It"s very early in the morning but Sophie was dragging her feet inside their house. Her nostrils we"re ready to breath fire anytime.

"Sophie, what"s with you?" Archie was surprised to see a fuming woman early in the morning.

"I will definitely kill him and that woman!" she stomped her feet as she strides the staircase to her room.

Archie was a bit astonished but then he went back to what he was doing. He"ll bet it"s love problem again.

As for Sophie, she banged the door to her room. she was deeply upset when she saw Rikka seductively talking with Hunter inside his shop.

Yes, Sophie woke up at four since she decided to have her morning run. After a few hours, she decided to drop by Hunter"s shop bringing some breakfast with her. But to her disappointment, she saw Rikka inside. They we"re sitting opposite each other, and a bowl of whatever food it is was served on the table. Guess Rikka brought it for him.

The woman was wearing a very tight dress that brought to life the voluptuous body that she has. But Sophie was more annoyed when she heard them laughing after a few minutes. She was rooted to where she was standing and was in deep thought. Oh how she loves to attack that woman and reach for the hair and pull her out of the shop. However, Hunter told her about how he dislikes her att.i.tude when she gets jealous.

So she dropped the food in a corner and left with a heavy heart.

"Trust him Sophie, trust him Sophie… trust him…." she kept on repeating those words while she jogs back home.

She laid her tired body on the soft bed as she tries to calm herself. but then, her mind keeps on going back to the scene that she had just witness earlier. it upsets her so much.

"Did I made a mistake when I got back with Hunter?" she thought. "If I can"t trust him, then I think I don"t deserve him." her mind went into frenzy.

After a few more minutes of resting, her phone rings. She looked at the caller i.d, she frowned. If she will answer Hunter"s call, she knew she"ll go berserk and it won"t do them any good. so she decided to cancel it. however, it kept on ringing and ringing and it"s now a noisome sound in her ears. So she took her phone and turned it off completely.

Hunter on the other hand sighed heavily. She"s not answering her phone, that only means that she"s troubled.

He was looking at the spilt food on a plastic just beside his car. He"s not sure but why does he have that inkling that Sophie stopped by earlier? and now that she is not answering her phone, his doubts somehow was confirmed. Dang!

Once again, he tried calling her but then her phone is now turned off. Oh no, what will he do next? he sighed.


Meanwhile, Demetrius was having a meeting in a hotel restaurant with some of his business partners in Central State. The uproar caused by Liam was already straightened out although Rio compensated a great loss from what happened. But the most important thing right now is everything fell into place and now all is well.

"Thank you for trusting us again." He stood up to shake hands with the other business men in the room.

"You have proven your worth Mr. Mikasa." One of them spoke.

"Thank you." he replied. Then one by one, his visitors started to bid farewell.

"Thank you for the great deal, Mr. Mikasa." The last man to shake his hands uttered.

"Your welcome. We will strive to provide the best products and services for everyone." he replied.

"I know you will." The man smiled. he was about to go when he suddenly remembered something so he turned around to face Rio once again. "Ah, I remember, I think I saw your brother somewhere. Do you have other business centers here that we do not know about?"

"Brother? Liam?" he probed.

"Yes. I saw him the other day. looks like he"s very busy so I decided not to greet him."

"Are you sure it was him? where did you saw him?"

"At the Forth Center Plaza."

Rio was stunned but he tried to maintain his calm composure. "Oh I see. thanks for letting me know. once you see him again, please let me know."

"Sure." the man uttered before he exited the place.

"Wait, what? Liam is in here?" he knitted his brow.

But where could he possibly be? Rio made sure to block all his accounts so how come he"s able to roam around the City freely? Could there be someone who is helping him out. then after a few minutes, his eyes widened.

"Don"t tell me!" he grasped. "Silver!"


Once again, Aisha went back to the hospital. This time, she was already wearing a doctor"s uniform.

She was thinking of sneaking inside Sherry"s room alone but in order for her to do that she needs to pa.s.s through the two men guarding the door. She then brought out the drug she took from Hunter. This should be successful or else.

"Uncle, please take these." A little boy came in front of the two guards.

"I"m sorry but we can"t take that." one of the man answered. The little boy frowned.

"Today is my birthday and I am trying to give out some free drinks to everyone I come across to, said my mom." the boy explained. "Mom is sleeping inside that room." he pointed out the door at the end of the other wing.

The two guards look at each other and felt pity for the boy so they took the drinks from him.

"Okay then, thank you and happy birthday." one of the men caresses his hair.

"I could also leave one for the person inside. Can you give this?" he handed one more drinks. The man hesitated for a while but then it won"t hurt to make a little boy happy on his birthday, right? so he took the other drink.

They can see the bliss on his face while he went back to the other wing hopping and humming a happy birthday tone. After a while, they emptied the canned fruit juice and threw it on the trashcan.

Aisha on the other end was observing them carefully. two fruit canned juice is still on her hands. But she left them on the chair after a few minutes. She was thinking as to how she will hand the fruit juice to those men but the young boy was a blessing in disguise. When she leant that the young boy is giving out free drinks, she took advantage of the situation and slip the drug inside the two canister.

A few minutes later, she can hear the two men arguing as to who will watch over the room since they both feels their stomach are about to burst. They both need to go to the comfort room, Asap.

"Here it goes." She whispered. not too soon, both the men dash to the comfort room so Aisha took the chance sneak inside Sherry"s room.

She sighed as soon as she closed the door. Then she walked beside the unconscious woman.

"Sherry, Sherry… wake up!" She lightly shook the woman"s body.

"Sherry!" she put a little strength. Then she felt the woman inhaled and slowly opened her eyes. Aisha can see the shock in her eyes.

"Y-you… what are you…" Sherry didn"t finish what she"s about to say because the door suddenly opened.

"Silver!" they both squealed.

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