Her face was filled with suspicions as she looks at the man who just entered the room. he was holding a stack of paper and was drawing nearer to her. she scooped her knees and move at the edge of the bed as if the man is going to hurt her.

"Sherry, calm down, I won"t hurt you." Silver spoke softly so he won"t scare the woman. however, Sherry only gave him an indifferent look.

"The doctor said that there was a clot in your brain that"s why it greatly affected your memory. But it should only be temporary. You"ll remember everything in no time after a series of treatment." He explained. But then Sherry isn"t responding. She was in daze.

He smiled. "It"s okay that you do not remember me for now. Also, I already talked to your doctor and he agreed that we will continue your treatment abroad. So we will be flying to Russia tomorrow afternoon."

Sherry instantly looked at him as soon as she heard the man. he was really convinced about her situation and now he wants to take advantage of it so he could send her away, away from her daughters. She cursed inside but she needs to remain neutral for now.

"I won"t go with a stranger." She uttered.

"Sherry, I am not a stranger. I am your husband. Look…" he handed her a few doc.u.ments. It was a marriage certificate and there are even pictures of them.

She smirked inside her. Of course, Silver will do anything to convince her, even if he involves innocent people with his lies.

"I"m married?" she muttered unbelievingly. then she looked at Silver apologetically. "I"m sorry if I don"t believe you despites this evidences. I-I"m just a little…"

"It"s okay." Silver interrupted her. "I understand that you"re in shocked. Any sane person in your situation does. But I"m sure you"ll get through it." he a.s.sured her.

"Thank you." she mumbled.

He smiled meaningfully. "I"ll just go down and fill out the release forms for tomorrow." He kissed her forehead and went out.

Sherry who was smiling when Silver left, instantly frowned when the door closed. Dakota should know by now what Silver"s plan is. She stood up and went near the gla.s.s window and looked down the busy city. it"s a make it or break it scheme for her. if she fails then she"s sure that there"s no more second time or what not. She heaved a heavy sigh, then looked up at the clear blue sky.

"Lord, please help me out. my daughters" need me." she whispered a silent prayer.

Meanwhile, Silver who just entered the elevator took out his ringing phone.

"What? are you sure about that?" he was a bit surprise. "Okay, if you saw that person lurking around the hospital then we should double the security tomorrow. Tell the men to prepare. I"m not sure what they"re plans are but I"ll make sure to crush anyone who comes near her." he uttered in contempt.

After a few minutes of conversation, Silver annoyingly dropped the phone. "Thinking of saving Sherry, Huh, let"s see who will win." He twitched his lips.


He looked at the vast sky as he remembers what Stacy said earlier.

"Mom always looked at that picture whenever she"s sad, lonely and hurt. It"s as if she was getting some comfort whenever she looks at the picture." Stacy smiled painfully.

"There"s this one time when I got curious, I went to the drawer where mom kept her things. then I got a full view of the picture. It was mom but with another man, not Cole. And now that I am thinking about it, I"m sure it was you." Stacy looked at Rio intently.

"I do not know the story behind it, but one thing I"m sure of, mom treasures that picture so much." She continued.

Silence engulfed the room. Rio was in deep thought while Aisha and Stacy was pondering on something. then after a few minutes, the silence vanished when they heard a man"s voice behind them.

It was Johnny who just came in from work. He greeted the three happily as soon as he entered Stacy"s room. After a few minutes, Rio and Aisha decided to bade goodbye. But before they totally exited the room, they heard Stacy called out.

"Please, save mom from that man." she pleaded but the only response that she got from the two was an a.s.suring smile. Well, Stacy doesn"t need to hear any words of confirmation since their promising eyes speaks it all.

As soon as they exited the room, Johnny sat beside Stacy in wonderment.

"What happened? You look so uneasy a while ago." Johnny was curious.

"Nothing. Everything is just amazingly coincidental. Me, being saved by Silver when I was young and my sister Erika, being adopted by Rio is a story you wouldn"t even think about. Who would ever think that those two men were half-brothers who somehow have connections with mom before." Stacy explained.

"Unexpected things do happen in people"s life." Johnny replied.

"But I"m sure there"s more to that coincidental fate. I definitely believe that there"s more to that story." She honestly uttered her qualms.

On the other hand, Rio drove back to the mansion with Aisha. The whole drive was filled with awkward silence. Aisha could sense that Rio was in profound thought so she chose not to bother him. She wanted to asked about what he said on the phone earlier but looks like he is on another dimension. Might as well give him a little bit of privacy this time.

They"ve reached the mansion after a few minutes. The driver parked the car at the garage but Rio was not moving at all so Aisha got off first cueing the driver to leave the man alone. The driver nodded and got off the car silently.

Aisha went straight to her room and after five minutes, she went to the shower room. it took her thirty minutes before getting out since she tried cooling her head off. she was wearing a white robe when she started looking for a night dress. She spotted a navy blue pajamas and took it from the drawer. She was about to wear the s.h.i.+rt but she halted.

Her eyes were glued at the human size mirror in front of her. she was actually looking at her belly. It still looks normal but who would have thought that a human being is dwelling inside her small tummy? Her tummy might add some size after 3-4 weeks", maybe?

Then she remembered Ethan. Ah yeah, she hasn"t told him yet. she was about to tell him the other night but there was a sudden interruption. Now, Aisha was thinking of surprising everyone once Sherry was rescued from Silver. Yes, they need to rescue her first so they could have a double celebration. She grinned.

After a few more minutes, she heard a knock on her room. she closed the book that she was reading, stood up and walked to the door.

"Daddy!" she exclaimed when she saw Rio standing outside her room. "Come in." she opened the door wide.

"I"m sorry for the sudden interruption dear, but we need to talk right now. can you come downstairs?" Rio spoke with urgency.

"Sure." she followed her dad and was surprised to see Ethan, Archie and Shawn at the living room. "What"s happening?" she bafflingly asked as soon as they came close with the others.

They all sat down silently as Archie pressed the play b.u.t.ton on the remote control in his hand. Then a video of a man came into view. Aisha creased a brow.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.webnovel.com for visiting.

"Doctor Dakota?" She gasped unbelievingly.

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