He faintly fell on the couch at the living room while Sherry stayed inside Stacy"s separated room. he held his head as if it was going to explode anytime. How did he not notice all those changes from Aisha"s behavior? Aisha"s sensitivity, her glutton way of eating and her impatience… why didn"t he notice it so soon? Was it because he never had any real experience about it before? He may have a son but he didn"t have the chance to observe the behavioral changes since the surrogate mother lived in a different house until she gave birth.

He only heard the symptoms of pregnancy via talk shows. Other than that, he didn"t care less. Maybe if he saw it before then he probably noticed Aisha"s behavioral changes instantly.

Then Ethan remembered the night that Aisha was supposed to say something to him. Rio called her to let her know about Stacy that"s why they hadn"t finish the conversation. If that was what she was about to say, then why didn"t she tell him the next day? or the other day? Ethan was thinking a lot of things and it pains him to think that Aisha was carrying their child but now she was abducted.

Is she okay? Is she eating right now? Is she sleeping in a comfortable bed? What is she doing right now? Wait, she had a fight against Silver"s men… Is she and the baby okay? his thoughts were running wild.

"Aisha, where are you?" his knees were trembling.

"Ethan…" Rio walked near him then sat beside him as soon as he reaches the couch. He tapped his shoulder since Rio saw how troubled he was.

"I"m sorry. It was my fault. I failed to protect your daughter. I didn"t safeguard your Aisha, Mr. Mikasa." He weakly uttered.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.webnovel.com for visiting.

"Don"t blame yourself, Ethan. We didn"t know this would happen. If only I know that she was pregnant then I should have not involved her any further." Rio guiltily replied.

"But let"s calm down. I know Silver very well; he won"t lay a hand on her unless it deemed necessary." He continued and looked at Sherry"s direction who was putting Stacy into sleep.

"Silver probably knew that we have Sherry. I"m sure he will call us sooner or later."

Ethan instantly understood what he meant by that. Silver will surely use Aisha as a bait to get Sherry back.

"Do you have a plan if that happens?" Ethan suddenly asked.

"I don"t, for now. But we have to find her location as soon as possible." Rio suggested.

Ethan and Rio were looking outside the window. they seemed to be in deep thought that they hadn"t notice Sherry standing behind them. She heard a part of their conversation therefore she had considered an idea for a while.

"What if I return to Silver? Will he release my daughter?" she suddenly prepped. Rio and Ethan jerked when they heard the woman then both turned to look at her.

"It was my fault that she was captured and so---""

"Sherry!" Rio suddenly stood up alarmingly. His face was contorted. "You should know what Silver is capable of! Do you think he will release Aisha just like that? even if you beg him not to touch her, the fact that he hates me, he will use her to get back on me. you know that, right?" he explained.

Sherry lowered her head in realization. Of course she knew how Silver hated Rio since the beginning. He even tried to kill him before so why wouldn"t he kill Aisha to make Rio"s life miserable?

"He won"t touch her unless he gets what he wants." Rio added.

"He wants me." Sherry faintly uttered. "I pretended to have lost my memories the time I was hospitalized. He was actually planning to bring me abroad not to cure me but to continue drugging me just like before."

"But why does he has to do that?" Ethan curiously asked.

Sherry suddenly stared at Rio with sorrowful eyes, then to Ethan. Such meaningful gaze!

"Because I know something… something about him. I could be his greatest downfall if I ever spew all his hidden secrets." She averted her eyes.

The two men"s eyes were fixated at her. One could sense the curiosity from their facial reactions.

"What do you mean? What kind of secret do you know about him that made him go all out on you?" Rio probed.

Sherry averted her eyes. She can"t look at Rio nor Ethan in the eyes. She feels guilty all of a sudden. Rio and Ethan could also discern her hesitation but they are dying to hear the woman out.

"Don"t you think it"s too late to talk about it right now? why don"t we resume this conversation tomorrow?" Ethan suggested. "I bet Miss Sherry had a very tiring day and she needs to rest for a while."

Sherry stared at him and apologetically fake a smile.

"Ah your right." Rio faced Ethan. "Anyway, blaming ourselves right now won"t do us any good as well. Let"s get some rest for tonight then and let"s have another talk tomorrow." Rio looked at Sherry intently. "Who knows we might get some information that could save Aisha from any impending danger." He meaningfully uttered.

"Then I"ll be going first." Ethan bade them goodnight then walked out the room leaving the two alone.

Silence engulfed them both for a few minutes. But since Sherry was not speaking at all, Rio strides towards the door too. "I"ll see you tomorrow." He coldly voiced before he totally got out.

Sherry suddenly heaved a sigh as soon as she heard the door closed. Why couldn"t she speak what he knows to Rio? The information that she has will definitely cripple Silver. She wanted to utter everything but then again, like before, fear engulfed her whole being. Did something happen before that traumatized her? she was trying to recall any thing.

Meanwhile, Rio dejectedly treks the hallway. That face from Sherry. He knew what it is. He definitely believes that Sherry knew something about Silver and whatever it was must have been a great secret since Silver was trying to silence the woman. could it be worst? Ah! Enough thinking about that hidden secret but what he dislikes the most was when he saw Sherry"s hesitation to tell them what is it.

Yes, fear was there, but the most evident reason that was seen is distrust. Does that means that Sherry doesn"t trust him at all? can"t she trust him with that big secret? Was she thinking that he is not capable of protecting her from Silver? Ah, that pains him more than anything else at the moment.

"Sherry, don"t you trust me at all?" He uttered despicably. "Will you even tell me what it was?" he thought

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