She can"t merely sit and watch and wait for any information from anyone. She was tired of waiting. She wants results, she needs a.s.surance, she needs surety. She"s now losing her patience. What could she do to be productive? To be helpful? She"s tired of waiting. She wanted to act fast. All she wants is to see her Erika safe and sound. That little girl… yes, she is still her little girl who needs care, love and attention.

Sherry was looking at the vast horizon for an hour now since Stacy doze off when she received her medicine an hour ago. She was thinking about Erika…ah she"s called Aisha now, she smiled. but her smile turned into glower when she remembered Silver"s note.

On Friday.

She heaved a sigh. They still have three days to decide. What is Rio"s plan? He doesn"t agree with Silver"s demand, so trade is now out of the option. What could be his strategy? Ah, her mind seems to blow off so she caresses her temple lightly.

After a few minutes of profound thought, Sherry dialed a number hoping that she will have the right person.

"Professor Manish speaking, how can I help you?" a man with an Indian accent answered.

"Manish, it"s me, Cherry Lee." she replied.

Sherry can hear the breath being held in surprise on the other line. Unbelievable!

"Cherry? Cherry-Ann Lee?" he asked in bewilderment. "But how? Y-your d-dead…!"

"It"s a long story. I"ll tell you once we meet. Are you still teaching up to now?"


"I need to see you as soon as possible."

"Sure! I mean, I love to… but why did you call just now?"

"I need your help, Manish…"

"Help? For what?"

"Teach me how to use a gun."

"A gun?!" he was surprise. "But you hate this stuff before, right?"

"I know. But I need to learn the basics as soon as possible. Please…" she begged.

"O-okay, not a problem." He hesitantly answered. "When do you want to start?"


"Alright. I"ll send you the address."

As soon as the call ended, Sherry"s phone beeps. She glanced to see an address sent on her inbox. She grinned.

She can"t tell Rio about it since he will surely oppose the idea of her learning the basics on how to use a gun. So she wants to train silently and secretly. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? Well, she doesn"t want to be helpless anymore, nor be seen as weak. She has a lot of shortcomings when it comes to her daughters but now that she"s here, might as well give her best to protect them. although this is not enough to compensate for all the years that had pa.s.sed, at least by now, she will be able to look after them.

"I may not be able to do something for you in the past, but I won"t make the same mistake twice. Just so you wait, Erika…" she mumbled within her.

She went back to where Stacy was and kissed her forehead. Then after she change her outfit, she called Johnny. Yes, they already met and was able to have a conversation and she learnt about their love story. Ah, what a tragic one but at least for now, everything seems to fall in its rightful place.

"I understand. I"ll be there in a few minutes." He a.s.sured the woman.

"Thank you, Johnny." Then she hung up and went on her way.

After following Manish" instructions, she now have arrived at a lone mansion inside a subdivision. The house was located in the far east of the area. she got of the cab and went directly to the gatekeeper.

"I"m here to see professor Manish."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Can I have your name, please." The guard asked politely.

"Cherry-Ann Lee."

"Ah, Miss Lee. yes, please come in." he opened the huge gate for the woman to enter in. she was greeted by another man inside and was accompanied inside the house. She found the man sitting at the front porch sipping his afternoon tea.

"It"s really you!" the man exclaimed when he saw the woman walking towards him.

Sherry smiled at him and hug the man before they both settle down the chair.

"What happened to you? Everyone thought you were dead."

"I was supposed to die that night. but Silver tried to save me when I was drowning. I lost my memories after that and lived with Silver"s lie all these years." she explained.

"Silver…that evil man…"

"I know. But he killed Cole that night. I was just lucky that I had survived."

"That"s terrible! But I"m glad you"re alive after all these years." Manish poured her a gla.s.s of tea. "Is that why you wanted to learn the gun?"

"It"s more than that, Manish." She looked at the sky after. "It"s for my daughters."

Manish stared at her intently and carefully studied her face. She"s not bluffing. They were cla.s.smates since they were high school and became close friends for how many years before. they"ve been through thick and thin, however, during their third year college, Manish needs to go back to India to manage his father"s business for a while until he gets healed. Then after seven years, he came back to Central State and worked as a university professor for future detectives. However, he learned about his best friend"s tragic death. He mourned and regretted the day he left Cherry but what could he do? he can never bring her back to life.

He lived his life with those memories. But what on earth had just happened? Cherry is now sitting in front of him!

"Then let"s get started then." The man stood up without further questions. If it will comfort Cherry, then he will do anything to help her out. whatever happened had already taken place and if history repeats itself again, then it"s better to be prepared by then.


Meanwhile, Silver upsettingly leaned back on his chair. His men were giving him constant headaches the past days.

"You better find that woman as soon as possible. Once she totally escapes, I guarantee you, you"ll pay your carelessness with your own heads!" Silver threatened his men.

The men in front of him shuddered in horror. The other group who lost the captive was already beneath the ground a few days ago. So Silver was serious when he said that he will cut off their heads once they haven"t found the woman yet.

"Y-yes Sir." They shouted in unison before they disperse from his presence.

"What a useless bunch! They can"t even capture a single defenseless woman!" he shrieked annoyingly.

"Just relax… she won"t get away that easily. I"m sure she"s just hiding somewhere in the island." a man"s voice echoed in Silver"s room.

"Liam? Seriously? Shouldn"t you be searching for her as well? you lost her! it was your fault to begin with, remember?"

"Let"s just give her the freedom to enjoy her life for the meantime. Anyway, she doesn"t have enough time left." he sat on the couch and munch an apple he took on Silver"s table. "Welcome to scavenger hunt!" he exclaimed and laughed evilly.

"Do you think I helped you out just so you will have the freedom to come and go just as you please? You better go back to the Island if you don"t want me to hand you over to Rio!" he shouted at him.

Liam stood up silently and was walking towards the door when he suddenly heard Silver uttered a word that hurt his pride.

"Another stupid and useless person!" Silver scoffed. unknown to him, Liam was able to hear. He paused and looked at the man facing the window with a murderous gaze before he got out the room.

"Just so you wait, Silver. I will make you regret the day you ever looked down on me. you and Rio will soon bow down to me." he grinned evilly.

"I"ll make sure you will fall into the deepest part of the abyss without redemption. Hhha!" he chuckled while he treks the hallway.

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