"tok tok tok" Someone just knock at Caleb"s room.

"Come in!" Caleb shouted. Lisa entered the room with a big smile. She was holding a couple of lunch box in a bag.

"Hey, how are you ----" she didn"t finish what she"s supposed to say. She was surprise to see a beautiful woman sitting on the bedside while feeding Caleb some slices of fruits. Seems like they"re having a great time.

"I-I"m sorry for disturbing you guys." Lisa stuttered as she speaks. She felt her heart sting a bit upon seeing a beautiful woman shoving some fruit in his mouth. They suddenly look at her questioningly.

"Who is she?" The woman asked intriguingly as she eyed Lisa from head to toe then she glared back at Caleb. "Are you perhaps collecting women again just like before?!" The woman was aggravated.

"Hey woman! what do you think of me? A player?!" Caleb vexed.

"Yes! everyone knew that! Did you know just how many women in the North State who"s been looking for you? Huh!" the woman yelled.

"That"s not my fault! Is it a sin to be a cool, rich and handsome guy?" He teases her. Lisa scoffed after hearing him. then suddenly the woman slapped him in the head.

"You better get your act together! Stop playing around and don"t even try to add more fatherless children in the world!" she scolded him. Lisa laughs internally. Wait! Did she say child? Caleb has a son? Lisa didn"t even ask him if he was married before so she didn"t know. She looked at the woman in front of her. she"s pretty and seems like she can handle Caleb pretty well. Is she his fiancée? Or his wife already? Time suddenly stopped for her. her heart aches so much. It stings! It"s kinda has a needle p.r.i.c.king her heart over and over again. She steps backward as she hold onto the wall to support her.

"Lisa are you okay?" Caleb quickly asked when he saw her stumbled backwards. The woman looked at her too.

"Ehm, yes. I just felt a little dizzy, that"s all." She faked a smile.

The woman glared at Caleb murderously upon hearing what Lisa said.

"Did you? Impregnated her!?" The woman yelled. Lisa was shock to hear her statement while Caleb raise his eyebrow frustratingly.

"Oh no! please don"t misunderstand miss, we don"t have that kind of relations.h.i.+p, besides ------"" Lisa was interrupted by Caleb.

"She"s Aisha"s friend so basically we are just working together. And can"t you see her?" Caleb pointed at her direction, "She"s not even my type! I can"t even tolerate to be with her even just a minute!" he laughs mockingly.

Lisa"s heart ached even more upon hearing his statement. It hurts that she can"t even breath anymore. Tears wanted to flow from her eyes but she shunned it. Did Caleb just insulted her in front of his woman? it hurts!

"I didn"t come here to be insulted like this," she mumbled with a scornful tone.

"Sorry to bother the two of you and I do apologize for the misunderstanding. I just came here to check on you as per Aisha"s request but seems like you"re doing fine so I"ll see myself out." she said indifferently. Lisa is about to open the door but Caleb called her.

"Hey Lisa where are you going? I thought you came to visit me?"

"You can"t even tolerate to be with me for a minute, right? So I am doing you a favor." She chuckled sarcastically as she opened the door.

"Hey, wait! Aren"t you going to leave that food for me?" Caleb pointed out the bag that she"s holding. Ah yes, the lunch box! Lisa spent her time cooking Caleb"s favorite food in hope that she can bring it to him for lunch but judging him now, he might insult her further so she withheld.

"Sorry, this is not for you." As soon as she finish speaking she exited the door immediately. As soon as she got out the room, her tears began to find their own way out. she can"t hold it anymore. She felt her heart broke into pieces but she didn"t know why. Is it because of Caleb"s insult? But she"s used to it already! Is it because of the woman beside him? why does she even care? Caleb doesn"t even care about her. She walked out and as soon as she spotted a trash bin, she madly left it there.

She can"t take the elevator with her tears flowing freely so she took the exit stairs instead. Her feet suddenly gave in so she decided to sit on the stairs as she cries out the pain in her heart.

"Do you have any idea what you just did?" The woman asked Caleb in surprise.

"What?" Caleb gave the impression of being clueless.

"She likes you." Her tone became soft.


"And I"m not stupid not to notice that you like her too!" she yelled.

"Tsk!" He scoffed, "hmp! Who said I like her?" he denied. The woman gave him a disdainful face.

"Even so, you should have respect her feelings. I don"t know how far your insults scarred her heart just now so if I were you, I"ll chase her right now." The woman spoke in pity.

"Ahh… don"t worry, she"s not that vulnerable. She"s used to it." Caleb chuckled.

"Seems like you still don"t understand women despites being a player. Haist! I pity her." She murmured but Caleb was able to hear it still. The woman stood up as she exited the room.

"Hey Sophie! Where are you going?" Caleb shouted.

"I"m going to get some fresh air! It"s distressing to have a brother like you!" she yelled then she slammed the door.

After just a minute, Sophie came back with a paper bag in her hands.

"I thought you need some fresh air?" he teases her.

"Yeah, I"m about to, but I saw this in the trash when I am about to get out."

"What"s that? Are you a garbage collector now?" he mocked her.

"Tsk! what a light-headed person!" She mumbled, "Isn"t this the bag that the woman was holding earlier?" Caleb"s eyes grew when he realized it. He took the bag to his sister then immediately bought out what was inside. It"s a four-layered lunch box! It was the lunchbox that Caleb bought for Lisa before. It was actually his birthday present to Lisa. He even chose her favorite color which is purple. It might look like a mocking present but it means a lot to him--- and her as well since she"s been using it before for their pack lunch in the office.

Caleb was annoyed when he remembered what Sophie said, did she say she found it in the trash bin? Why will she throw it away? His heart sting.

"You haven"t even started to court her but you already lost her, tsk tsk." Sophie shook her head in frustration towards her brother.

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