"Mom, you promised me we will visit great pap"s," Eli argued with her mom with his charming puppy eyes. Eli knew that her mom would never say no to his charm. Aisha looked at her son. She indeed promised him that they will visit the ancestral mansion this weekend but she was thinking of resting because her feet are still swollen.

"Eh?" Aisha smiled reluctantly. She looked at Ethan who was busy reading the newspaper, hoping he would say no to his son"s request.

"Eli, I love to go with you but our Driver, Mr. Tanner is on leave. We will be having a hard time taking the bus cause Mommy"s feet are currently swollen. Mommy can"t walk for a long time." she explained thoroughly. Eli looked defeated. The disappointment in his son"s eyes bought sadness in her heart.

"Eli, how about this, mom will see the doctor this morning, after that, we will go and see your great pap"s in the afternoon.?" Her mother suggested.

"Yes, yes mom!" he hugged her.

"Also, you can pack some of your stuffs because we will spend the night at great pap"s house,"

"Yehey!"" Eli rejoices.

"Ahem! Are you going to leave me here? Alone?" Ethan asked.

"You"re coming Dad?!" Eli"s eyes glowed.

"I-I thought you have to work even on weekends? Larry told me that you have business meetings to attend today." Aisha probed.

"I have power over my schedules since it"s my company. I"m the great CEO, remember?" Ethan"s sarcasm echoed in the kitchen.

"Tsk! do you have to boast what was obvious?" Aisha smirked but she was rejoicing inside.

"Yehey! It"s a family day!" Eli shouted happily. He went to his room to pack his things. The two who was left in the dining table smiled at his silly reaction.

"You should also prepare; I"ll drive you to the doctor," Ethan stood up and went to the garage.

Aisha was speechless. She was about to decline but Ethan walked out ahead. She went to their room, took a bath and opened her closet. She creased her brow when she noticed that her sister"s outfits are all dresses. It took so much of her time to locate the right outfit for her. She wore a black skinny pant and a loose plain white sweats.h.i.+rt. She put on her white sneakers and run outside. She found Ethan on the car waiting for her.

"What took you so long?" he impatiently asked.

"Sorry. I had a hard time looking for my pants. My closet is full of dresses. I hate wearing one," she heaved a sigh while fixing the seatbelt. Ethan looked at her seriously.

"Since when did you stop wearing dresses? Did you forget that it has been your obsession to collect dresses from different well-known designer all over the world?" Ethan questioned her. Aisha was stunned. She didn"t realize that her sister was a fas.h.i.+on addict. She scolded herself.

"well, people change." She laughed shakily.

Ethan accompanied Aisha to their family doctor. The doctor a.s.sured them that it was a mild sprain and gave her an ointment. He provided some practical tips to ease the pain with a warning not to overwork his feet. She should not stress them every day or else it will cause more damage at her ankle.

"Thanks doctor, I hope my boss would be more considerate like you," she glared at Ethan. The doctor notices it then he laughed.

"I believe your boss loves you more than you think of."" the doctor teased her. Ahe forcefully smile.

After the check-up, Ethan went to Saphiro Mall. Aisha didn"t know why but it could not be a business meeting since Ethan was wearing a white plain T-s.h.i.+rt and pants. He"s on his typical house outfit.

"W-where are we going?" she asked.

"Just follow me,"

Aisha followed him as they entered the white lotus store. The staffs haven"t seen the owner of the mall so they casually a.s.sist Ethan, although some of the staffs recognized Stacy.

"Stacy! What are you doing here?" one of the staffs asked.

"N-nothing. I, W-we -----"" Ethan interrupt.

"Of course we"re here to buy some clothes. Or perhaps are you selling some foods here?"" sarcasm can be heard from Ethan"s voice so Aisha squeezed his side.

"I"m sorry Sophie, he"s in a bad mood. Don"t worry, we can a.s.sist ourselves." Aisha glared at him. he looked away.

"I-Is he your boyfriend, Stacy? Or perhaps your brother? Can you introduce him to me if he"s available?" Sophie whispered in her ears. Aisha Laughed then she whispered back.

"I"m sorry Sophie, he"s already taken." She smirked and clasp Ethan"s hand with her. Ethan was surprise with her sudden action. Sophie made a face then she left them.

"What are you guys talking?" Ethan asked. Aisha smiled. "Nothing.""

Aisha roamed around the store while Ethan was following. He"s losing his patience with the woman beside her. It looks like she"s enjoying giving Ethan a hard time. Larry saw them so he approached them. He"s about to call the supervisor a.s.signed for the day but Stacy stopped him.

"Are you going to blow my cover?" she said.

"I-I"m sorry, Miss Stacy. I"ll leave both of you then." Then he faced Ethan, "I"m sorry, the supervisor is new that"s why he didn"t recognize you." After that he left.

Aisha faced him. she examined him from head to toe. He looks like one of the ordinary customer but he was stunningly handsome. He even caught the interested of the female staffs.

"I"m done. I also bought one for you and Eli." She smirked at her imagination. It would be a perfect family outfit.

"I don"t trust that smirk. Let me see what you bought!" Ethan scowled. Aisha laughed then she run towards the cas.h.i.+er. Ethan growled.

After their shopping, Aisha told Ethan about a good restaurant around the mall. they got hungry while roaming around the clothing store. Her feet are also aching so she needs to take a little rest. Ethan ordered a chicken dish while Aisha ordered a seafood dish. They both enjoyed eating while talking about the silly things that happened inside the clothing store. They unconsciously laughed together. Aisha paused in a second as she looked at Ethan intently.

"I know how handsome I am but don"t drool here. Do it at home." Ethan teased her.

"Tsk!" Aisha smiled as she took a shrimp in her mouth. She munched it heartily.

"I think you should dress casually every time. And smiling looks good on you." Aisha said. Ethan was flattered. It was the first time that she complemented him. he smiled.

"Ahhh, this feels good. You shoyld take me on a date at least once a week." Aisha teased Ethan after they ate. Ethan scoffed.

"You"ve been very busy dating kian lately so I never bothered you." His voice was indifferent.

"Were not dating! He was only accompanying me during our breaks?" Aisha defended.

"Okay, since you said so." Ethan stood up and walk away.

"Tsk,. What is his problem?!" She muttered and stood up to follow Ethan.

In a certain corner in the restaurant, a guy who has been following Ethan and Aisha, taking a lot of pictures picked up his phone and answered it. His eyes never left the two.

"I"ll be sending the photos and the details i"ve collected later. " He told the person on the other line then he hung up.

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