"Where is your madam?" the middle man asked the house helper.

"She is in her room, Mr. Gray. She"s been curling in her bed since she came back home." She answered.

"Did she drink her medicine?"

"No sir, we had a hard time approaching her since she never wanted to see anyone."

"Okay. thank you." Then he started to walk up the stairs. He knocked once, twice – but no one answered. He took the key and inserted it to the door. He opened it slowly. The room is dim. He found the woman beside the bed curling-embracing her feet as she looks outside but her thoughts are from afar.

"Sherry?" the man didn"t receive any response. He walked towards her and sat beside her.

"Hey Sherry, is anything wrong?" he asked once again. The woman tears up.

"I saw someone today." she said despicably.


"No, A woman."


"I don"t know. She looks familiar. My heart itched a bit. I don"t know why but there"s something about her."

"Maybe you only pity her."

"No! I felt like I knew her but I cannot remember! My head hurts!" she cried. She held her head forcefully.

"Don"t force yourself! It"s not good for your health, you know that!" The man embraced her tight. She sobs dismally. The man reaches a medicine box and a gla.s.s of water.

"You should not forget to drink your medicine." He was trying to shove it to her mouth but Sherry was trying to avoid it.

"I don"t want to drink that anymore! I am not sick Silver!" she yelled.

"What are you saying Sherry? You heard the doctor. You need to take every day." He was trying to get her drink the medicine.

"No! I don"t have a problem with my brain Silver. I tried consulting a different doctor and I am certain that I am not suffering from any brain problem!" she was aggravated.

"What did you say? You consulted a different doctor?"

"Yes! I di ---""
Sherry heard a loud cras.h.!.+ Broken gla.s.ses are everywhere. He"s mad! Very mad. Sherry s.h.i.+vered in fear at the sight of the man in front of him.

"Are you doubting me, Sherry?" he has a murderous tone.

"N-No! Of course no! I"m just … I"m tired taking this medicine. I feel like I"ve been forgetting a lot of things whenever I take that." she was trying to explain.

"So you are doubting me!" he gripped her hand tightly. She"s hurting.

"I-I"m sorry! I- I won"t doubt you ever again. I"ll take that medicine religiously from now on."

"Good!" he released her arm. "Now drink this." He took another medicine from the box and shove it to her mouth. she took it forcefully.

"I"ll just get some water." He calmed down as he exited the room.

Sherry took a piece of napkin and spit out the medicine that Silver shove into her mouth. she placed it on the pocket of her jacket. She gazed towards the closed door.

"I am clear that I don"t have any problem with my health." She scoffed.

She decided not to take the medicine at all. She just need to act as if she is swallowing it. She"s been taking the medicine for G.o.d knows how long but she often forgets a lot of things. She tried not consuming it for a week, amazingly, there are tidbits of memories coming back to her but everything is blurry. However, Silver notice it so he tried to monitor her medicine time. but this time she wants to take the risk. She wants to know her past. She wants to remember everything. There"s seems to have something in her past that she needs to remember. What could that be? She needs to find out but she has to be careful.

He was looking at the article that he wrote.
"Boy! This will make me famous!" the reporter exclaimed while looking at the pictures on his monitor. He"s been following that woman for a week now. he wanted to write a remarkable story, and lucky for him, he did!

"Are you sure that you"re going to publish that? We are talking about the Williams!" His friend was afraid for their careers.

"It doesn"t matter if she is a Williams. I just know that this will make us famous." He grinned evilly.

"Just don"t tell me that I didn"t warn you."

"Don"t worry about that. We"re already on the new era where social media is more advance and more powerful." the reporter continued. He was not just planning to release it on the newspaper but also he was planning to sell it on every business magazine. Time magazine might even send him a contract for his findings. And if all else fail, he will also upload it on the internet.

"But they have connections at the entertainment industry. It won"t be long for them to find out about that article and who wrote it" His friend was trying to persuade him.

"Charlie, we shouldn"t have accepted our jobs as news anchors if we are afraid to release true to life stories, if we can"t even provide a good story for our avid readers! If others are afraid at these distinguished powerful people, then I am not. I don"t want to be controlled anymore!" he is firmed.

"But Jess, we"re not just talking about you but the whole company as well!" Charlie yelled.

"Charlie Trust me. Our dear friend wouldn"t let that happen." Charlie raised a brow. Jess is very confident. Who is that friend that he is talking about? Is it one of the Williams" enemies? Possible!

Charlie didn"t speak a word. He trusts his partner. They"ve been crossing bridges together for how many years now. they"ve been tried for how many times now but it was G.o.d"s grace that they are still on their jobs, alive and kicking despites the death threats that they"ve been receiving over the years. He stared at Jess who glued himself on the monitor. Then he s.h.i.+fted his gaze on the screen. He read the article silently.

"The Great CEO"s Wife is a Gangster!" it will be the headline. He heaved a heavy sigh. This article will definitely rock the world.

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