"So now Mr. Gray, tell me, do you still want the golden egg?" those words echoed in Silver"s ears.

"Mr. Gray, you should know that if you want the golden egg, then you will have to carry the responsibility of becoming your brother"s keeper. When I said be your brother"s keeper then you should know that I am pertaining to this brotherhood society." The king furthered.

"My king, I hope you"re not giving him a chance to be the golden egg"s protector. You should know that Mr. Gray is convicted of some hideous crimes right now." the man in black suit interrupted. He feared that the king would entrust the golden egg to a criminal. Cause if so, they don"t have a choice but to protect this criminal no matter what.

"Why not? Everyone deserves a second chance; don"t you think?" the king glanced at the man in black suit.

Fudge! What is the king thinking? Now he was worried since this is not a part of their plan.

At that moment, Silver was stunned when he heard the king spoke. was he willing to give him the chance to hold the golden egg? he chortled within. Didn"t he considered the possibility that he might abuse the power that will be given to him? dang! even if the king is the most powerful one, he is somewhat stupid too. Silver laughed within.

He was about to answer when the king unexpectedly spoke first.

"If you decide to take the responsibility, then I guarantee that you have my full support." Everyone gasped in dread as soon as they heard the king. Even the pillars where surprise. "However, if you are found guilty with all the charges filed against you, then you need to face the law first. Face the punishment of your crimes then come back after. I promise you that the golden egg will still be under your care." He paused.

"I give second chances Mr. Gray. But that doesn"t mean that I will do nothing about your case. You should understand that I, as your king, also upholds the law. I have long changed the old system of the underworld society. We have to advocate and maintain Justice in our new system. That"s the kind of underworld I had created." He continued.

The man in black suit smiled teasingly as well as the three pillars with him. ah, yeah, they have forgotten that their king created the brotherhood system out of justice.

"Are you suggesting that I should go to jail voluntarily?" Silver suddenly laughed. "Why didn"t you tell me directly and why bother to go through all those good for nothing talk when in fact you just wanted me to surrender easily? What a cheese in the trap!"

"I can"t do anything if that"s how you understood my statements. but my intentions are pure. I believe in second chances Silver." The king responded with finality.

"Tsk!" Silver snorted. "Do you want me to believe that?" his eyes went shot red due to his anger. This king is not giving him a second chance. He was simply trying to lure him to his destruction. too bad, Silver won"t give up without a fight. Well, if this is how the king does his work then Silver will just create his own underworld society with his own rules.

"Then consume your d.a.m.n golden egg! you think you can fool me? oh king, you thought siding with me will touch my heart and suddenly follow your suggestion? I"m ain"t fool!" then he turned around, ready to leave the conference hall.

"Halt!" the king"s order echoed in the room. "Mr. Gray, I"m not sure if you have ever heard about my golden rule. I don"t keep sinful people in my organization. have you ever heard about those big time names who have to walk inside the prisons? well, let me tell you now that I usually do internal cleansing quite a lot. So I"m sorry but I can"t easily let you go." He smirked.

The king raised his hand and flipped his palm. After a few minutes, men in black started coming in, ready to take Silver out.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Silver glared at the king. "Let me go if you don"t want to see bloodshed in this place!"

"Game over, Silver Gray." It was the king"s final words before he spun around ready to leave the stage. Silver"s eyes widened in shocked. That phrase, he had heard it before.

"hhha!" a wild sarcastic mocking laugh suddenly echoed inside the room. everyone in the place were puzzled. This man is definitely shameless. How could he even laugh at a time like this? they murmured. His doomed!

The king and the pillars stopped from their tracks as well. they creased their brow and was a bit mystified as to why he was laughing like crazy. But the king seemingly has an idea.

After a few minutes of laughing, Silver tried to catch a breath but still chortling. How ironic! He thought.

"Ah! How depressing!" Silver spoke. "how demoralizing to know who the king really was."

The people heard what the man had said. Did he know the king? They too have baffled reactions on their faces.

"I was typically wondering as to how you discovered about my case since I was detained just the other day. I a.s.sumed maybe they have connections everywhere, that"s why they knew. But who would have thought that it was the other way around?" he chuckled.

"But I was also pondering why didn"t you chase me when I escaped. So is this your idea? Is this the best plan you have to catch me barehanded, brother Rio?" he emphasized.

The king slowly spun around to meet the man"s eyes but not saying any words. They were just looking at each other impa.s.sively.

"Say what now, Mr. Demetrius Mikasa?" Silver intentionally shouted his name. then a great discussion erupted in the conference hall, talking and discussing if the king was really Demetrius Mikasa, the rumored king of the North.

Silver grinned victoriously. He had figured it out. the uneasiness that he has been feeling was Rio"s presence. He couldn"t fit the pieces in the puzzle earlier but when he uttered the word "Game Over", Silver realized it sooner. It was Rio"s signature word that he inherited from his father.

Silver also intended to reveal Rio"s name because he knew that when these people discover the real ident.i.ty of the underworld king, then a great uproar will definitely break out. some will seek help from him but his life and his family"s life will also be on the line. He purposely wanted to break his peaceful life.

"Take him away." It was the only respond that the people heard. But before the men drags Silver away, he managed to utter some more words to insult him.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.webnovel.com for visiting.

"Are you afraid to reveal yourself to the people here because you"re scared that they might not follow or respect you? hhha! Demetrius Mikasa, you don"t deserve to be a king! Brother"s keeper? My a.s.s! You can"t even protect your family from me, so how will you protect these bunch of idiots, huh?!" Silver was shouting while being dragged.

"And to all of you, think carefully… do you think he can truly protect you?! you better think twice before you entrust your lives to that man whom you consider king!" he continued.

There was a great uproar inside the conference hall and the security men was now preparing for possible attack. But before Silver and the men even reached the exit point, gunshots started to fire everywhere. Some men fled from the area and some ducked to cover themselves. looks like there will be a stampede anytime soon so the guards tried their best to secure everyone. however, the men who was holding Silver lost him in the crowds. d.a.m.n! They cursed.

"We lost him!" the man radioed the others.

"Hunter, the exit points!" Sophie exclaimed. She couldn"t find Silver among the crowds since she was busy engaging with Silver"s men who kept on firing everywhere. She was trying to get them one by one.

Meanwhile, Hunter and his men were looking everywhere but to no avail, they ended up a.s.sisting some injured men caused by the stampede. Also, Archie was with the CIA"s and police officers fenced the conference hall in search for Silver and his men. it"s dark and the chaotic surrounding are interfering with their search.

The CIA"s and police officers had gathered all the people who are coming out, both men and women and carefully inspected everyone. they must have captured some of Silver"s men but he was not around.

Where could he be?

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