It"s already ten in the evening yet Ethan isn"t home yet. Aisha had been waiting for how many hours now yet not a silhouette of Ethan"s car was seen. After a while, Aisha dozed off unknowingly.

Ethan came home at around midnight. he was too tired for the whole day. he didn"t expect the orphanage director to asked him to stay for picture taking. Some of the new investors wanted to talk to him as well and since he doesn"t want to be rude, he gave them some time.

He stared at the sleeping woman on his bed then he smiled. He was beyond happy to come home at the end of the day to see a beauty beside him. He was always looking forward to see his beloved no matter how stressful the day is. Aisha had been his happy pill.

He took off his s.h.i.+rt and headed to the shower room. After was.h.i.+ng his body, he laid beside Aisha then cuddled her. The woman stirred, she must have felt Ethan so she slowly opened her eyes.

"Ethan, your home." she was half-awake but she managed to give a warm smile to him.

"Yes. I"m sorry for coming home late." Ethan kissed her forehead. "Go back to sleep." He smiled.

"Ehm." She smiled as she nestled closer to him. "I love you, goodnight." She whispered.

"I love you too." Ethan whispered back.

After a few minutes, Ethan heard Aisha"s heavy breaths. She fell asleep again. Then he looked at her seriously. Ethan might not voice it out but his been feeling anxious for the past days. He doesn"t know why but his been tousled, as if something big is about to happen. There is that feeling of loss and distress and it"s killing him.

"I can"t lose you again, Aisha." he whispered then he remembered his dream. His been having some nightmares about Aisha falling in a deep cliff with a gunshot.

After a while, he dozed off cuddling Aisha in his arms.


He slowly walked on the rooftop under the dark sky. As for the moment, he looked like a ninja without a sword but a gun. he gazed at his wrist.w.a.tch, it"s already three in the morning. Unknown to anyone, he"s been observing all the members of the organization secretly for the past few days. Then he stumbled at someone who appears to be working secretly.

It looks like the perpetrator isn"t alone. Some members were a part of this illegal transaction for sure. he has their supports. That pushed Caleb to investigate thoroughly. He also notified his uncle Demetrius and his dad Archie his findings.

As soon as he reached a hidden location where he could view the whole transactions, he brought out his telescope and a video recorder as well. Then he starts scouting the place. He saw ten loaded trucks entering the private place so he recorded everything.

The trucks were loaded with kiddie toys as well as books. Some were fluffy teddy bears in different sizes and in different designs. Also, he saw large car toys, thick books and many more. He creased a brow. Something isn"t right here. It may look like those items came from their manufacturing sites, ready to be dispose. but those items have something inside them that"s for sure. and Caleb need to get one sample so he can examine it further.

He was looking all around the place trying to get the whole picture. Every corner, every CCTV camera, every gates and every guards, he was memorizing everything. He also kept in mind where they housed all the items. After that, he went back to his quarters.

He checked his time and its quarter to five in the morning. His father might be awake already. but before he called him, he washed himself first, ready to sleep after reporting what he saw.

"Dad." He spoke when Archie received his call.

"How are you, son? How"s everything out there?" Archie asked.

"Looks like Uncle Rio"s suspicions are right. I found their private place though I haven"t seen the actual item yet but I am planning to raid the place silently to find out." Caleb reported in one blow.

"That"s good but you should be careful son. As soon as you confirm Rio"s hunch, then you can come back here whenever you want."

"I understand." As soon as his done reporting, he laid down his tired body and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Liam woke up early since he needs to pick up someone in the airport today. so the maids need to prepare his early breakfast.

"Did Caleb came home last night?" He suddenly asked.

"We haven"t seen him yet, Sir Liam." One of the maids replied.

"Eh? What was he doing? I hardly seen him for the past few days." He started doubting him.

After eating his breakfast, he called his personal driver and went straight to the airport. He waited for thirty minutes. When he spotted the man, he got off the car to meet him.

"Raider!" Liam caught his attention. The middle age man looked at his direction.

"Mr. Liam Mikasa, right? thank you for picking me up." He offered a handshake that Liam gladly accepted.

"My pleasure, Mr. Randy Sy." He smiled. "This way please." Liam pointed the way to his car while Randy and his men followed.

**Liam has to call Randy Sy using his codename to give him a hint that he was the supplier. Yes, they have codenames that only people in that kind of business knew.

As soon as Randy Sy and his men entered the car, Liam headed to one of their hotels. He reserved a VIP room for his client.

"I must appreciate your kindness Mr. Liam Mikasa. Don"t worry, I will speak highly of you to my business partners all over the world." He uttered as soon as he entered his hotel room.

"It"s my pleasure a.s.sisting you Mr. Randy Sy. I shall leave you for now so you can rest. As for the transaction later, I will send some of my people to pick you up." Liam kowtowed.

"Thank you." then Randy bid him a temporary farewell. As soon as Liam left, Randy called out all his personal bodyguards.

"Be prepared for the meeting later on. Be keen. It"s not because I don"t trust that Liam but I don"t want this transaction to fail, understood?" Randy threatened his men.

"Yes sir!" they yelled in unison.

Then Randy walked towards the window with a victorious smile. "Guess that man can be an a.s.set for the meantime." He smirked.

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