Love is sweet but can be poisonous at times. When facing a dilemma, would love be blind and turn into betrayal?

She drove to Ethan"s residence. Since they already broke up, she doesn"t have any reason to stay with him anymore. she decided to pack her things and stay with Rio for the meantime.

It was already six and she bet Ethan isn"t home yet. she slowly parked her car in the garage and went directly to their room. as soon as she opened the door, the familiar scent entered her nose at once. ah, this smell, she feels at home. she was smiling at the thought but after she reached the bed, she frowned. She remembered that night when she and Ethan had that intimate moment. Her heart itched once again as she caresses her belly.

"Little pumpkin, don"t worry, we"ll gonna survive this together." She gave out a painful smile. Then she started packing her things.

After an hour of fixing her stuffs, she sat on the edge of the bed. She lightly run her palms on the mattress. She will surely miss this man. and then her eyes examine the room for the last time. she had already made herself at home but too bad, it will just end like this. a tear escaped her eyes.

After a few more minutes, her mind remembered what Silver said. The golden egg! her eyes widened. What if she"ll try to look for it? yes!

She stood up and went to Ethan"s drawer looking for whatever golden egg there is. She had tried to open every drawer inside the room but to no avail. But as she was looking, she came across a secret volt.

Gotcha! She exclaimed. She"s sure that if that golden egg was as especial as they say it is, then a secret vault is the safest place to hide it. but how will she open it when in fact, she doesn"t know the pa.s.sword? She sighed. she doesn"t have a choice but to do her usual spy method.

She was trying to figure out how to open the vault when the door opened unexpectedly. She jerked and as she turned around, she found Ethan staring at her.

"Ethan!" she was startled. "I-I… I just dropped by to take my things." She mumbled.

Ethan entered and placed his suit on the couch then he started removing his s.h.i.+rt just like he always does. Aisha turned around when she accidentally saw his toned body. It reminds her of that night that they both delight in. she gulped.

"I-I"m going." Then she took her luggage and started her way to the door.

"Aisha…" Ethan finally spoke but their backs where facing each other. she halted. She was still hoping for Ethan to stop her, although she knew that it won"t happen.

"About what happened to us…"

"Shhh! Stop right there!" Aisha interrupted him. it looks like he is going to apologize but Aisha doesn"t want to hear him say sorry. She doesn"t want to think that Ethan might probably regret it. "About that, just forget about it. don"t ever say you"re sorry." She paused since her heart was aching again. "Just think about it as a memory or better yet, forget about it as if nothing happens between us. Let"s just forget each other." Then she exited the room instantly.

Ethan was taken aback. As soon as he heard the door closed, he threw the s.h.i.+rt that he was holding on the floor. he cursed.

Aisha headed to her father"s mansion. As soon as she entered her room, she locked herself inside, laid her body on the soft bed and allowed her tears to flow freely. She just wants to release all her burdens in one blow, hoping that after this night, she"ll be able to get back up and continue living.

After a few minutes, she heard a knock. "Aisha, dinner is ready. come down."

It was her father Rio. she wanted to open the door for him but she doesn"t want him to see how desolate she is right now. she never wanted to burden the old man. although he was so kind to him, Aisha never opened up even if she was having a hard patch, even when she was young. she learnt to deal with her own personal matters alone.

After some few knocks, Rio gave up. he knew that Aisha doesn"t want him to worry about her. whatever burden she is carrying right now, she"ll soon sort it out. Rio trust her. Yes, he must think that way.

"Love or blood?" Silver"s statement ringed in her mind. Then Aisha recalled Stacy"s situation, she"s already having a hard time and the pain is becoming worst as times by. she might die if they won"t find a donor. But if she follows Silver"s advice, Ethan will be put in danger as well. ah! She"s wracking her brain now.

After some careful thoughts, she sat on the edge of the bed, open her luggage and brought out her old outfit. she stared at it for so long then made up her mind. Aisha can"t risk to see her sister die without doing anything. She must get that golden egg no matter what happen.

Meanwhile, Caleb didn"t have a choice but to tell Lisa everything about Elise and Sahaya. He didn"t leave any information but disclosed everything, even Elise"s sickness. There"s no point in hiding things now. he won"t even blame her if she decided to leave him because of what he did.

"I"m very sorry for not telling you about them. It"s just that, I don"t know how to explain everything." Caleb informed her.

Lisa was rendered speechless. She really doesn"t know how to respond. she just received a full blow for the day and her mind was still processing everything.

"Caleb give me time to process the whole thing." Lisa faintly responded. "I need to go home." Lisa stood up and is about to leave but Caleb held her arm.

"Lisa…" he stood up but she shrugged his hands on her.

"Caleb, go back. Sahaya must have been waiting for you." then she hurried outside the hospital. as soon as she reached where her car, she fell on her knees and cried. What will she supposed to do?

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