"

"I love these photos . You did pretty well . Please do send a copy on my email . " He interrupted the man . of course the photographer was shocked at his sudden response . He had never expected a compliment from this man . but somehow, he was happy to know that he pleased the famous ceo .

"Yes, of course, I will!" the man instantly replied and took a paper to write the ceo"s email address . Guess he was not that bad as the rumors say he was .

After a few more conversation, Ethan and Alex left the area and moved to their next destination . however, seems like the only spot they haven"t visited was the sh.o.r.e . it would be best and romantic to watch the sunset at the seash.o.r.e .

"Want to catch the sunset at the beachside?" Ethan proposed .

"I love to… but then…"

"Trust me . " Ethan interjected . "I know you"re afraid, but I am here . I promise not to leave your side . " Then he took her hand . "And I promise not to let go off this hand as well . " he smiled sincerely .

Alex couldn"t say a thing . She was dumbfounded at Ethan"s actions . She wanted to protest whenever Ethan holds her hand but her tongue seemed tied down whenever she wanted to utter something . but then the comfort she was feeling whenever the man was around, it was so real; there is a peace like a child sleeping within her .

The man took her hand as they walked towards the seash.o.r.e hand in hand . Although there was silence between them but not as awkward as the woman thought it will be . The joy, the peace and the --- love? no! maybe it was just the respect . Yeah, it"s just a close friends.h.i.+p being built up between them . Alex reasoned . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

They were walking along the sh.o.r.e, then after a few minutes, they decided to sit on the sand to watch the sunset . It was so beautiful that no words could even describe it . if only they were real couples then this moment will surely be a very romantic and memorable one for them . kissing the man you love will definitely be a… dang! Alex shrug her thoughts away . What is she even thinking? ah, pervert thought!

The man sensed her uneasiness therefore he looked at her in the eyes .

"Are you okay?" he asked .

"Ehm . " She nodded .

"Just tell me if you"re feeling uncomfortable, especially when your phobia is disturbing you so we can go back to the hotel now . "

That moment, Alex suddenly thought about the waters . Yeah, isn"t she feeling dizzy whenever she looks at the ocean? But why is she feeling relaxed right now? is it the feeling of security beside this man? she thought .

"No, I"m okay . " she smiled . "The sunset is so beautiful and I don"t want to waste this opportunity . " She was looking at the horizon with sparkling eyes .

"Me too . " The man softly replied while staring at the woman beside him . "It is indeed very beautiful and captivating…" his tone was seducing enough that the woman couldn"t help but glanced at him . they were both looking at each other"s eyes, face so close and lips almost touching .

She can feel the man"s cold breath . his scent… ah, something is being stirred within her once again . His eyes, they"re communicating love and desire… oh, she is being magnetized . Maybe it was just the atmosphere; the cold breeze, the sunset and the…Ah, whatever reason there is . Then her eyes landed on the man"s rosy lips . Fudge! She wanted it . no explanation needed, it"s just that, her heart is pounding fast right now and the desire to smooch the man was so great that she couldn"t control herself anymore .

Why is this man not kissing her yet? she was so upset . Seems like the man is enjoying taunting her . she then gulped when the man"s lip twitched a little . Dang! she wanted him! however, the man suddenly averted his gaze on the horizon .

"Isn"t it beautiful?" he uttered while he smirks .

Is he really doing this on purpose? Leaving her hanging? Seducing her then leave her astounded? The woman was so annoyed that she wanted to burst in anger . The man seems to have felt the eerie atmosphere so he glanced at the woman whose head was hanging low .

"Alex… are you okay?" his tone was filled with care . But the next thing that happened rendered him speechless .

She kissed him! and is kissing him! her tongue, she"s taunting the man to open his mouth . of course, he couldn"t say no so he responded by kissing her back . they were obviously craving for each other"s lips that they didn"t notice a man looking at them from a far .

After a few minutes, they broke away trying to get some air . That sense of fulfillment is very visible in their eyes . however, a silhouette of a man caught the woman"s attention therefore she glanced to were the shadow was . but her sudden distressed appearance disturbed Ethan so he slowly stared at her eyes" direction .

Clement! The woman yapped .

But the next thing she saw alarmed her . Ethan"s lips were bleeding from Clément"s blow!

Ethan! She yelped .

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