He was perspiring a lot. He is tired of running away from the men chasing after him. Caleb was about to follow Aisha and Ethan when they saw them got away. However, someone spotted him in his location and it triggered the remaining men to chase him.

He was standing on the edge of the cliff. In front of him was a bottomless pit. d.a.m.n! He cursed. Is this the end of his journey in this world? Oh men! He looked behind him, there are more than ten men nearing his location. he can"t turn back nor turn on the sides.

There"s nowhere to hide! If he is facing an ocean then probably, he will jump over. But no, it"s a bottomless pit!

He took his phone out and dialed Lisa"s phone number but it only keeps on ringing. Ah, wait! Didn"t she leave it inside the house? Then he remembered his sister Sophie. Yes! it was her who saved them. Maybe, she is with them. Then he dialed Sophie"s number.

"Caleb, where are you?!" Sophie"s voice was full of worry.

"Sophie! I, I think I"m trap." He chuckled. The men are catching up.

"What?! then I"m coming!" he can hear the woman yelling over the phone.

"No! you can"t make it in time!" his voice is firm, "Just listen to me. in case I won"t make it, tell father that I died with dignity."

"What the h.e.l.l are you saying Caleb? will you just finish them off and come back to us!" Sophie sobs.

"Oh! Since when did you learn how to shed tears?" he chuckled. "Sophie, I"m glad that you are my sister. know that I love you very much. Tell father how much I love him too, okay." then silence fell.

"Are you with Lisa right now?" he asked.

"Yes." Sophie weakly answered.

"Let me talk to her please."

Sophie handed Lisa the phone. It was on speaker that"s why Lisa was able to hear Caleb earlier.

"Caleb, Where all safe. Where are you?" Lisa was trying to control her tears since Sophie was sobbing in a corner.

"Lisa, listen. This might be our last conversation so I want you to listen to me. The truth is I like you and I really do. Ah, wait, that"s not the right word. What I mean is that I love you. I never wanted to admit it because I was afraid that you might try to avoid me. Or worst, leave me." Lisa heard Caleb chuckled, tears kept flowing from her eyes.

"Caleb, will you just come home and tell me that personally? you don"t know how much I"ve been longing to hear that from you." Lisa"s voice was breaking cause her heart is aching at the thought that she might not see Caleb anymore.

"I wish I could but it"s too late for that. Just know that I love you so much." sadness can be heard in his voice.

"Lisa, I love you, goodbye." Caleb maintained his composure, he doesn"t want to be weak before he dies.

Then Lisa heard some gunshots on the background but she can still hear Caleb"s breathing.

"Caleb, wait! This is not fair! Why did you even confess when you don"t want to take responsibility on your words!" Lisa yelled on the phone but she"s not hearing any response.

"This is not fair! I haven"t told you about my feelings yet so you should come back as soon as possible so I could tell you how much I love you." Lisa"s knees started to tremble.

"That"s a relief then. Knowing that you love me too is more than enough. Unfortunately, this might be our destiny. ----"" Lisa and Sophie was listening to him when they heard a loud gunshot.

"Ahh!" they heard him scream then a loud thud followed.

"No! Caleb!!!"
Lisa dropped the phone accidently. She knelt as tears flowed from her eyes while Sophie curled her fists while tears stream from her eyes as well. Now, they can"t even hear anything from the background.

Both girls are mourning for Caleb when they heard the sound of an ambulance. They were too weak to stand and see who arrived.

"please take good care of him." the doctor and nurses heard the woman spoke when they took Ethan in a private room.

"Let"s get you treated first while waiting for him." Larry tap Aisha"s shoulder. The woman only got some bruises because of the explosion.

Aisha nodded. Due to her tiredness, she didn"t notice where they are. Did she think that they are in a private hospital? yes, she did.

They entered a big cozy room. a doctor was already waiting for them. Did they already prepare this beforehand? Nice!

"Where"s Eli? and Lisa?" Aisha suddenly remembered.

"They are resting upstairs. Eli is sleeping in his room while Lisa and Sophie is in the veranda. Don"t worry too much. You"ll see them later."

"Okay." she weakly responded.

After she got treated, Larry accompanied Aisha to where Lisa and Sophie are. But to their surprise, the atmosphere is kind of inconsolable.

"Lisa? Sophie? is something wrong?" Aisha was worried.

"Aisha?!" Lisa stood surprisingly, "Y-you… so it was true? Y-your alive?" Lisa doesn"t know what to feel. She is happy to see her at the same time mad.

"Yeah. I"m sorr ----""

"How could you do this to me? How could you lie to me? was I the only one who doesn"t know about your existence?"

"I"m sorry Lisa. But it is the only way I could protect you!"

"Protect me by pretending to be dead?"


"Huh!" she scoffs. Lisa cannot believe all the words coming out from her best friend. "So tell me, by pretending to be dead, where you able to protect me? Nor Eli? Did it change everything?!"

"I"m sorry! I know I deceived you. I"m really sorry."

Lisa trembled in anger. She sat down covering her face with her palms.

"I thought you considered me as a friend but if I come to realize about it, I really don"t know you that much yet. Is it that hard to trust me."

"Lisa you know that"s not true." She tried to approached her but she walked away. Lisa looked out the window.

"I don"t know what"s true and what is not anymore. I feel like an idiot not knowing who you truly are. I"m so useless!"

Aisha can feel the bitterness in Lisa"s voice but she understands her. she deceived her. there"s no excuse to that. A minute of silence engulfed the room.

"If only I knew about your real ident.i.ty since the beginning, then I must have prepared myself for the worst. If only I made myself usable, then maybe, just maybe he is still alive." Her voice was so soft but Aisha was able to hear her.

She raised her brow.

"Lisa, what do you mean?" she noticed the gloomy atmosphere around Lisa and Sophie. Did something happen without her knowing?

"Sophie?" Aisha saw how she lowered her head dejectedly.

"Caleb. his dead!" as soon as the words came out from Sophie"s mouth, her tears started to flow, again.

Aisha"s eyes widened.

"No! That can"t be true!" she fell on her knees. "Caleb, her brother, best friend and best buddy is tough. He is strong! He can"t die just like that!"

A tear escapes her eyes.

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