"Eli, for the meantime, we won"t be able to see dad for a couple of days, okay?" she knelt before Eli as she tries to explained the situation to him. With his young mind, Aisha knew that Eli won"t be able to understand what is happening so she needs to a.s.sure him that everything"s gonna be okay.

"Okay mom." Eli frowned.

"I"m sorry sweetheart, but don"t worry, Dad"s gonna be alright and he will wake up very soon." She let out an encouraging smile.

"Ehm". Eli nodded. He took the stairway to his room.

"Do you want to have a coffee first?" Aisha offered it to Lisa and Caleb. they can"t possibly turn her down. coffee for them is their moment to share their thoughts. Caleb and Lisa knew that very well.

They knew that Aisha must have something to tell them. They went home directly from the hospital after they spent time with Ethan. Master Omni placed some skilled men to watch over him so they are confident to leave him for the night. Aisha wanted to stay with Ethan but she thought about Eli. She can"t possibly abandon him.

She prepared the coffee then sat beside Lisa. She was in deep thought.

"It was Silver. I am sure it was him." Aisha uttered immediately.

"How did you know that?" It was Caleb who answered.

"I saw him while he was looking at the sniper"s direction."

"Have you seen the sniper?" she got Caleb"s attention.

"No. I didn"t have a chance. But the bullet, I know for sure that it came from above." She pursed her lips when she remembered Sherry Gray as well.

"Could it be that Silver is a boun ------"" she restrained herself from speaking. Caleb"s eyes widened when he realized the same thought as Aisha. Lisa creased a brow. She didn"t understand their conversation.

Caleb and Aisha didn"t educate Lisa about her being a Mafia heiress nor being hunted by bounty hunters that"s why they usually left her out whenever they spoke about confidential matters. It"s not because they don"t trust her but they don"t want her to get involved.

"What?" Lisa curiously asked. But their sudden silence helped her understood that there are things that she didn"t know and doesn"t need to know.

She understand the silence very well.

"Lisa, I need to asked you a favor." Aisha suddenly uttered

"What is it?"

"I can"t keep you in this house any longer." She slumps.

"I-I understand. I"ll move back to my old apartment as soon as possible."

"No, not at your old apartment." Lisa creased a brow. "I wish you could stay with Caleb for the time being."

Lisa knitted her forehead as well as Caleb.

"I hope you are just joking." Lisa sarcastically uttered.

"Sadly I am not. Just for the time being Lisa. With you at Caleb"s side I won"t be worrying that much. Just a little longer. I"ll just iron some things out." she pleaded.

"It wouldn"t be a problem for me." Caleb"s countenance was serious. Lisa realized how serious their conversation is. Guess it can"t be help.

"Okay."" Lisa uttered dejectedly.

"I"m truly sorry Lisa that you were caught on this mess."" Aisha was apologetic.

"It"s okay and I understand."" Lisa touch her trembling hands.

"Thank you.""

"I"ll come and get you tomorrow morning." Caleb spoke as he stood up. "You should rest both of you." They nodded in agreement.

Lisa was on her room packing her stuffs while Aisha was standing on the veranda as she watches Caleb drove off. She was trying to a.n.a.lyze all the things that had happened.

Aisha can"t barely sleep. She has a lot of things in her mind. She strides to Eli"s room; she can see that Eli was already fast asleep. She went near him as she knelt before him. her hands glided on the child"s hair.

"I"m sorry sweetheart. I am really sorry." She kissed his forehead. A tear escaped her left eye.

"It"s all my fault. If only I didn"t invade your lives, then things won"t be as messy as this. Sorry for ruining your life." She was sobbing silently as she whispers.

"Sweetheart, I love you and I will always do. Even if I am not your biological mother, know that this woman loved you so much. You and Ethan was the most precious disaster that have ever happened to me. And I will never regret the day I met both of you."

She stood up, "I will end this as soon as I can, I promise. I am hoping that you will never forget me when the day comes that I have to say goodbye." She wipes her tears and headed down the kitchen.

It"s already twelve midnight but she"s fully awake. she"s been planning her next move all along. It seems like her enemies kept multiplying. She didn"t resolve her other problems yet but here comes another one. It"s blowing her mind.

Caleb arrived early morning. He"s ready to pick up Lisa as Aisha requested.

"Are these the only things that you have?" Caleb sarcastically raised a brow as soon as he saw the boxes at Lisa"s room. how would these be able to fit his car? Why so d.a.m.n many!

"You have a problem with that?" Lisa answered.

"Nahh! Then I guess you have to walk so we can fit your things inside the car."

"ehm, I can drive. Why don"t you do that instead?" she returned his sarcasm.

"d.a.m.n this woman!" he grinned his teeth.

As soon as the maids fix her things inside the car, Lisa went up to wake Aisha.

"Caleb is here. Were about to go." Lisa voiced. Aisha just woke up. She looked at the clock, it"s already 9am?! d.a.m.n she woke up late.

"I"m sorry I was not able to help you pack." She lazily stood up from the bed. They went down the garage.

"Caleb, let"s eat first before you go." she yawned.

"Nahh, I"m good. I have to do something later so I have to show the house to Lisa." He declined. Aisha"s ears grew bigger, she made a face.

"Hey, are you that excited to take my friend away?" she raised her brow teasingly. "You! You better get your act together or I will cut that yours! Just Not Lisa!" She glared at him.

"Hha. she"s not even my type, duh!" Caleb laughed but Lisa scoffed.

"Aisha, please tell me it"s okay to strangle your friend." Lisa was irritated. Aisha chuckled.

"Go." she embraced them both. She watched them drove off before she went inside the mansion. She went to Eli"s room and took a travelling bag and placed some of Eli"s stuff inside.

"Mom, where are we going?" Eli asked her when he came out form the bathroom.

"sweetheart, mom has something to do today so I have to send you to great paps for the meantime, okay?" Aisha didn"t hear a reply. She raised her head to see a teary little kid.


"Are you going to leave me? And dad too?" tears welled down his cheeks. Aisha was surprised.

"Eli, that"s not what I mean ----""

"No! you"re leaving us!" he interrupted her. "I heard you last night, you"re going to leave us!" he was crying. Her heart broke at his desolate look.

"I"m sorry." She went near him and touch her shoulders, "I will never leave you. Always remember how much I love you--- and your dad as well. Mother"s will never leave their children behind, you know that, right?"

"But you"re not my mom! You"re not my real mom!" he bawled. Aisha was surprise to hear Eli. she gulped as she releases Eli from her grip. She staggered backwards.

"Y-You k-knew?!" she faltered.

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