"Grandpa, I already got them. When will you be here?" Rogue bragged.

"I am planning to be there tonight. But I might get delayed. I"ll let you know once I finish this meeting tonight." The old man answered.

"Oh okay, take your time then."

"How about the woman? have you caught her?"

"I haven"t seen her yet grandpa, but I"m sure that she"ll show up that"s for sure." He chuckled.

"Okay. Make sure to catch her alive."

"Leave it to me, grandpa."

After their conversation, Rogue heard some commotion outside so he went to check it. But to his surprise, the people he held captive is on the run. Fudge! He cursed.

The men were running towards Ethan"s location.

"This way, follow me!" Aisha whispered but enough for all to hear it. she"s still wearing the mask. The rest followed.

"That way!" she pointed out a secret door. She let them go first, unfortunately three men caught up and was about to shoot them but Aisha dealt with them all just by using her fists. She can"t possibly alarm all the guards in the Villa.

She looked at her watch, she scoffed. Seven more minutes before her ally arrives. They must survive so she followed them on the secret pa.s.sage. They were able to get out from the house.

They were hiding, looking for another way out. six minutes more to go before her ally comes and before the bombs goes off.

"Can you hear me?" Aisha keyed Caleb.

"Absolutely." He answered back.

"Can you see us?"

"Barely. Turn left, there are no guards there. I will be able to see you fully in that position." Caleb ordered.

The three followed Aisha"s signal.

"At your back!" she heard Caleb. Aisha was about to shoot the guy who was behind them but Ethan hit him. The man lost his consciousness. Aisha was sure that she placed some bombs in that area so she led them to a safe place in case the bombs blew off.

They walk around the house. They were able to see a pa.s.sageway, enough to cross over the fence. As soon as they cross over, then they could run for their lives somewhere in the forest. They have to rush before the bombs blow up.

"That way! Go!" Aisha shouted as she pointed out the way. Lisa was holding Eli as they run towards the pa.s.sageway. Too bad, few guards were drawing near them.

Ethan halted when he saw some men approaching them, he went beside Aisha as he held his gun.

"I"ll take care of this! Go with them!" she yelled.

"But ----""

"Go! I can handle this!" She pushed him, "I won"t forgive you if you will be caught again!" she was serious. Ethan wanted to fight alongside her but he can"t possibly abandon Eli and Lisa.

He doesn"t have a choice, "Just don"t die!" Then he bid farewell.

Aisha sneered. Ethan followed Eli and Lisa. Good thing they were able to cross over the fence.

Aisha saw that they were able to cross over the bridge but she can"t follow them yet, these men will catch them in no time. Now, she is being surrounded. Guns are being pointed towards her. after some seconds, more and more men came to where she is. d.a.m.n! She"s fully surrounded.

"Don"t shoot!" she heard a young man behind the men. They made a way for him. he was walking slowly as he approaches the mask woman who was cornered. He smirked.

"So you finally showed up." He raised his lip.

"You!" she was shocked when she realized who the man is.

"Long time no see, sweetheart!" she smirked, "Well, I really wanted to go before Ethan but you are his main target for today, so might as well focus on you for the meantime. I can always get them as soon as I dispose you."

"What did you say? Who"s aiming for me?" Aisha answered.

"You"ll know it soon. So you better surrender, Aisha."" the young man looked at her murderously.

Aisha was thinking when she heard the screeching of a car. She smirked. Finally, she"s here just in time.

"Get in!" The woman who is driving the car yelled at the three people running away from the Villa.

"Who are you?" Ethan asked the woman who just park her car in front them.

"Save the introduction for now. just get in!"

"Sophie?!" Lisa was shocked to see her.

"Aren"t you coming?"

"Let"s go!" Lisa took Eli in her arms then she entered the car. she signaled Ethan to get in.

"Wait! She"s still there!" he was about to turn around when Sophie called.

"Leave her! she"s not alone. I need to get you to a safe place first. Get in! we don"t have much time!"

Ethan didn"t have a choice so he got in. As soon as Ethan get in, Sophie drove the car.

Aisha was relief to see the car set off. Now she knew that they are safe. The only thing to care for now is her scape plan.

"Drop your gun, now!" Rogue commanded. Aisha raised her hands in surrender after dropping her gun.

Unknown to Rogue, Aisha was sending a hand signal towards Caleb. She knows that Caleb is watching her from somewhere.

"Don"t shoot. The bombs will explode in a minute." She sent a hand signal. Then she looked at her watch. Forty-five seconds more to go. she"s counting in her head while examining her surroundings.

There"s a bomb near them, so she moved a little farther from that wall. It"ll include her if she stays to where she is.

"Why are you doing this, rogue?" Aisha was trying to talk him out for the remaining seconds.

"I hate you but my old man hates you more than I do."

"Are you still thinking that I killed your brother?"


"How many times must I tell you that I didn"t kill your brother! Your barking at the wrong tree!"

"So who did? Your finger prints are all over the gun that was used to shot him. how do you explain that?"

"I don"t know how but I didn"t do it!" she was aggravated, Rogue started to get angry as he continues to babble words but Aisha was not listening since she was counting the remaining seconds at the same time sending signal to Caleb.

10 -9 -8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 BOOOOMMMMMMM! BOOOOMMMMM! Bombs were exploding, some at the same time but most were exploding one at a time.

Ethan and the others heard the explosions, so Sophie stopped the car. They all look outside their windows. Ethan"s face was filled with worry.

"Please be alive!" he was praying in his mind intently. Then he felt Eli snuggled in his arms. he"s trembling! He hugged him tight. It"s okay son. You"re safe."

"Where is she?" everyone in the car looked at him.

"Who?" Ethan looked at his son"s teary eyes.

"Mom! Where is she? I thought she was following us."

The three looked at him with a confuse look, especially Lisa.

"Eli, you got it wrong. Your mom is not with us. She"s de--""

"No! she"s not dead! she just saved us!" Eli insisted.

"Eli!" Ethan was about to stop him but Eli cut him off.

"It was mom! I know! She was the lady behind the mask!" then he took something in his pocket and showed it to them.

It"s a gold infinity necklace! Ethan and Lisa recognize it.

"Where did you get that?" It was Lisa who asked as she took the necklace and inspected it.

"She dropped it. The lady in the mask dropped it while we were running earlier." he lowered his head.

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