She was shocked. She looked at the unconscious man on the ground. Is he----?

"Caleb?! yes! it was Caleb!"

But the man was covered in blood and was lying on the ground lifelessly. The man who parted the leaf was pointing out his gun towards the unconscious Caleb. she was about to stop him when she felt something being pointed on her head.

A gun!

"Don"t move or I"ll pull this trigger!" she heard a cold weak voice behind. she raised her hands in surrender.

Aisha swiftly s.n.a.t.c.h the gun from the man and made sure to lock his hands from behind. the man howled in pain.

"Sir Shawn?" one of the man exclaimed.

As soon as Aisha heard one of the men spoke, he immediately released the guy she just captured.

Shawn stood up weakly and was able to see the people around.

"I, I"m sorry Madam. I didn"t know it was you." he kowtowed.

"Are you alright?" Aisha held his arm when he is about to fall. The men went to aid him.

"Caleb, he needs to be treated as soon as possible."

As soon as Sophie heard it was Caleb, she run towards him, knelt before him and felt his pulse.

"He"s alive! He"s alive!" her heart limp with joy. Two of the men went to carry him.

*** Hours had pa.s.sed yet Lisa hadn"t heard from Aisha nor Sophie. she"s been pacing back and forth outside the house waiting for them. After a while, a little boy came near her.

"Aunt Lisa, is mom and dad home yet?" Eli was wiping his sleepy eyes.

"Your father is resting right now." she gave a warm smile.

"Where"s mom?"

"You"re Mom? s-she"s… uhm she"s…"" Lisa was thankful that they hears the screeching of some cars. Their eyes landed at the gate; two cars were parked in front of the building then they saw Larry came out from the other building with some doctors and stretchers.

She saw two men were rushed inside.

"Caleb!" she was caressing her knuckles full of worry. Aisha and Sophie went out the car and was about to follow the doctors.

"Mom!" Eli yelled. Aisha paused in her tracks as she looked behind her. she saw Eli running towards her.

"E-Eli? he knew?" she was surprised. She felt the young boy embraced her thigh immediately.

"Mom!" he looked into her eyes with a beaming smile. She smiled back as she messed his silky hair

"H-how"s Caleb?" Lisa asked.

"Don"t worry, he"ll gonna be okay. he"ll live." She tapped her shoulder. "You can go and see him, she"ll be needing your presence"

"Thank you." she whispered then she run towards the building"s entrance where they rushed Caleb and the other guy... Aisha held Eli"s hands and went inside the house.

"How are you?" Aisha doesn"t know how to start the conversation with Eli.

"I"m good mom! Thank you for saving us." His smile was so innocent.

"Did your father told you that?"

"No." his answer made Aisha raised a brow.

"But how did you know it was mom?"

Then she saw Eli took something in his pocket. Aisha suddenly touch her neck when she saw what Eli was holding in his hands. She was shocked.

"You dropped this." Eli placed the gold infinity necklace in Aisha"s hand. She was caught off guard and doesn"t know what to say.

"Thank you sweetheart." Then she took the necklace and placed it around her neck, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet." the child shook his head, "I was waiting for you and dad." His innocent smile p.r.i.c.ked her heart. Oh, he doesn"t have any idea what had just happened.

"I"m sorry for dragging you into this mess." She embraced him tight while her eyes tried to hide her tears. "I"m really sorry."

Eli can feel the sadness in his mother"s voice. "Mom?" he looked into her teary eyes.

"What is it sweetheart?"

"I"m so happy to see you. please don"t ever leave us, again." then Eli embraced her once more. she felt a pang of guilt within her. Didn"t she fake her death to leave them forever? But why does it feel like her plan failed?

"I love you mom." She heard Eli.

"I love you more sweetheart."

Just after she releases Eli, Larry came to her.

"Madam, I"m sorry to interrupt you but you have some visitors."

"Visitor? I"m not expecting one today. Who are they?"

"I"m sorry, But I think it"s better for you to meet them personally."

Aisha creased a brow.

"Where are they?"

"At Sir Ethan"s room."

""Is he awake now?"

"Yes. just now."

"Okay. I"ll be there in a second." Aisha was in deep thought when Larry went out. She"s not expecting any visitors. And who are they? Her mind is too tired to think of anyone for now. might as well go and see who these people are.

"Do you want to see daddy right now?" she asked Eli. The little child nodded in excitement so Aisha took his hand as they went out together.

Aisha asked one of the men guarding the building in front of her. She doesn"t know where they placed Ethan so she asked for a.s.sistance. The man gladly showed them the way. They rode the elevator and stopped at the fifth floor. The man showed them room 537 then he bid them goodbye.

She knocked. After a few second, the door opened. It was Larry.

"Please come in Madam." Larry walked before them. Aisha stared at the hall entrance in awe. Is this a hospital room? cause it doesn"t look like one! What a luxurious room is it! Well, what did she expect from a Williams?

"Great Paps!" She jolted when Eli shouted and run towards an old man sitting comfortably at the couch facing Ethan"s bed. She forces a smile. She also looked towards Ethan who was busy talking to someone over the phone while sitting on his bed. Their eyes met for a split second since Aisha looked away guiltily.

"Master Omni…" she walked towards him but she paused in her tracks when she spotted a familiar figure opposite Master Omni. Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened when she realized who it is.

"F-father?!" she exclaimed in her thought.

"M-Mr. Mikasa? Y-you"re here?" she fakes a smile. How come he"s here? She might not speak it out but Demetrius can read her eyes.

Demetrius stood up and walked towards the woman standing before them. Aisha stepped backwards when she saw the gloomy atmosphere around him. She suddenly felt s.h.i.+vers in her spine. That look in Demetrius eyes! she saw it before.

Wait. He couldn"t be planning to -----

Paaaakkkkkk!! A crisp sound of a slapped cheek echoed in the room. Her face twisted to the side. She was shocked. Her mind was having a hard time processing what had just transpired at that very moment. She bit her lip, her cheek was burning in pain due to the force from her father"s palm.

Even Master Omni was surprise as well as Ethan while Larry tried to look away. Silence engulfed the room.

On the other hand, Lisa"s hands were trembling at the scene that she had just witness. She was holding a tray with cups of tea on it when she and Archie entered the room.

Aisha was trying so hard to prevent the tears to escape from her eyes.Her gaze was pinned on the floor. She dares not look at Rio"s eyes. "Did he just slap me?" her thoughts were running wildly as she touches her burning cheek.

"Rio!" Archie yelled. He himself was shocked.

"I thought you needed one to wake you up!" Rio uttered while trying to control his anger.

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