"Dad, is mom not coming home anymore?" Eli blurted while munching his breakfast. "is she leaving us?"

"Eli, that"s not true. Mom will come back. She only needs to sort somethings, okay?" Ethan explained.

"Okay." he frowned. "Will she be here on my birthday?" he asked.

"Of course! Mom won"t let it pa.s.s without celebrating your birthday." He encourages his son.

Eli smiled forcefully.

After they"re breakfast, Ethan dropped Eli at his school leaving six bodyguards to watch Him. Then he went directly to the company. Larry reported that Stacy cancelled her vacation leave and she"s in the company right now. Ethan crease a bow. Why should she cancel it in the first place? Ethan fought his urge to call Stacy since she asks for s.p.a.ce. He wants to get her back one step at a time and stepping on her borders is a big no-no.

Meanwhile, Lisa and Caleb keeps on looking at Aisha who restlessly check her phone every now and then. Sometimes, she grinds her teeth in annoyance.

"d.a.m.n that Man! Won"t he really call me at all? I believe he knew that I cancelled my leave!"" She burst in annoyance. Suddenly, Caleb and Lisa laughs after looking at each other.

"What!?" Aisha yelled at them. They kept laughing.

"You"re funny! How could you wait for his call when you asked him for s.p.a.ce?!" Lisa chuckles.

"Whatever!"" she pouted.

"Don"t worry coz you will be able to see him later since we will be attending a departmental meeting at 2pm", Lisa a.s.sured her.

"Really? I didn"t know we had a schedule for today." She smiled excitingly.

"Should I go with you?" Caleb teases her.

"Don"t ever think of coming with us! I don"t trust that mouth!"" Aisha stopped him.

"Me too," Lisa partnered with Aisha. Caleb looks defeated. He sighed.

***During the meeting, Aisha keeps on glancing at Ethan"s direction. He looks handsome when he"s serious. He was listening intently to the reports, Aisha smiles silently. She averted her eyes when Ethan is about to look at her direction. She pretends to write something on the paper that she is holding. "d.a.m.n! That was close!" she murmurs. Once again she looks at Ethan, Ooops! She didn"t know that Ethan is still looking at her – Indifferently?! Their eyes met, she suddenly averted her eyes shyly in front. Ethan smirk, she looks like a guilty child who was caught stealing.

The other department finishes their reports. It would be the White Lotus Department"s turn in a minute but Lisa suddenly felt pain creeping in her lower abdomen. Lisa holds Aisha"s arm.

"are you okay?" Aisha asks her in a low tone. Lisa shook her head. She was holding her lower abdomen.

"I-I think I"m having a menstrual cramp," she answered weakly.

"What?! Why now?" Aisha was worried. She doesn"t want to present in front especially under Ethan"s scrutinizing gaze. But she doesn"t have a choice. Aisha excused herself and Lisa then they exited the door. Ethan"s gaze never left them until the door closes.

Outside the conference, Aisha called Caleb. Caleb rush towards them as soon as he received Aisha"s call.

"Please, take good care of her for the meantime." Aisha directed him. Caleb hurriedly scoop Lisa with his bare hands then he rushes her at Aisha"s office.

Aisha went back to the conference room. she didn"t know that they"ve been waiting for her since she was the last to report. She shyly gathered all the papers in her table. She stood in front and started the report. All throughout her report, she felt someone"s eyes penetrating through her body. She knew it was Ethan.

After her successful report, Ethan dismisses everyone, except Stacy.

"M-me?" She pointed herself. She"s about to stand up when she heard her name.

"Do you know another Stacy in the room?" Ethan raises his brow. Aisha grin then she sits obediently.

"It"s about your project proposal. I already read it but your report is missing some important parts," Ethan handed her the doc.u.ments that she once gave him, "Read it and make the necessary adjustment then present it to me in my office tomorrow." Ethan said in an indifferent tone.

"Y-yes Sir…" Aisha furrowed. "What"s wrong with this report?" She asks herself silently.

"That"s it. You can go now."

"T-thank you." Aisha close the door as soon as she gets out. She was consumed in her thoughts while walking. She suddenly b.u.mps into a wall. Oh no! it"s not a wall, it"s a man"s back! She came back to her senses. The man faces her. He is definitely one of the employees here, she thought.

"Stacy?!" the man was surprise when he saw her.

"Do I know you?" Aisha asked him. the guy is definitely an Adonis but she doesn"t know him.

"It"s me Johnny!" He introduces himself. He was searching her face for any reaction.

"Eh?" Aisha"s eyes where full of questions. "I"m sorry I don"t know you," She told him then she walks past him. the man creases a brow. He suddenly clutches her arm, Aisha halted.

"Are you really sure you don"t remember me? Did you forgot about what happened at Hotel 58? How about what happened in the West City hotel? And at Lost Island Beach?" the guy scrutinizes her. She"s hurting.

"I told you I don"t know you and I haven"t been at those places!" she yelled. "Can you let go off my hand-----"" her other hand is about to land some punches on the guy but she heard a voice from behind her.

"What"s happening in here? Is everything okay?" A familiar voice interrupted. The man suddenly releases his grip on her arms.

"Ethan!" Aisha run behind him as she embraces his arm. The other guy was surprise. Then he left with a scornful face.

Ethan looked at her. "Do you know him?" he asks her

"No!" she pouted with a firm response. Ethan smirk when he saw that she is still embracing his hand.

"You were pretty close before, how could you forget about him?" Ethan mocks her.

"W-who?" she was surprise.

"Johnny!" Ethan laughs. She pouted.

"I don"t know him!" She insisted.

"Okay, since you said so," she can hear sarcasm in his voice. She scoffs.

"Are you going with me in the men"s comfort room?" he taunted her. Ethan directed his gaze on her hands still holding his. Aisha suddenly blush then she run towards her office. Ethan chuckles at her swift actions. However, his face becomes sour when he remembered how Johnny approaches her.

"What if he confronts her again? Just like before?" he was worried.

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