Aisha kept rubbing her palms. She was anxious. Ethan and Aisha came down and sat on one of the table below as they watch the host pa.s.sed on the big box. The people decided to cast lots.

This is the very first time in the company"s history that something like this happened. No one ever imagine this day would come. Ethan looked at the anxious Aisha.

"Calm down. everything will be okay." Ethan fastened his hand onto her.

"I"m sorry. I"m truly sorry!" Aisha eyes was about to release some tears but Ethan wiped them away.

"It"s not your fault to begin with." He gave out a comforting smile. Aisha was so guilty that she embraced him tight. Ethan kissed her hair.

Aisha didn"t expect the sudden upturned of the events. She had a perfect plan earlier but she didn"t antic.i.p.ate the video clip that ruined her plans. She was looking around as if expecting a superhero to show up and save the night. Well she is expecting one. It is her last resort now.

"Dad, where are you?" she was restless. Ethan kept caressing her hair.

"Will dad be coming?" she texted uncle Archie.

"I don"t know. I can"t reach him." he replied. Aisha"s countenance became pale. She trembled silently. Will she end her pretensions tonight? Is she ready to tell the truth not just to Ethan but to the world? Guess it can"t be help. To save Ethan and the company, she needs to sacrifice. She already made up her mind. If the ballot favors the opponent, then she doesn"t have a choice but to reveal her true ident.i.ty.

The ballot is being counted. Aisha straightened herself up as she holds Ethan"s hand tightly. She looked at their hands intertwined. She faced him and gave a faints smile.

"Ethan," she was looking at their hands.

"Yes?" he answered. Aisha detached her hands from his grip then took something in her pouch. She took Ethan"s hand and handed him a bracelet. her b.u.t.terfly bracelet!

Ethan"s brow knitted. Aisha can see his qualms.

"Ethan, I want you to have this. whatever happens tonight, whatever revelations you will hear tonight, I want you to remember me as your childhood friend- Erika." Aisha teared up.

"Why do I feel like you are saying your last goodbye?" his faced cringed in annoyance.

"Just remember what I am saying to you right now, okay?" she can feel her heart twirled in pain.

"I don"t know what you"re up to but I "m telling you, don"t do anything stupid tonight!" his voice has a hint of anger. Aisha suddenly pulled him closer then kissed his pursed lips to silence him. Tear scape her eyes. Ethan was caught off guard but after some seconds, he responded to her advances.

"Ethan, I love you and I will always do." She uttered affectionately when they parted. Foreheads were touching each other. Ethan cupped her cheeks as she wipes her tears away.

"You told me to remember you as Erika right? I want to let you know that I have loved you as my Erika. then, now and forever. Always remember that, okay?" Ethan spoke softly. "Erika, I love you and I will always do." He kissed her again.

The counting of the votes is almost done. The host went up the pulpit as she picks the microphone.

"In just a minute, the result of the votes will be announced." They heard the host spoked. After a while, someone stood up and handed a sheet of paper to the host. The result is out!

"Ethan, I screwed up a lot of things and this is the time for me to iron things out." Aisha faced in front to listen to the result. Ethan just stared at her. he"s not sure about Aisha"s plan but he wanted to know what she had in mind.

There are seventy investors including the board members who needs to vote for the future of the Saphiro Gentz Empire. They need to have at least thirty-six people to be on the Williams side to win the company. However, the people seems to underestimate the Williams ability. The result showed that among the seventy people inside, only twenty people remained loyal and faithful to the Williams. The rest had their alliance to Silver. Victory was written all over Silver"s face as well as his underlings.

In a way, this event confirmed the real people who supported Ethan. It also determined the traitors inside the company. Ethan smirked as he meets Silver"s defiant gaze.

When the result was announced, Aisha stood up. She was about to go near the host.

"where are you going?" Ethan stopped her by holding onto her arm. Aisha shrugged his hands. She looked at him sympathetically.

"Allow me to make things right." Then she continued. She was stunningly beautiful on her outfit. It"s impossible for anyone not to look at her. the cameras were focused on her. she took the microphone to the host politely. As soon as the host handed the microphone, she came down the pulpit. Now Aisha is standing alone in front of everyone, cameras were focused on her and there was silenced.

"Everyone, I apologized for this great commotion." She kowtowed for almost a minute. "I greatly apologized that this well antic.i.p.ated annual symposium turned into a chaotic event. Again, I want to apologized for the people who truly prayed for the event"s success." Once again she bowed for the second time. She looked at everyone. Her meek appearance earlier suddenly turned wild. She is now emitting a fierce aura. She is standing in front like a ferocious queen, fearless and vicious.

"I won"t deny that I am the woman behind that video clip. In order to save my life, I need to think and act quickly. Who wouldn"t save their lives when they are in great danger?" her voice seems like she is accusing them for their ignorance. The brethren sat in silence.

"But where did you learn your fighting skills? It doesn"t look like a self –defense though." One of the reporter asked.

"Where else should we learn how to fight?" Aisha returned the reporter"s questions. Her eyes looks like she is conveying the reporter"s ignorance. Anyone in this generation can learned how to fight anywhere. YouTube is accessible anywhere and anytime.

"Ms. Stacy, is it true that you are a gangster? Or should we say a Mafia heiress?" one of the reporter stepped in. the people inside didn"t expect to hear a crisp laugh from the woman in front.

"And What if I am? How is it important to you?" Aisha suddenly burst.

"then is that a Yes?" the reporter, as well as the people inside where waiting for her answer. She smirked. Guess telling the truth can"t be help. She have to.

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