"Miss Stacy, another mail came this morning for you..." Butler Antonio handed her the envelope.

Once again, her heart skip a beat. She crumpled the pictures in her hands.

"Just who the h.e.l.l are you!" She mumbled bitterly. "Eli is not safe anymore. Despites under his personal bodyguards, still, they were able to go near him. Seems like even if she placed a tracking device on Eli"s phone and wrist.w.a.tch, it wouldn"t help at all. They can target him anytime.

Once again, she look at the pictures. It was Eli"s picture while he is at school, in the park -- he got a lot of pictures everywhere. Should she tell Ethan about it? But how? Is she going to tell him that bounty hunters are after her and they are in danger? She can"t blow her cover yet. If she tells Ethan about the threat on Eli"s life then there"s a big possibility that he will question her ident.i.ty. Or maybe not. But in any ways, she has to cover her true ident.i.ty for the meantime.

She was about to go to work when butler Antonio handed her the envelope. Ethan went ahead because he has to meet the new investor of their company. She then decided to message Caleb and Lisa that she will be late or worst, she might not go to work. She has to go and see Eli at their school. It"s very evident that the enemy is watching her son.

"Hi, I"m here to pick up my son Eli.." she told the guard.

"Eli? Eli Williams?" The guard was puzzled.


"But someone already came and pick him up. The person said that you sent him."

"What? Who is that person? I didn"t send anyone! Since when did they left?" She"s feeling unease.

"I-it"s already past 10minutes.." the guard nervously answered.

Aisha pick up her phone and dialed Ethan"s number but he"s not picking up. She tried numerous times but to no avail. She called Mr. Tanner but he is in the mansion. He didn"t go to Eli"s school because Stacy said that she will be picking him up. She tried calling Larry but his phone cannot be reach.

"d.a.m.n!" she cursed. Suddenly she remembered that she placed a tracking device at Eli"s phone and Wrist.w.a.tch. But she forgot the smart phone at home so she called hunter.

"Hunter, track Eli for me, Asap!" Aisha was in a rush.

"Wait. But What happened?" Hunter ask.

"I-I don"t know. Someone pick him up at his school earlier." Aisha is breaking up. "Hunter, please faster! Give me an address!" She"s feeling nervous.

"Okay, I"m still locating him. Have you called Caleb?"

"Not yet"

"Wait, I am calling him.." he called Caleb to inform him about Eli"s disappearance then he went back to her call with Aisha.. " I got a location!" He yelled. "Go straight to North Minnesota Oregon. I think they are in the park side."

Aisha hurriedly drives the car that Ethan gave her the other day. She was driving crazily fast. Some of the drivers on the road allerted the police. Aisha was in a rush that she didn"t notice Ethan was calling her. She was nearing the address that hunter gave her when a patrol car police was trying to stop her. She cursed but she can"t stop. No! Not yet. She needs to see Eli. Once again she called hunter.

"Is he moving?" She ask.

"Yes. He is moving though but still in the area so you better hurry!" He answered. "Wait, Is that a police siren? Are you being chase by the police right now Aisha?" Hunter was worried.

"Yes. 4 police car is already chasing me. But I can"t stop now!" She was aggravated.

***Meanwhile, Ethan just finished talking to the investor. When he look at his phone, he has 23 miss calls from Stacy so he called her back but she"s not answering. Maybe she"s busy at the moment. He decided to drop at the company"s cafeteria. He bought a coffee and decided to seat at the VIP lounge.. some of the employees were watching thoroughly at the current live news. He turn his attention at the television. It was a police road chase at North Minnesota road. 4 police patrol car were chasing a red bugatti chiron. Wait! What?! a red bugatti chiron? It seems familiar. He shrugs his thoughts. It couldn"t be Stacy! It"s Impossible! But no, wait! It is possible.

He tried calling stacy again but to no avail. He look at the car once again. He cursed.

"d.a.m.n Stacy! What are you thinking?!" He panicked. He took the car key"s to Larry and headed to where the car chase is.

*** Aisha park the car in a corner. She"s about to run towards the park in front of her but the police got her.

"Please, I"m looking for my son! Someone took him. I need to find him as soon as possible." Aisha cried.

"I"m sorry miss but you violated one of our road rules. You were driving crazily fast-----"

"d.a.m.n that rules! I told you my son is being kidnap! I"m telling you, If something happens to him I"ll hold you responsible!" She yelled hysterically.

Then at least hand us your license. We can help you find your son." One of the cops irritatingly ask her. The license that she has is undr her real name Aisha Mikasa. But the car was registered under Stacy Williams. She can"t possibly risk her ident.i.ty. She was so upset and is not on her right mind so she twist her arms that are being held by 2 cops. She kick the police officer in front of her then she run. The police officers were shock. She is fast!!

"Eli..! Eli..!" She was yelling on top of her lungs in search of his son. The park is wide and there"s a lot of people. She is having a hard time. Suddenly she saw Eli, held by a man wearing a cap. He look at her then he pulled Eli as they stride the west side of the park. She tried to catch them.

"Eli..!" She shouted. Eli recognized her mother"s voice. He look at her direction.

"Mom!" He yelled. He"s about to run towards her mother but the man held him tightly. "Y-you said you will bring me to my mom! Let me go!" Eli cried. He was afraid. The man look at him indifferently. Eli suddenly feels afraid.

"M-Mom..! Mom..! Help me..!" He shouted while being drag by the unknown guy

Aisha is so angry when she saw how fearful Eli at the moment. She can"t shoot the man, they are in an open s.p.a.ce. Aisha saw a shortcut to their location. But she has to jump out the fence. The cops are nearing her. She has to try anyway. The cops were shouting and the cops got the attention of the people around her. She climbed the fence and jump out the park. They"re getting away. She"s about to pull her gun but Eli manage to scape the man"s grasp then he run towards her. She run to meet him when she saw the man brought out a gun and is about to shoot the child. Her eyes widened. She run faster! She was able to get to him, she hug him tight as she face her back to the shooter. She closed her eyes as soon as she heard the gunshot. It echoed outside the park. The police held their breaths as well as the expectators.

"Stacy! Eli!" Ethan shouted worriedly. He came to the scene a minute late.

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